The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book Part 11

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Come Holy Ghost, Creator Come Veni Creator Spiritus

Translated by Dryden W. A. Mozart Arr. from the figured ba.s.s by N. A. M.

Melody "O Gottes Lamm" Koch. Verz. No. 343



Come, Holy Ghost, Creator come From Thy bright heav'nly throne, Come, take possession of our souls, And make them all Thy own.

Thou Who art called the Paraclete, Best gift of G.o.d above, The living spring, the living fire, Sweet unction and true love.


Thou who are sev'nfold in Thy grace, Finger of G.o.d's right hand; His promise teaching little ones To speak and understand.

O, guide our minds with Thy bless'd light With love our hearts inflame; And with Thy strength, which ne'er decays, Confirm our mortal frame.


Through Thee may we the Father know, Thro' Thee th'Eternal Son, And Thee, the Spirit of the both, Thrice blessed Three in One.

All Glory to the Father be, With His coequal Son; The same to Thee, great Paraclete, While endless ages run.

Copyright 1920 by N. A. M.

Page 53-54

No. 36


O Come, Creator Spirit! Come Veni Creator Spiritus

Translated by Father Faber K. Kurpinski



O come Creator Spirit come, Vouchsafe to make our minds Thy home And with Thy heav'nly grace fulfil The hearts Thou madest at Thy will.


Thou that are named the Paraclete, The Gift of G.o.d, His Spirit sweet; The living Fountain, Fire, and Love, And gracious Unction from above.


The sev'nfold grace Thou dost expand, O Finger of the Father's Hand; True promise of the Father, rich In gifts of tongues and various speech.


To G.o.d the Father let us raise And to His only Son, our praise, Praise to the Holy Spirit be Now, and for all eternity.

Copyright 1920 by N. A. M.

Page 55

No. 37


Spirit of Grace and Union Qui procedis ab utroque

Adam of St. Victor Nicola A. Montani



Spirit of grace and Union!

Who from the Father and the Son Dost equally proceed.

Inflame our hearts with holy fire Our lips with eloquence inspire, And strengthen us in need.


The Father and the Son through Thee Are linked in perfect unity And everlasting love; Ineffably Thou dost pervade All nature; and Thyself unsway'd The whole creation move.


O inexhaustive Fount of light!

How doth Thy radiance put to flight The darkness of the mind!

The pure are only pure through Thee; Thou only dost the guilty free, And cheer with light the blind.


Lord of all sanct.i.ty and might!

Immense, immortal, infinite!

The life of earth and Heav'n!

Be, through eternal length of days, All honor, glory, blessing, praise, And adoration giv'n!

Copyright 1920 by N. A. M.

Page 56-57

No. 38


O G.o.d of loveliness...o...b..llo Dio, Signor del Paradiso

Translated by Rev. E. Vaughan, C. SS. R.

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