The Day of Sir John Macdonald Part 9

The Day of Sir John Macdonald -

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Cayley, William, a colleague of Sir John Macdonald, 25.

Chapleau, Adolphe, a colleague of Sir John Macdonald, 140, 142-3, 156.

Clear Grits, the, press for the secularization of the Clergy Reserves, 29; combine with the Conservatives in the defeat of the Government, 35, 36; combine with the Rouges, 47; protest against the choice of a capital being left to Her Majesty, 53; their success with 'Rep. by Pop.' and 'No Popery' in Upper Canada, 54-6.

Clergy Reserves question, the, 29 and note, 37, 38, 45.

Collins, John Edmund, his book on Sir John Macdonald, 165-166.

Commercial Bank, failure of the, 82, 86 and note.

Common School Act, the, 55.

Confederation, the scheme of, 62, 71-4, 75, 76.

Conservatives, join with Lower Canadian Liberals in 1854, becoming the Liberal-Conservative party, 36-9, 102; defection among, 69; their National Policy, 112. See Parliament.

Costigan, John, and Macdonald's Home Rule views, 153-4.

Derby, Lord, 49, 58.

Dilke, Sir Charles, on Sir John Macdonald's resemblance to Lord Beaconsfield, 175-6.

Disraeli, Benjamin, 58; on Goldwin Smith, 156. See Beaconsfield.

Dominion of Canada. See Canada.

Dorion, A. A., the Rouge leader, 39-40, 47, 56, 67, 96; his alliance with Brown, 45 and note; in the Macdonald-Sicotte Cabinet, 69-70; hostile to Confederation, 74.

Dorion, J. B. E., 'l'enfant terrible,' 56.

Double Shuffle episode, the, 52, 57, 59-62.

Draper, W. H., and Macdonald, 13; from prime minister to chief justice, 19; Canadian commissioner in the Hudson's Bay Company investigation, 49.

Dufferin, Lord, and the Pacific Scandal, 97 and note; and Macdonald, 115-16.

Durham, Lord, his Report on the state of Canada, 15, 34; the question of its authors.h.i.+p, 15 n.

Elgin, Lord, his troubles in connection with the Rebellion Losses Bill, 22, 23, 24, 25.

Family Compact, the, 3, 16-17, 44.

Farrer, Edward, his amusing article on Sir John Macdonald, 131.

Fitzpatrick, Sir Charles, chief justice, 128.

Foster, George E., a colleague of Sir John Macdonald, 145-6, 156.

Fournier, Telesph.o.r.e, 56; minister of Justice, 107.

Franchise Act of 1885, the, 133-138.

French Canadians, their hostility to the Union Act, 34-35; and Sir Edmund Head, 40; and Rep. by Pop., 54; and the execution of Riel, 127, 130-2.

Galt, Sir A. T., a colleague of Sir John Macdonald: sent for in 1858, 58-9; his work on behalf of Confederation, 62, 72-3, 78; resigns portfolio of Finance, 82, 113; his character, 82-3, 84-5.

Gladstone, W. E., attacks the Rebellion Losses Bill, 25; his case of a 'Double Shuffle,' 62 and note; and the Fenian claims, 95; and Home Rule, 154.

Gourlay, Robert, and the Family Compact, 3.

Grandin, Bishop of St Albert, denounces Louis Riel, 129-30.

Grand Trunk Railway, opening of, 48.

Great Western Railway, opening of, 48.

Guibord, Joseph, the famous case of, 110-12.

Head, Sir Edmund, governor-general, 40; the Double Shuffle episode, 57-62.

Hincks, Sir Francis, a colleague of Sir John Macdonald, 25; with Morin in power, 20, 31; defends the Liberal-Conservative alliance, 37, 39; leaves the country, 46; becomes finance minister under Macdonald on his return, 83-4, 93, 96; his character, 85-6.

Holton, Luther H., 56, 65.

House of Commons. See Parliament.

Howe, Joseph, a colleague of Sir John Macdonald: his opposition to Confederation, 79; enters the Dominion Cabinet, 79-80; his work in connection with the transfer of the North-West, 88-9; lieutenant-governor of Nova Scotia, 80.

Hudson's Bay Company, and the transfer of the North-West, 49, 51, 87-8.

Independence of Parliament Act of 1857, the, 59-60.

'Inst.i.tut Canadien, L',' the members' att.i.tude towards the pastoral letter of 1858, 110-12.

Intercolonial Railway projected, 48.

Jameson, Sir Starr, and Cecil Rhodes, 174.

Jesuits' Estates Act, an amusing incident in connection with the, 162-4.

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