The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book Part 24

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Allegre modto


Daily, daily sing of Mary, Sing, my soul, her praises due; All her feats, her actions wors.h.i.+p With the hearts devotion true.

Lost in wond'ring contemplation, Be her majesty confest!

Call her Mother, call her Virgin, Happy Mother, Virgin blest!

Call her Mother, call her Virgin, Happy Mother, Virgin blest!


She is mighty to deliver; Call her, trust her lovingly: When the tempest rages round thee, She will calm the troubled sea.

Gifts of Heaven she has given n.o.ble lady! To our race: She, the Queen, who decks her subjects With the light of G.o.d's own grace.

She, the Queen, who decks her subjects With the light of G.o.d's own grace.


Sing my tongue, the Virgin's trophies, Who for us our Maker bore; For the curse of old inflicted, Peace and blessing to restore.

Sing the songs of praise unending Sing the world's majestic Queen.

Weary not nor faint in telling All the gifts she gives to men.

Weary not nor faint in telling All the gifts she gives to men.


All my senses, heart, affections, Strive to sound her glory forth: Spread abroad the sweet memorials Of the Virgin's priceless worth: Where the voice of music thrilling, Where the tongue of eloquence, That can utter hymns beseeming All her matchless excellence?

That can utter hymns beseeming All her matchless excellence?

Page 116-117

No. 77


Mother of Mercy Mater Misericordiae

Father Faber S. M. Yenn

Andante religioso


Mother of mercy, day by day, My love of thee grows more and more; Thy gifts are strewn upon my way Like sands upon the great seash.o.r.e.

Thy gifts are strewn upon my way Like sands upon the great seash.o.r.e.


Though poverty and work and woe The masters of my life may be, When times are worst who does not know Darkness is light with love of thee?

When times are worst who does not know Darkness is light with love of thee?


But scornful men have coldly said Thy love was leading me from G.o.d; And yet in this I did but tread The very path my Saviour trod.

And yet in this I did but tread The very path my Saviour trod.


They know but little of Thy worth Who speak the heartless words to me, For what did Jesus love on earth One half so tenderly as thee?

For what did Jesus love on earth One half so tenderly as thee?

Copyright 1920 by N. A. M.

Page 118-119



Hail, all hail, great Queen of Heaven!

Our Lady of Lourdes Processional

(The melody of Hymn No. 76 "Daily, Daily" may be used with this text, with repet.i.tion of the last two lines of the refrain.)

Traditional Melody (1750) "Pone luctum"

With spirit


Hail! all hail, great Queen of Heaven!

Hail! Sweet Notre Dame de Lourdes, 'Neath whose care our weary exile Is from countless ills secured!

Refrain Then let men and Angels praise thee For each blessing thou'st procured, While in gladsome strains we're singing, Hail! Sweet Notre Dame de Lourdes!


Blest be thou above all others, Mary, mistress of the spheres, Star of hope, serenely beaming Thro' this darksome vale of tears.


Happy angels joy to own thee, O'er their choirs exalted high, Thron'd in blissful light and beauty, Empress of the starry sky.


As the fount is still unsealing Its pure treasure softly fair, May each drop be fraught with healing, Dearest Mother, at thy pray'r.

Note: For Congregational singing it is suggested that the hymn be transposed a full tone lower.

Page 120-121

No. 79

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