Works of John Bunyan Volume I Part 71

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This, I say, is a testimony, a second testimony, by the same man, as to the miserable state of man, the severity of the law, the emptiness of the world, the certainty of death, and the terribleness of judgment. This man hath seen it, and seen it again.

A returning backslider is a great blessing, I mean intended to be so, to two sorts of men--1. To the elect uncalled. 2. To the elect that are called, and that at present stand their ground. The uncalled are made to hear him, and consider; the called are made to hear him, and are afraid of falling. Behold, therefore, the mystery of G.o.d's wisdom, and how willing he is that spectators should be warned and made take heed. Yea, he will permit that some of his own shall fall into the fire, to convince the world that h.e.l.l is hot, and to warn their brethren to take heed that they slip not with their feet. I have often said in my heart that this was the cause why G.o.d suffered so many of the believing Jews to fall; to wit, that the Gentiles might take heed. (Rom 11:21) O, brethren!

saith the backslider that is returned, did you see how I left my G.o.d? did you see how I turned again to those vanities from which some time before I fell? O! I was deluded, I was bewitched, I was deceived; for I found all things from which I fled at first still worse by far when I went to them the second time. Do not backslide.

Oh! do not backslide. the first ground of your departing from them was good; never tempt G.o.d a second time.

2. And as he gives us a second testimony, that the world and himself are so as at first he believed they were, so by this his returning he testifies that G.o.d and Christ are the same, and much more than ever he believed at first they were. This man has made a proof before and a proof after conviction of the evil of the one and good of the other. This man has made a proof by feeling and seeing, and that before and after grace received. This man G.o.d has set up to be a witness; this man is two men, has the testimony of two men, must serve in the place of two men. He knows what it is to be fetched from a state of nature by grace; but this all Christians know as well as he. Ay, but he knows what it is to be fetched from the world, from the devil, and h.e.l.l, the second time; and that but few professors know, for few that fall away return to do again. (Heb 6:4-8) Ay, but this man is come again, wherefore there is news in his mouth, sad news, dreadful news, and news that is to make the standing saint to take heed lest he fall. The returning backslider, therefore, is a rare man, a man of worth and intelligence, a man to whom the men of the world should flock, and of whom they should learn to fear the Lord G.o.d. He also is a man of whom the saints should receive both caution, counsel, and strength in their present standing; and they should, by his harms, learn to serve the Lord with fear, and to rejoice with trembling. (1 Cor 10:6-13, Isa 51:11-13, Luke 22:32)

This man has the second time also had a proof of G.o.d's goodness in his Christ unto him, a proof which the standing Christian has not--I would not tempt him that stands to fall; but the good that a returning backslider has received at G.o.d's hands, and at the hand of Christ, is a double good, he has been converted twice, fetched from the world, and from the devil, and from himself twice; oh, grace! and has been made to know the stability of G.o.d's covenant, the unchangeableness of G.o.d's mind, the sure and lasting truth of his promise in Christ, and of the sufficiency of the merits of Christ, over and over.

[The manner of a backslider's return.]--Of the manner of this man's coming to G.o.d by Christ I shall also speak a word or two. He comes as the newly-awakened sinner comes, and that from the same motives and the knowledge of things as he hath over and above (which he had as good have been without), that which the newly-awakened sinner has not; to wit, the guilt of his backsliding, which is a guilt of a worse complexion, of a deeper dye, and of a heavier nature than is any guilt else in the world. He is also attended with fears and doubts that arise from other reasons and considerations than do the doubts and fears of the newly-awakened man; doubts builded upon the vileness of his backsliding. He has also more dreadful scriptures to consider of, and they will look more wishfully in his face, yea, and will also make him take notice of their grim physiognomy, than has the newly-awakened man. Besides, as a punishment of his backsliding, G.o.d seems to withdraw the sweet influences of his Spirit, and as if he would not suffer him to pray, nor to repent any more, (Psa 51:11), as if he would now take all away from him, and leave him to those l.u.s.ts and idols that he left his G.o.d to follow. Swarms of his new rogueries shall haunt him in every place, and that not only in the guilt, but in the filth and pollution of them. (Prov 14:14) None know the things that haunt a backslider's mind, his new sins are all turned talking devils, threatening devils, roaring devils, within him. Besides, he doubts of the truth of his first conversion, consequently he has it lying upon him as a strong suspicion that there was nothing of truth in all his first experience; and this also adds lead to his heels, and makes him come, as to sense and feeling, more heavy and with the greater difficulty to G.o.d by Christ. As faithfulness of other men kills him, he cannot see an honest, humble, holy, faithful servant of G.o.d, but he is pierced and wounded at the heart. Ay, says he within himself, that man fears G.o.d, that man hath faithfully followed G.o.d, that man, like the elect angels, has kept his place; but I am fallen from my station like a devil. That man honoureth G.o.d, edifieth the saints, convinceth the world, and condemneth them, and is become heir of the righteousness which is by faith. But I have dishonoured G.o.d, stumbled and grieved saints, made the world blaspheme, and, for aught I know, been the cause of the d.a.m.nation of many! These are the things, I say, together with many more of the same kind, that come with him; yea, they will come with him, yea, and will stare him in the face, will tell him of his baseness, and laugh him to scorn, all the way that he is coming to G.o.d by Christ--I know what I say!--and this makes his coming to G.o.d by Christ hard and difficult to him. Besides, he thinks saints will be aware of him, will be shy of him, will be afraid to trust him, yea, will tell his Father of him, and make intercession against him, as Elias did against Israel, (Rom 11:2), or as the men did that were fellow-servants with him that took his brother by the throat. (Matt 18:31) Shame covereth his face all the way he comes; he doth not know what to do; the G.o.d he is returning to, is the G.o.d that he has slighted, the G.o.d before whom he has preferred the vilest l.u.s.t; and he knows G.o.d knows it, and has before him all his ways. The man that has been a backslider, and is returning to G.o.d, can tell strange stories, and yet such as are very true. No man was in the whale's belly, and came out again alive, but backsliding and returning Jonah; consequently, no man could tell how he was there, what he felt there, what he saw there, and what workings of heart he had when he was there, so well as he.

[The sincere Christian's coming to G.o.d by Christ.]

Third, I come now to the third man--to wit, to the sincere and upright man that cometh to G.o.d by Christ. And although this may, in some sense, be applicable to the two former, for his coming is not worthy to be counted coming to G.o.d, that is, not in sincerity and uprightness, yet by such an one I now mean, one that has been called to the faith, and that has in some good measure of sincerity and uprightness therein abode with G.o.d.

This man also comes to G.o.d by Christ; but his coming is to be distinguished, I mean in the main of it, from the coming of the other two. The other come for the knowledge of forgiveness, a thing that the upright and faithful Christian for the most part has a comfortable faith of, and that for which he is often helped to give thanks to G.o.d. I do not say he doubteth not, or that he has not his evidences sometimes clouded; nor do I say that the knowledge of his reconciliation to G.o.d by Christ Jesus is so high, so firm, so fixed, and steadfast, that it cannot be shaken, or that he needs no more. I will then explain myself. He comes not to G.o.d as an unconverted sinner comes; he comes not as a backslider comes when he is returning to G.o.d from his backslidings; but he comes as a son, as one of the household of G.o.d, and he comes as one that has not, since correction, wickedly departed from his G.o.d.

1. He then comes to G.o.d with that access and G.o.dly boldness that is only proper to such as himself, that is, to them that walk with G.o.d. (Rom 5:2) Thus every one that shall be saved doth not do; thus every one that shall be saved cannot do--to instance the two spoken of before.

2. He comes to G.o.d by Christ constantly by prayer, by meditation, by every ordinance. For therefore he maketh use of ordinances, because by them through Christ he getteth into the presence of G.o.d.

(Psa 27:4)

3. He comes to G.o.d through Christ, because he judgeth that G.o.d only is that good, that blessedness, that happiness, that is worth looking after; that good and that blessedness that alone can fill the soul to the brim; that good and that happiness that is worthy of our hearts and souls and spirits. Hence David expresseth his coming to G.o.d by panting, by thirsting, by tears, saying, 'My soul panteth after thee, O G.o.d.' And again, 'My soul thirsteth for G.o.d, for the living G.o.d, when shall I come and appear before G.o.d?' (Psa 42:1,2) And again, 'I will go to the altar of G.o.d, unto G.o.d, my exceeding joy.' (Psa 43:4) And hence it was that he so envied the swallow and sparrow, even because they could come to the altar of G.o.d, where he had promised to give his presence, when he, as I think, by the rage of Saul, was forced to abide remote. 'My soul longeth,' saith he, 'yea, even fainteth for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living G.o.d. Yea, the sparrow hath found a house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, even thine altars, O Lord of hosts, my King, and my G.o.d: Blessed are they that dwell in thy house, they will be still praising thee.' Then after a few more words he saith, 'For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper,' I would choose rather to sit at the threshold of thy house, 'than to dwell in the tents of wickedness'; and then renders the reason--'For the Lord is a sun and s.h.i.+eld: the Lord gives grace and glory,' &c. (Psa 84)

The presence of G.o.d, and the glory and soul-ravis.h.i.+ng goodness of that presence, is a thing that the world understands not, nor can they as such desire to know what it is.

4. These good men come to G.o.d upon other accounts also; for so it is that they have many concerns with G.o.d.

[Concern for themselves.]--(1.) They come to him for a more clear discovery of themselves to themselves, for they desire to know how frail they are, because the more they know that, the more they are engaged in their souls to take heed to their ways, and to fear lest they should tempt their G.o.d to leave them. (Psa 39:1-8)

(2.) They come to G.o.d by Christ for the weakening of their l.u.s.ts and corruptions; for they are a sore, yea, a plague to a truly sanctified soul. Those, to be rid of which, if it might be, a G.o.dly man chooseth rather to die than to live. This David did mean when he cried. 'Create in me a clean heart, O G.o.d, and renew a right spirit within me,' (Psa 51:10); and Paul, when he cried out, 'O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death?' (Rom 7:24)

(3.) They come to G.o.d by Christ for the renewing and strengthening of their graces. The graces that the G.o.dly have received are, and they feel they are, subject to decay; yea, they cannot live without a continual supply of grace. This is the meaning of that, 'Let us have grace,' and, 'Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.' (Heb 4:16)

(4.) They come to G.o.d by Christ to be helped against those temptations that they may meet withal. (Matt 6:13) They know that every new temptation has a new snare and a new evil in it; but what snare and what evil, that at present they know not; but they know their G.o.d knows, and can deliver out of temptation when we are in, and keep us out while we are out.

(5.) They come to G.o.d by Christ for a blessing upon that means of grace which G.o.d has afforded for the succour of the soul, and the building of it up in the faith; knowing that as the means, so a blessing upon it, is from G.o.d. (2 Thess 3:1) And for this they have encouragement, because G.o.d has said, 'I will abundantly bless her provision: I will satisfy her poor with bread.' (Psa 132:15)

(6.) They come to G.o.d by Christ for the forgiveness of daily infirmities, (Psa 19:12), and for the continuing them in the light of his countenance notwithstanding. Thus he also would always accept them and their services, and grant that an answer of peace may be returned from their Father into their bosoms; for this is the life of their souls. There are a great many such things that the sincere and upright man comes to G.o.d for, too many here to mention. But again,

[Concern for the church and others.]--(1.) This man also comes to G.o.d to beseech him for the flouris.h.i.+ng of Christ's kingdom, which he knows will never be until Antichrist is dead, and till the Spirit be more plentifully poured upon us from on high. Therefore he also cries to G.o.d for the downfall of the first, and for the pouring out of the other.

(2.) He comes to G.o.d for the hastening the gathering in of his elect; for it is an affliction to him to think that so many of those for whom Christ died should be still in a posture of hostility against him. (Psa 122:6)

(3.) He comes to G.o.d for a spirit of unity to be poured out among believers, for, for the divisions of Reuben he has great thoughts of heart.

(4.) He comes to G.o.d to pray for magistrates, and that G.o.d would make speed to set them all to that work that is so desirable to his church--that is, to 'hate the wh.o.r.e,' 'to eat her flesh,' to 'make her desolate,' 'and burn her with fire.' (1 Tim 2:1, Rev 17:16)

(5.) He comes to G.o.d to beg that he would hasten that great and notable day, the day of the coming of our Lord Jesus, for he knows that Christ will never be exalted as he must be till then; yea, he also knows that G.o.d's church will never be as she would, and shall, till then. (Rev 22:20)

(6.) But the main meaning, if I may so call it, of this high text is this, that they that come to G.o.d by him--that is, by Christ, are those that come by Christ to G.o.d to enjoy him by faith and spirit here, and by open vision and unspeakable possession of him in the next world. This is the great design of the soul in its coming to G.o.d by Jesus Christ, and it comes to him by Jesus Christ because it dares not come by itself, and because G.o.d himself has made him the way, the new and living way. Here, as I said, the Father meets with that which pleaseth him, and the soul with that which saveth her. Here is righteousness and merits to spare, even righteousness that can justify the unG.o.dly. Here is always, how empty soever we be, a fullness of merit always presented to G.o.d by Christ for my obtaining of that which at any time I want, whether wisdom, grace, Spirit, or any good thing soever; only, since I was upon this subject, I thought a little to touch upon things in this order, for the enlarging of thy thoughts, for the conviction of thy spirit, for the stirring of thee up to G.o.d, and for the showing of thee the good signs of grace where it is, where is abused, and where any are seeking after it.

[Inferences from thus coming to G.o.d by Christ.]

And now I come to draw some inferences from this point also, as I have already done from those going before it. You see that I have now been speaking to you of the man that cometh to G.o.d, both with respect to the way he comes, as also with respect to the manner of spirit in which he comes; and hence I may well infer,

First, That he is no fool, no fool according to the best judgment, that cometh to G.o.d by Christ. The world indeed will count him one; for the things that be of the Spirit of G.o.d are foolishness to them; but indeed, and in the verdict of true judgment, he is not so.

1. For that he now seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom. He has chosen to be concerned with the very head and fountain of wisdom; for Christ is the wisdom of G.o.d, and the way to the Father by Christ, is the greatest of mysteries; and to choose to walk in that way, the fruits of the most sage advice; wherefore he is not a fool that thus concerns himself. (Prov 18:1, 1 Cor 1)

2. It is not a sign of foolishness timely to prevent ruin, is it?

They are the prudent men that foresee an evil, and hide themselves; and the fools, that go on, and are punished. (Prov 18:8, 27:12) Why, this man foresees an evil, the greatest evil, sin, and the punishment of the soul for sin in h.e.l.l; and flies to Christ, who is the refuge that G.o.d has provided for penitent sinners; and is this a sign of a fool? G.o.d make me such a fool, and thee that readest these lines such a fool, and then we shall be wiser than all men that are counted wise by the wisdom of this world. Is it a sign of a fool to agree with one's adversary while we are in the way with him, even before he delivereth us to the judge? Yea, it is a piece of the highest wisdom.

Is he a fool that chooseth for himself long lasters, or he whose best things will rot in a day? Sinners, 'before your pots can feel the thorns [before you can see where you are], G.o.d shall take you away as with a whirlwind, both living, and in his wrath.' (Psa 58:9) But this man has provided for things; like the tortoise, he has got a sh.e.l.l on his back, so strong and sound that he fears not to suffer a loaden cart to go over him. The Lord is his rock, his defence, his refuge, his high tower, unto which he doth continually resort.

Was the unjust steward a fool in providing for himself for hereafter?

for providing friends to receive him to harbour when others should turn him out of their doors? (Luke 16:8,9) No more is he that gets another house for his harbour before death shall turn him out of doors here.

3. As he that cometh to G.o.d by Christ is no fool, so he is no little-spirited fellow. There are a generation of men in this world that count themselves men of the largest capacities, when yet the greatness of their desires lift themselves no higher than to things below. If they can, with their net of craft and policy, encompa.s.s a bulky lump of earth, oh what a treasure have they engrossed to themselves! Meanwhile, the man in the text has laid siege to heaven, has found out the way to get into the city, and is resolved, in and by G.o.d's help, to make that his own. Earth is a drossy thing in this man's account; earthly greatness and splendours are but like vanis.h.i.+ng bubbles in this man's esteem. None but G.o.d, as the end of his desires, none but Christ, as the means to accomplish this his end, are things counted great by this man. No company now is acceptable to this man but the Spirit of G.o.d, Christ and angels, and saints, as fellow-heirs with himself. All other men and things he deals with as strangers and pilgrims were wont to do. This man's mind soars higher than the eagle or stork of the heavens. He is for musing about things that are above, and their glory, and for thinking what shall come to pa.s.s hereafter.

4. But as I have showed you what he is not, so now let me, by a few words, tell you what he is.

(1.) Then he is a man concerned for his soul, for his immortal soul.

The soul is a thing, though of most worth, least minded by most.

The souls of most lie waste while all other things are enclosed.

But this man has got it by the end, that his soul is of more value than the world, wherefore he is concerned for his soul. Soul concerns are concerns of the highest nature, and concerns that arise from thoughts most deep and ponderous. He never yet knew what belonged to great and deep thoughts that is a stranger to soul concerns.

Now the man that comes to G.o.d by Christ, is a man that is engaged in soul concerns.

(2.) He is a man whose spirit is subjected to a suitableness to spiritual things, for a carnal mind cannot suit with and be delighted in these things: 'The carnal mind is enmity against G.o.d; for it is not subject to the law of G.o.d, neither indeed can be.' (Rom 8:7) This is the man that G.o.d has tamed, and keeps tame by himself, while all other run wild, as the a.s.sess upon the mountains. If birds could speak, surely they would tell that those that are kept in the cage have with them another temper than they that range the air, and fly in the fields and woods. Yea, and could those kept tame express themselves to the rest, they would tell that they have white bread and milk, and sugar; while those without make a life out of maggots and worms. They are also in place where there are better things, and their companions are the children of men; besides, they learn such notes, and can whistle such tunes, as other birds are strangers to. Oh! the man whose spirit is subjected to G.o.d, betwixt whom and G.o.d there is a reconciliation, not only as to a difference made up, but also as to a oneness of heart; none knows what lumps of sugar G.o.d gives that man, nor what notes and tunes G.o.d learns that man: 'He hath put a new song in my mouth,' saith David, 'even praise unto our G.o.d: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord.' (Psa 40:3)

Second. Is there a man that comes to G.o.d by Christ? Thence I infer that there is that believes there is a world to come. No man looks after that which yet he believes is not; faith must be before coming to Christ will be; coming is the fruit of faith. He that comes must believe antecedent to his coming; wherefore it is said, 'we walk by faith'--that is, we come to G.o.d through Christ by faith. (Heb 11:7, 2 Cor 5:7) And hence I learn two things:--1. That faith is of a strong and forcible quality. 2. That they who come not to G.o.d by Christ have no faith.

1. Faith is of a strong and forcible quality, and that whether it be true or false.

(1.) A false faith has done great things; it has made men believe lies, plead for them, and stand to them, to the d.a.m.nation of their souls. 'G.o.d shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie,' to their d.a.m.nation. (2 Thess 2:11,12) Hence it is said, men make lies 'their refuge.' Why? Because they 'trust in a lie.' (Jer 28:15) A lie, if believed, if a man has faith in it, it will do great things, because faith is of a forcible quality.

Suppose thyself to be twenty miles from home, and there some man comes and possesses thee that thy house, thy wife and children, are all burned with the fire. If thou believest it, though indeed there should be nothing of truth in what thou hast heard, yet will this lie 'drink up thy spirit,' even as if the tidings were true.

How many are there in the world whose heart Satan hath filled with a belief that their state and condition for another world is good?

and these are made to live by lying hope that all shall be well with them, and so are kept from seeking for that which will make them happy indeed. Man is naturally apt and willing to be deceived, and therefore a groundless faith is the more taking and forcible.

Fancy will help to confirm a false faith, and so will conceit and idleness of spirit. There is also in man a willingness to take things upon trust, without searching into the ground and reason of them.

Nor will Satan be behind hand to prompt and encourage to thy believing of a lie, for that he knows will be a means to bring thee to that end to which he greatly desireth thou shouldst come. Wherefore let men beware, and, oh, that they would, of a false and lying faith!

(2.) But if a false faith is so forcible, what is a true? What force, I say, is there in a faith that is begotten by truth, managed by truth, fed by truth, and preserved by the truth of G.o.d? This faith will make invisible things visible; not fantastically so, but substantially so--'Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.' (Heb 11:1) True faith carrieth along with it an evidence of the certainty of what it believeth, and that evidence is the infallible Word of G.o.d. There is a G.o.d, a Christ, a heaven, saith the faith that is good, for the Word of G.o.d doth say so. The way to this G.o.d and this heaven is by Christ, for the Word of G.o.d doth say so. If I run not to this G.o.d by this Christ, this heaven shall never be my portion, for the Word of G.o.d doth say so. So, then, thus believing makes the man come to G.o.d by him. His thus believing, then, it is that carries him away from this world, that makes him trample upon this world, and that gives him the victory over this world. 'For whatsoever is born of G.o.d overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of G.o.d? This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth.' (1 John 5:4-6)

2. Now if this be true, that faith, true faith, is so forcible a thing as to take a man from his seat of ease, and make him to come to G.o.d by Christ as afore, then, is it not truly inferred from hence that they that come not to G.o.d by Christ have no faith. What! is man such a fool as to believe things, and yet not look after them?

to believe great things, and yet not to concern himself with them?

Who would knowingly go over a pearl, and yet not count it worth stooping for? Believe thou art what thou art; believe h.e.l.l is what it is; believe death and judgment are coming, as they are; and believe that the Father and the Son are, as by the Holy Ghost in the Word they are described, and sit still in thy sins if thou canst. Thou canst not sit still; faith is forcible. Faith is grounded upon the voice of G.o.d in the Word, upon the teaching of G.o.d in the Word. And it pleases G.o.d by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe; for believing makes them heartily close in with, and embrace what by the Word is set before them, because it seeth the reality of them.

Shall G.o.d speak to man's soul, and shall not man believe? Shall man believe what G.o.d says, and nothing at all regard it? It cannot be. 'Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of G.o.d.' And we know that when faith is come, it purifies the heart of what is opposite to G.o.d, and the salvation of the soul.

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