The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book Part 28

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Hear, sweet Mother, hear the weary, Borne upon life's troubled sea; Gentle guiding Star of Ocean, Lead thy children home to thee.

Still watch o'er us, dearest Mother, From thy beauteous throne above; Guard us from all harm and danger, 'Neath thy shelt'ring wings of love.

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No. 88



O Most holy one O Sanctissima

Translated by Rev. J. M. Raker Sicilian Melody Arr. by N. A. M.

Slowly, with devotion


O most holy one, O most lowly one, Dearest Virgin Maria!

Mother of fair Love, Home of the Spirit Dove Ora, ora pro n.o.bis.


Help us in sadness drear, Port of gladness near, Virgin Mother Maria!

In pity heading, Hear our pleading, Ora, ora pro n.o.bis.


Call we fearfully, Sadly, tearfully, Save us now, O Maria!

Let us not languish, Heal thou our anguish, Ora, ora pro n.o.bis.


Mother, Maiden fair, Look with loving care, Hear our pray'r, O Maria!

Our sorrow feeling, Send us thy healing, Ora, ora pro n.o.bis.

Page 137

No. 89


Mother of Christ

Nicola A. Montani

Not too slow (alla breve)


Mother of Christ, Mother of Christ, What shall I ask of thee?

I do not sigh for the wealth of earth, For joys that fade and flee; But, Mother of Christ, Mother of Christ, This do I long to see, The bliss untold which thine arms enfold, The treasure upon thy knee.


Mother of Christ, Mother of Christ, What shall I do for thee?

I love thy Son with my whole strength My only King shall he be.

Yes, Mother of Christ, Mother of Christ, This I do ask of thee, Of all that are dear or cherished here, None shall be dear as He.


Mother of Christ, Mother of Christ, I toss on a stormy sea, O lift thy child as beacon high To the port where I fain would be, Then, Mother of Christ, Mother of Christ, This do I ask of thee, When the voyage is o'er, O stand on the sh.o.r.e And show Him at last to me.

Page 138

No. 90


Raise your voices, vales and mountains Causa nostra laet.i.tiae

St. Alphonsus Liguori Translated by Rev. E. Vaughan William Schultes (1815-1879) Arr. by N. A. M.

Joyfully (alla breve)


Raise your voices, vales and mountains, Flow'ry meadows, streams and fountains, Praise, O praise the loveliest Maiden The Creator ever made.


Murm'ring brooks your tribute bringing, Little birds with joyful singing, Come with mirthful praises laden To your Queen be homage paid.


Like a sun with splendor glowing Gleams thy heart with love o'erflowing, Like the moon in starry heaven s.h.i.+nes thy peerless purity.


Like the rose and lily blooming, Sweetly heav'n and earth perfuming Stainless, spotless thou appearest: Queenly beauty graces thee.

Page 139

No. 91


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