Life of John Milton Part 27

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---- Another edition. London, 1762, 4to.

---- Samson. Set to musick by Mr. Handel. London, 1762, 4to.

---- Samson. An oratorio [altered from the Samson Agonistes, by N.

Hamilton]. Salisbury, 1765, 8vo.

---- Handel's oratorio, Samson. The words chiefly from Milton. [Compiled by T. Morell.] London [1840], 4to.

---- The Life of John Milton. Published under the direction of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. London [1861], 8vo.

---- A Milton Memorial. A sketch of the life of John Milton, compiled with reference to the proposed restoration of the Church of St. Giles, Cripplegate (where he was buried). By Antiquitatis historicae studiosus.

London, 1862, 8vo.

Mirabeau, Count de.--Theorie de la Royaute d'apres la Doctrine de Milton. [Translated from the Defence of the People of England. With a preliminary dissertation, "Sur Milton et ses ouvrages"; by H.G.

Riquetti, Comte de Mirabeau?] [Paris], 1789, 8vo.

Moers, F. Josephus.--De fontibus Paradisi Amissi Miltoniani. Dissertatio philologica, etc. Bonnae [1865], 8vo.

Morris, Joseph W.--John Milton: a vindication, specially from the charge of Arianism. London [1862], 8vo.

Mortimer, Charles Edward.--An historical memoir of the Political Life of John Milton. London, 1805, 4to.

Morus, Alexander.--A. Mori Fides Publica, contra calumnias Joannis Miltoni. Hagae-Comitum, 1654, 12mo.

Mouron, H.--Jean Milton. Conference. Deuxieme edition. Strasbourg, 1875, 8vo.

Munkacsy, M.--Opinions of the Continental Press on M. Munkacsy and his latest picture, "Milton dictating Paradise Lost to his daughters."

Paris, 1879, 8vo.

Neve, Philip.--A narrative of the disinterment of Milton's coffin in the Parish Church of St. Giles, Cripplegate, 4th August 1790; and of the treatment of the corpse during that and the following day. London, 1790, 8vo.

Nicoll, Henry J.--Landmarks of English Literature. London, 1883, 8vo.

John Milton, pp. 112-125.

Paterson, James.--A complete commentary on Milton's Paradise Lost, etc.

London, 1744, 8vo.

Pattison, Mark.--Milton. [An account of his life and works.] London, 1879, 8vo.

One of the "English Men of Letters" series.

Pauli, Reinhold.--Aufsatze zur Englischen Geschichte. Leipzig, 1869, 8vo.

John Milton, pp. 348-391.

Pearce, Z., _Bishop of Rochester_.--A review of the text of Milton's Paradise Lost; in which the chief of Dr. Bentley's Emendations are consider'd; and several other emendations and observations are offer'd to the public. London, 1732, 8vo.

---- Another edition. London, 1733, 8vo.

Peck, Francis.--New Memoirs of the Life and Poetical Works of Mr. John Milton, etc. London, 1740, 4to.

---- Memoirs of the life and actions of Oliver Cromwell: as delivered in three panegyrics of him. The first, as said, by Don Juan Rodriguez de Saa Meneses; the second, as affirmed by a certain Jesuit; yet both, it is thought, composed by Mr. John Milton, as was the third, etc. London, 1740, 4to.

Penn, John.--Critical, poetical, and dramatic works. 2 vols. London, 1798, 8vo.

Samson Agonistes, vol. ii., pp. 213-263.

Philips, John.--Poems attempted in the style of Milton, etc. London, 1762, 12mo.

Philo-Milton, _pseud._--Milton's Sublimity a.s.serted: in a poem occasion'd by a late piece ent.i.tuled Cyder, a poem [by J. Philips]. In blank verse. London, 1709, 4to.

---- A vindication of the Paradise Lost from the charge of exculpating Lord Byron's "Cain, a Mystery." London, 1822, 8vo.

Plaint.--The Plaint of Freedom. (To the Memory of Milton. In verse.) Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1852, 4to.

Prendergast, G.L.--A complete concordance to the poetical works of Milton. Madras, 1856-57, 4to.

Prodromus.--Verax Prodromus in Delirum. [An invective against John Milton.] [Amsterdam? 1656?] 4to.

R * *--Lettres critiques a Mr. le comte * * * sur le Paradis perdu, et reconquis, de Milton, par R * * [outh]. Paris, 1731, 8vo.

Reed, Henry.--Lectures on the British Poets. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1858, 8vo.

Milton, pp. 199-232.

Rice, Allen Thorndike.--Essays from the North American Review. New York, 1879, 8vo.

John Milton, by Ralph Waldo Emerson, pp. 99-122.

Richardson, Jonathan.--Explanatory notes and remarks on Milton's Paradise Lost. By J. Richardson, father and son. London, 1734, 8vo.

Richardson, Jonathan.--Zoilomastix; or, a vindication of Milton from all the invidious charges of W. Lauder. With several new remarks on Paradise Lost. London, 1747, 8vo.

Ring, Max.--John Milton und seine Zeit. Historischer Roman. Frankfurt a.

Main, 1857, 8vo.

---- John Milton and his times, a historical novel. Translated by J.

Jefferson. Manchester, 1889, 8vo.

Rolli, P.--Sabrina; an opera [in three acts and in verse. Founded on the "Comus" of Milton]. _Ital._ and _Eng._ London, 1737, 8vo.

Rossetti, William Michael.--Lives of Famous Poets. London, 1878, 8vo.

John Milton, pp. 65-79.

Rowland, J.--Pro Rege et Populo Anglicano apologia, contra Joannis Polypragmatici (alias Miltoni Angli) defensionem destructivam Regis et Populi Anglicani. Antwerpiae, 1651, 12mo.

---- Another edition. Antwerpiae, 1652, 12mo.

S.G.--The dignity of Kings.h.i.+p a.s.serted: in answer to Mr. Milton's Ready and Easie way to establish a free Commonwealth. By G.S. (George Searle?), a lover of loyalty. London, 1660, 8vo.

Saintsbury, George.--A History of Elizabethan Literature. London, 1887, 8vo.

Milton, pp. 315-329.

Salmasius, Claudius de.--Claudii Salmasii ad Johannem Miltonum Responsio. Opus posthumum. Londini, 1660, 12mo.

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