The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book Part 43

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Page 210-211

No. 137

GENERAL, The Rosary, The Glorious Mysteries

By the first bright Easter Day

For the Joyful Mysteries see Hymn No. 86


C. M. Caddell From a Slovak Hymnal Arr. by N. A. M.

Allegro moderato

1. The Resurrection

By the first bright Easter day, When the stone was rolled away; By the glory round Thee shed At Thy rising from the dead.

Refrain King of Glory, hear our cry; Make us soon Thy joy to see, Where enthroned in majesty Countless angels sing to Thee.

2. The Ascension

By Thy parting blessing giv'n, As Thou didst ascend to Heav'n, By the cloud of living light That received Thee out of sight.

3. The Descent of the Holy Ghost

By the rus.h.i.+ng sound of might Coming down from heaven's height; By the cloven tongues of fire, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire.

4. The a.s.sumption of our Lady

See the Virgin Mother rise, Angels bear her to the skies; Mount aloft, imperial Queen, Plead on high the cause of men!

5. The Coronation of our Lady

Mary reigns upon the throne Preordained for her alone; Saints and angels round her sing, Mother of our G.o.d and King.

Page 212-213

No. 138

GENERAL, Evening Hymn

Sweet Saviour! bless us ere we go

Father Faber Nicola A. Montani

Andante ma non troppo


Sweet Saviour! Bless us ere we go; Thy word into our minds instill; And make our lukewarm hearts to glow With lowly love and fervent will.

Refrain Thro' life's long day and deaths dark night, O gentle Jesus! be our light; Jesus! be our light.


The day is done; its hours have run; And Thou hast taken count of all, The scanty triumphs grace hath won, The broken vow, and frequent fall.


Grant us, dear Lord! From evil ways True absolution and release; And bless us more than in past days With purity and inward peace.


For all we love, the poor, the sad, The sinful, unto Thee we call; Oh let Thy mercy make us glad; Thou art out Jesus and our All.

Page 214-215

No. 139

GENERAL, Evening Hymn

As fades the glowing orb of day Jam sol recedit igneus

Translated by T. J. Potter S. Webbe (1740-1816)



As fades the glowing orb of day, To Thee, great source of light, we pray; Blest Three in One, to ev'ry heart Thy beams of life and love impart.


At early dawn, at close of day, To Thee our vows we humbly pay; May we, 'mid joys that never end, With Thy bright saints in homage bend.

Page 216

No. 140

GENERAL, Evening Hymn

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