The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book Part 12

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Traditional Melody "Schonster Herr Jesu"

Pilgrims' Song dating from the time of the Crusades.

Adapted by N. A. M.

Andante Maestoso


O G.o.d of loveliness, O Lord of Heav'n above How worthy to posses My heart's devoted love!

So sweet Thy Countenance, So gracious to behold, That one, one only glance To me were bliss untold.


Thou art blest Three in One, Yet undivided still; Thou art that One alone Whose love my heart can fill.

The heav'ns and earth below, Were fas.h.i.+oned by Thy Word; How amiable art Thou, My ever dearest Lord!


To think Thou art my G.o.d, O thought forever blest!

My heart has overflowed With joy within my breast.

My soul so full of bliss Is plunged as in a sea, Deep in the sweet abyss of holy charity.


O loveliness supreme, And Beauty infinite; O everflowing Stream, And Ocean of delight; O life by which I live, My truest life above, To Thee alone I give My undivided love.

Copyright 1920 by N. A. M.

Page 58-59

No. 39


Holy G.o.d, we praise Thy Name Te Deum Laudamus

Translated by Rev. Clarence Walworth (1820-1900) Melody from the "Katholisches Gesangbuch" (1775)



Holy G.o.d, we praise Thy Name, Lord of all, we bow before Thee; All on earth Thy sceptre claim; All in heav'n above adore Thee, Infinite Thy vast domain, Everlasting is Thy reign,


Hark! The loud celestial hymn, Angel choirs above are raising!

Cherubim and Seraphim In unceasing chorus praising; Fill the Heav'ns with sweet accord; Holy, holy, holy Lord!


Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit, Three we name Thee, While in essence only One, Undivided G.o.d we claim Thee; And adoring bend the knee, While we own the mystery.

Copyright 1920 by N. A. M.

Page 60

No. 40


Full of Glory, full of wonders

Processional Father Faber Nicola A. Montani

Allegro moderato


Full of glory, full of wonders, Majesty Divine 'Mid Thine everlasting thunders How Thy lightnings s.h.i.+ne!

Sh.o.r.eless Ocean! Who shall sound Thee?

Thine own eternity is round Thee, Majesty Divine, Majesty Divine!


Timeless, s.p.a.celess, single, lonely, Yet sublimely Three, Thou art grandly, always, only G.o.d in Unity!

Lone in grandeur, lone in glory, Who shall tell thy wonderous story, Awful Trinity, Awful Trinity?


Splendors upon splendors beaming Change and intertwine!

Glories over glories streaming All translucent s.h.i.+ne!

Blessings, praises, adorations Greet Thee from the trembling nations Majesty Divine, Majesty Divine!

Copyright 1920 by N. A. M.

Page 61

No. 41


I need Thee, Precious Jesus

(Communion Hymn) For additional Communion Hymns see NOS. 44, 47, 49, 51, 53, 54, 122.

From a Slovak hymn Arr. by N. A. M.

With devotion


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