The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book Part 42

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Page 206

No. 134


G.o.d of mercy and compa.s.sion

Rev. E. Vaughan Nicola A. Montani



G.o.d of mercy and compa.s.sion!

Look with pity upon me; Father! Let me call Thee Father, 'Tis Thy child returns to Thee.

Refrain Jesus, Lord, I ask for mercy; Let me not implore in vain; All my sins I now detest them, Never will I sin again.


By my sins I have abandoned Right and claim to Heav'n above, Where the Saints rejoice forever In a boundless sea of love.


See our Saviour, bleeding, dying, On the Cross of Calvary; To the Cross my sins have nailed Him, Yet He bleeds and dies for me.

Page 207

No. 135


Jesus, ever-loving Saviour

Hymn for a Happy Death Franz Schubert Arr. by N. A. M.


Jesus, ever loving Saviour, Thou didst live and die for me, Living, I will live to love Thee, Dying, I will die for Thee, Jesus! Jesus!

By Thy death and sorrow, Help me in my agony.


When the last dread hour approaching Fills my guilty soul with fear; All my sins rise up before me, All my virtues disappear.

Jesus! Jesus!

Turn not Thou in anger from me, Mary, Joseph, then be near.


Mary, thou canst not forsake me, Virgin mother undefiled; Thou didst not abandon Jesus Dying, tortued and reviled.

Jesus! Jesus!

Send Thy Mother to console me: Mary, help Thy guilty child!


Jesus, when the cruel anguish Dying on the shameful tree, All abandoned by Thy Father, Thuo didst writhe in agony.

Jesus! Jesus!

By these three long hours of sorrow Thou didst purchase hope for me.


Then, by all that Thou didst suffer, Grant me mercy in that day; Help me, Mary, my sweet Mother, Holy Joseph, near me stay.

Jesus! Jesus!

Let me die, my lips repeating, Jesus, mercy! Mary, pray!

Page 208-209

No. 136

GENERAL, The Holy Family

Happy we who thus united

Rev. E. Vaughan "Ave Virgo" 15th Century melody Arr. by N. A. M.

Allegro moderato


Happy we, who thus united Join in cheerful melody; Praising Jesus, Mary, Joseph, In the "Holy Family."

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, help us, That we ever true may be, To the promises that bind us To the "Holy Family."


Jesus, Whose almighty bidding All created things fulfill, Lives on earth in meek subjection To His earthly parents' will.

Sweetest Infant, make us patient And obedient for Thy sake, Each us to be chaste and gentle, All our stormy pa.s.sions break.


Mary! thou alone were chosen Virgin Mother of thy Lord: Thou didst guide the earthly footsteps Of the Great Incarnate Word.

Dearest Mother! Make us humble; For thy Son will take His rest In the poor and lowly dwelling Of a humble sinner's breast.


Joseph! Thou wert called the father Of thy Maker and thy Lord; Thine it was to save thy Saviour From the cruel Herod's sword.

Suffer us to call thee father; Show to us a father's love; Lead us safe thro' ev'ry danger Till we meet in heav'n above.

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