Life of John Milton Part 28

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Say, Samuel.--Poems on several occasions: and two critical Essays--viz., the first on the harmony, variety, and power of numbers, whether in prose or verse; the second, on the numbers of Paradise Lost. [With a portrait of Milton, etched by J. Richardson.] London, 1745, 4to.

Scherer, Edmond.--etudes sur la Litterature Contemporaine. Paris, 1882, 8vo.

Milton et le _Paradis Perdu_, tom. vi., pp. 161-194.

Scolari, Filippo.--Saggio di Critica sul Paradiso Perduto, Poema di Giovanni Milton, e sulle annotazioni a quello di Giuseppe Addison.

Aggiuntovi l'Adamo sacra rappresentazione di G.B. Andreini, etc.

Venezia, 1818, 8vo.

Scott, John.--Critical Essays on some of the poems of several English poets, etc. London, 1785, 8vo.

On Milton's Lycidas, pp. 37-64.

Seeley, J.R.--Lectures and Essays. London, 1870, 8vo.

Milton's Political Opinions, pp. 89-119; Milton's Poetry, pp. 120-154.

Shenston, J.B.--The Authority of Jehovah a.s.serted, ... with some remarks on the article on Milton's Essay on the Sabbath and the Lord's Day, which appeared in the Evangelical Review, 1826. London, 1826, 8vo.

Smectymnuus, _pseud._ [_i.e._, Stephen Marshall, Edmund Calamy etc.]--A modest confutation of a slanderous and scurrilous libell, ent.i.tuled, Animadversions [by John Milton] upon the remonstrants' defense against Smectymnuus. [London] 1642, 4to.

Sotheby, Samuel Leigh.--Ramblings in the elucidation of the Autograph of Milton. [With plates.] London, 1861, 4to.

Steel, David.--Elements of Punctuation, and critical observations on some pa.s.sages in Milton. London, 1786, 8vo.

Stern, Alfred.--Milton und seine Zeit. 2 Thle. Leipzig, 1877-79, 8vo.

---- Milton und Cromwell. Berlin, 1875, 8vo.

Serie x., Hft. 236 of Virchow and Holtzendorff's "Sammlung gemeinverstandlicher wissenschaftlicher Vortrage, etc."

Symmons, Charles.--The Life of John Milton, etc. London, 1806, 8vo.

---- Second edition. London, 1810, 8vo.

---- Third edition. London, 1882, 8vo.

Taine, H.A.--Histoire de la Litterature Anglaise. 4 tom. Paris, 1863-4, 8vo.

Milton, tom, ii., pp. 327-435.

---- History of English Literature. Translated by H. Van Laun. 4 vols.

Edinburgh, 1873-4, 8vo.

Milton, vol. ii., pp. 239-318., Torquato.--Il, a dialogue. The speakers, John Milton, Torquato London, 1762, 8vo.

Todd, Henry John.--Some account of the life and writings of John Milton.

Second edition, with additions, and with a verbal index to the whole of Milton's poetry. London, 1809, 8vo.

This forms vol. i. of the 1809 edition of Todd's Milton; a certain number of copies being printed off with a distinct t.i.tle-page.

---- Some account of the life and writings of John Milton, derived from doc.u.ments in His Majesty's State-paper Office, now first published. London, 1826, 8vo.

Toland, John.--The Life of John Milton, containing, besides the history of his works, several extraordinary characters of men and books, sects, parties, and opinions. [Signed J.T., _i.e._ J. Toland.] London, 1699, 8vo.

---- Amyntor; or, a Defence of Milton's Life, etc. London, 1699, 8vo.

---- The Life of John Milton; with Amyntor; or a Defence of Milton's Life, etc. London, 1761, 8vo.

Tomlinson, John.--Three Household Poets--viz., Milton, Cowper, Burns, etc. London, 1869, 8vo.

Tulloch, John.--English Puritanism and its leaders, Cromwell, Milton, Baxter, Bunyan. Edinburgh, 1861, 8vo.

Vericour, Raymond de.--Milton et la poesie epique, etc. Paris, 1838, 8vo.

Ward, Thomas H.--The English Poets; selections, with critical introductions, etc. 4 vols. London, 1880, 8vo.

John Milton, by Mark Pattison, vol. ii., pp. 293-379.

Warton, Thomas.--A Letter to T. Warton on his editon of Milton's juvenile poems. [By S. Darby?] London, 1785, 8vo.

White, Thomas Holt.--A Review of Johnson's criticism on the style of Milton's English Prose, etc. London, 1818, 8vo.

Wilson, J.--Vindiciae Carolinae; or a defence of Eikon Basilike, etc.

London, 1692, 8vo.

Yonge, Charles Duke.--Three Centuries of English Literature. London, 1872, 8vo.

Milton, pp. 185-210.

Zicari da Paola, F.--Sulla scoverta dell' originale Italiano da cui Milton il suo poema del Paradiso Perduto. Napoli, 1844, 12mo.

Ziegler, C.--C. Ziegleri circa regicidium Anglorum exercitationes.

Accedit Jacobi Schalleri Dissertatio ad loca quaedam Miltoni. Lugd.

Batavorum, 1653, 12mo.


Milton, John.--Edinburgh Review, by T.B. Macaulay, vol. 42, 1825, pp. 304-346.

--Christian Examiner, by W.E. Channing, vol. 3, 1826, pp. 29-77; same article, Pamphleteer, vol. 29, pp. 507-547.

--United States Literary Gazette, vol. 4, 1826, pp. 278-293.

--Quarterly Review, by J.J. Blunt, vol. 36, 1827, pp. 29-61.

--American Quarterly Review, vol. 5, 1829, pp. 301-310.

--American Quarterly Observer, vol. 1, 1833, pp. 115-125.

--Congregational Magazine, vol. 9, 1833, pp. 193-211.

--North American Review, by R.W. Emerson, vol. 47, 1838, pp. 56-73.

--Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 46, 1839, pp. 775-780.

--Penny Magazine, vol. 10, 1841, pp. 97-101.

--National Review, vol. 9, 1859, pp. 150-186.

--Chambers's Journal, vol. 11, 1859, pp. 117-119.

--Radical, by B.W. Wall, vol. 3, 1868, pp. 718-723.

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