The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book Part 27

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And while to Him Who reigns above, In G.o.d-head One, in Persons Three, The Source of life, of grace, of love, Homage we pay on bended knee Do thou, bright Queen, Star of the Sea, Pray for the children, pray for me.

Page 131

No. 85


Remember, holy Mary Memorare

St. Bernard Tr. Rev. M. Russell, S.J. from a Slovak Hymnal Adapted by N.A.M.



Remember, Holy Mary, 'Twas never heard or known That any one who sought thee And made to thee his moan, That any one who hastened For shelter to thy care, Was ever yet abandoned And left to his despair.


And so to thee, my Mother, With filial faith I call, For Jesus dying gave thee As Mother to us all.

To thee, O Queen of virgins, O Mother meek, to thee I run with trustful fondness, Like child to mother's knee.


See at thy feet a sinner, Groaning and weeping sore Ah! Throw thy mantle o'er me, And let me stray no more.

Thy Son has died to save me, And from His throne on high His heart this moment yearneth For even such as I.


All, all His love remember, And oh! Remember too How prompt I am to purpose, How slow and frail to do.

Yet scorn not my pet.i.tions, But patiently give ear, And help me, O my Mother, Most loving and most dear.

Page 132-133

No. 86


Hail, full of grace and purity

The Rosary The Joyful Mysteries

Father Conway, O. P.

Isabella Montani


1. The Annunciation: Humility.

Hail full of grace and purity!

Meek Handmaid of the Lord, Hail model of humility!

Chaste Mother of the Word.

2. The Visitation: Charity to our neighbors.

By that pure love which prompted thee To seek thy cousin blest, Pray that the fires of charity May burn within our breast.

3. The Birth of Christ: Poverty.

This blessing beg, O Virgin Queen, From Jesus through His birth, By holy poverty to wean Our hearts from things of earth.

4. Presentation in the Temple: Obedience.

Most Holy Virgin Maiden mild, Obtain for us, we pray, To imitate thy Holy Child, By striving to obey.

5. The finding of Our Lord: Love Him and His service.

By thy dear Son, restored to thee, This grace for us implore, To serve our Lord most faithfully, And love Him more and more.

6. Concluding Verse.

Queen of the Holy Rosary, With tender love look down, And bless the hearts that offer thee This chaplet for thy crown.

Page 134-135

No. 87


Hear thy children, gentlest Mother

Children's Hymn to Our Lady Father Stanfield M. Haydn Arr. by N. A. M.



Hear thy children, gentlest Mother, Pray'rful hearts to thee arise; Hear us while our evening Ave Soars beyond the starry skies.

Darkling shadows fall around us, Stars their silent watches keep; Hush the heart oppress'd with sorrow, Dry the tears of those who weep.

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