The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book Part 23

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Oh! By Gabriel's Ave, Uttered long ago, Eva's name reversing, 'Stablish peace below.


Break the captive's fetters; Light on blindness pour; All our ills expelling, Ev'ry bliss implore.


Show thyself a Mother; Offer Him our sighs, Who for us Incarnate Did not thee despise.


Virgin of all Virgins!

To thy shelter take us; Gentlest of the gentle!

Chaste and gentle make us.


Still as on we journey, Help our weak endeavor; Till with thee and Jesus We rejoice forever.


Thro' the highest Heaven, To the Almighty Three, Father Son, Holy Spirit, One same glory be.

Page 111

No. 74


Ave Maria! O Maiden, O Mother Star of the Sea

Sister M.

From a Slovak Hymnal Arr. by N. A. M.

Slowly: with expression


Ave Maria! O Maiden, O Mother, Fondly thy children are calling on thee, Thine are the graces unclaimed by another, Sinless and beautiful Star of the Sea!

Refrain Mater Amabilis, ora pro n.o.bis!

Pray for thy children who call upon thee; Ave Sanctissima! Ave purissima!

Sinless and beautiful Star of the Sea!


Ave Maria! The night shades are falling, Softly our voices arise unto thee, Earth's lonely exiles for succor are calling, Sinless and beautiful Star of the Sea!


Ave Maria! Thy children are kneeling, Words of endearment are murmured to thee; Softly thy spirit upon us is stealing Sinless and beautiful Star of the Sea!


Ave Maria! Thou portal of Heaven, Harbor of refuge, to thee we do flee: Lost in the darkness, by stormy winds driven, s.h.i.+ne on our pathway, fair Star of the Sea!

Page 112-113

No. 75


Daily, daily sing to Mary (A) Omni die dic Mariae

St. Casimir Translated by Father Bittlestone Traditional Melody Arr. by N. A. M.

With spirit


Daily, daily sing of Mary, Sing, my soul, her praises due; All her feats, her actions wors.h.i.+p With the hearts devotion true.

Lost in wond'ring contemplation, Be her majesty confest!

Call her Mother, call her Virgin, Happy Mother, Virgin blest!


She is mighty to deliver; Call her, trust her lovingly: When the tempest rages round thee, She will calm the troubled sea.

Gifts of Heaven she has given n.o.ble lady! To our race: She, the Queen, who decks her subjects With the light of G.o.d's own grace.


Sing my tongue, the Virgin's trophies, Who for us our Maker bore; For the curse of old inflicted, Peace and blessing to restore.

Sing the songs of praise unending Sing the world's majestic Queen.

Weary not nor faint in telling All the gifts she gives to men.


All my senses, heart, affections, Strive to sound her glory forth: Spread abroad the sweet memorials Of the Virgin's priceless worth: Where the voice of music thrilling, Where the tongue of eloquence, That can utter hymns beseeming All her matchless excellence?

Page 114-115



Daily, daily sing to Mary (B)

St. Casimir Processional Father Bittlestone Nicola. A. Montani

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