The Choctaw Freedmen Part 38

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=Genius.= All are encouraged to learn how to work hard and constantly, and to use every spare moment for some good purpose. There is no genius like that for hard work. Enthusiastic interest in one's work is essential to success. Idleness is a sin, a waste of life, and cannot be endured at Oak Hill, which is intended to be a hive of industry.

=Carefulness.= All must learn to use rightly and carefully the books, slates, tools, and furniture entrusted to them. All injuries to books, furniture or buildings must be paid for by those guilty of injuring them.

=Services.= All, unless specially excused, are required to attend all the religious services on the Sabbath, including the Bible Memory cla.s.s. The =Endeavor= meeting is the student's special training service; all are expected to partic.i.p.ate in it, by at least reading or repeating a verse of Scripture; and in the Bible Memory cla.s.s by committing an average of one verse a day. All are encouraged to covet the best gifts, especially the power of complete self-control, and the ability to say things forcibly, and do things thoroughly.

=Speakers.= Those speak with authority, who, instead of telling what they think, or making an apology, tell what the Bible, the law of the Lord, says. All should endeavor to instruct, animate and encourage; none should ever indulge in fault-finding, or allude to any personal grievance.

=Leaders.= Leaders of meetings are expected to be fully prepared before hand, to stand when they speak; to speak sufficiently loud and distinct as to be easily heard by the most distant listener; to repeat the numbers of the hymns; to request the audience to stand during prayer; to afford an opportunity for volunteer prayers or remarks; and to close the meeting as soon as the interest in it has ended.

=Immorality.= No one guilty of persistent immoral conduct, will either be admitted, or be permitted to remain at the academy. The domestic work in all the buildings, the care of the stock, and the preparation of the fuel, are apportioned among the students, and all are required to do their part.

=Janitors.= The janitors must see that the kindling has been provided in the evening; rise promptly at the call of the janitor's signal; and have the fires in the sitting rooms and chapel burning in good shape, before the ringing of the rising bell. These fires are to be maintained during the day by those specially appointed to perform that duty. All are expected, to exercise good judgment and practice economy in the use of both the kindling and wood. The ashes from all the stoves must be carried to the heap every morning. Only old vessels may be used for this purpose and these, when emptied, must be returned to their proper places.

=Care of Stock.= Those a.s.signed the care of the stock are required to be prompt and faithful in caring for it; in the morning, at noon and evening day by day, according to instructions, without having to be prompted. This work must not be left undone or entrusted to others, without first notifying the superintendent.

=Other This rule, requiring faithfulness, applies also to those, who have been a.s.signed the ch.o.r.e work about the buildings, kindling fires, sweeping halls, cleaning lamps, carrying water and wood.

=Hall Lamps.= The hall lamps, water pails and other fixtures, that are intended to serve all, must never be removed from their places, to render service to an individual.


=Work Period.= All over 13 years of age are expected to render three full hours of faithful and efficient work each day, and on until 2:30 p.m. Time lost by tardiness, or unnecessary absence during the working period, must be made up before the end of the term.

=Object.= The aim of your teachers, during these work-periods, is to give you a practical knowledge of the simple arts of life; that you may be intelligent, capable and efficient workmen; be enabled to make your own homes more comfortable, and create a demand for your services.

=Tool Rules.= Each workman, at the close of the work period, must return all tools used to their proper place. If they have been transferred, then the last one using them must return them. None are permitted to use any tools, or touch any musical instrument, until they have been taught the rules relating to them; and have been shown how to use them, and do the work in a skillful and workmanlike manner. Tools must never be taken to any of the rooms to do any repair work.

=Non-interference.= When students are working under the direction of anyone, they must not be interfered with by others, nor leave the work a.s.signed them, without the knowledge and approval of the one, under whose direction they are working at the time.

=Irregularity.= Irregularity greatly interferes with a student's progress and the work of his cla.s.s and teacher. Leave of absence during the term cannot therefore be granted, except for the most urgent reasons. Those, that from any cause, miss one or more lessons, should endeavor to master them when they return.

=Caution.= All are kindly advised never to be guilty of any word or act, that will be likely to cause you to forfeit the esteem and confidence of the superintendent, or your teachers. A good student endeavors to aid and cheer, but never disobeys or annoys a teacher.

=Things Forbidden.= Never permit yourself to indulge in any dispute with your teacher in the school room, shop or field.

Don't tease, ridicule or despise others; be polite and courteous to each other.

Don't indulge in the use of profane or obscene language, or in any acts of deceit, falsehood or theft.

Don't use or have in your possession, any intoxicating liquors, tobacco or snuff in any form; gamblers' or obscene cards or pictures; concealed weapons; or soil the floors with spittle or wash water.

Don't indulge in singing, whistling, unnecessary talking or foolish laughter while working with others; or play ball while others are working, or choring.

All communications between boys and girls, and all a.s.sociation or interference on the play grounds are strictly forbidden.

At the close of all meetings, especially those in the evening, the girls are required to go directly and quietly to their hall.

Don't be extravagant or foppish in your dress, or borrow or lend, either clothing or money.

Don't send home for eatables or other unnecessary things. New clothing, especially shoes, should not be sent from home, without having the measure taken. It is better to send the money.

Every article of clothing needing to be washed must have the owner's name.

Don't tamper with the street lamp, or the plugs in the water trough; nor change the pins, tubs or tube at the well; nor roughly jerk the pump handles at the well and cisterns.

Use everything in the way and for the purpose for which it was intended, never otherwise.

Don't leave your seat in the school room, or go out of it during school hours, without permission from your teacher. Never sit on the tops of the desks.

=Teachers.= Each teacher is expected to keep in an orderly form on the teacher's desk, for use in conducting recitations, a complete set of the Text books used by the; and to prepare before hand all lessons or parts thereof that may not be familiar.

The power of suspension or exclusion is vested only in the superintendent. This power must never be exercised by any of his helpers without his previous knowledge and approval.

All matters relating to the repair of the buildings and their equipment should be promptly reported to the superintendent.

The aim of the primary teacher, at the time of recitation, should be to have all the pupils reproduce the entire lesson one or more times in concert and then individually to accomplish this with as few words as possible.

The aim of every teacher should be to make Oak Hill, to all the young people pursuing their studies here, a fountain of inspiration, a sanctuary where fellows.h.i.+p with the Redeemer of the world and a new discovery of the glory of G.o.d shall be among the blessings bestowed.

=Book Marks.= The teachers are required to furnish every new pupil one complete set of approved, folded marginal book marks; one for each text book, and for both the Sunday school and Memory lessons in the Bible. By example and precept, they are expected to require them to keep them in their proper places, and if carelessly lost, to replace them with new ones of their own making. Among the objects to be attained by the enforcement of this rule are the habit of carefulness in little things, to save the books from other injurious methods of marking and to save the time of the teacher, cla.s.s and pupil.


The rooms occupied by the students must be carefully inspected by the matrons or their special monitors every time the students leave them for the school or chapel; to see that the buildings have not been endangered by any acts of carelessness or thoughtlessness.

The ladders must be kept where they may be easily and quickly obtained.

On the first Friday of each term the students shall be organized into a Fire Department, the superintendent serving as chief and the matrons and teachers as his special aids. The fire-fighters shall include the pumpers and a bucket brigade; the life and property savers shall include the ladder squad; and the strenuous work of all shall continue until the building or the last possible piece of property has been saved.

The fire drills shall consist of quick orderly marches, at an unexpected signal, from all the buildings occupied, and the report of each squad for duty to their respective foremen.


These suggestions to parents or guardians appear on the monthly report cards.

This report is sent you in the hope it will give you that information you naturally desire to receive in regard to the work and standing of the pupils you have sent to the academy.

In your communications to your children encourage them to be prompt and punctual in meeting every engagement, to remember the Sabbath day, to improve their spare moments by reading the Bible or some good book, to do their best during the hours of study and work each day, and to refrain from a.s.sociation with the idle or worthless.


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