Clair de Lune Part 31

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I am present. [_half turning_] Kindly acquaint her Majesty with that fact.


[_Starts to courtesy, but suddenly remembers that she doesn't have to._]

Very well, you can wait here.

[_The d.u.c.h.eSS looks at her with incredulous amazement. Suddenly the voice of the QUEEN is heard._]


Is that the d.u.c.h.ess?


It is, your Majesty.


Tell her to wait where she is. I shall be with her presently.

Meanwhile you may disperse without formalities.


Your Majesty is obeyed.

[_She comes back into the room and together with all the rest gazes insolently at the d.u.c.h.eSS as they file out. The d.u.c.h.eSS stands, staring frigidly ahead of her and looking supremely beautiful._]

d.u.c.h.eSS [_clenching her hands slightly_]

Fools! They would look better without their heads.

[_Enter the QUEEN, looking extremely pale and serious, evidently on the verge of some personal climax._]


My sister.


Your Majesty?

[_They bow formally to one another, then remain silent a little._]


O, what is the sense of trying to carry a meeting like this off? I have been too astonished lately to hold on to my _savoir faire_. Here are my explosions in a nutsh.e.l.l. The announcement that the clown Gwymplane is the Prince of Vaucluse I am satisfied is authentic. He is in consequence your _fiance_.

d.u.c.h.eSS [_losing her wits in a temper_]

You must be mad to suppose I should really marry with a mountebank, a deformity, no matter what he has been born.


Evidently you forget the position you enjoy entails implicit obedience.

[_The d.u.c.h.eSS is about to break out._]

Please don't be ba.n.a.l. I couldn't bear to hear you say that your life was slavery. Your life is merely idiotic. Slaves were st.u.r.dy, magnificent people who understood ma.s.sage, and you look as if a powder puff could blast you off the earth.


You hate me!


But you know that I knew you knew that.


When Charles comes, or perhaps you don't permit him to come--possibly it would annoy you to see the anguish he will be in over me.


Vain people have the most curious faith in the unselfishness of everybody else. Ah, here comes the bone of contention, looking remarkably bright.

[_Enter PRINCE. He bends over the QUEEN'S hand and gazes up into her eyes, speaking with a new thrill in his voice._]


My gracious cousin, I hope your health matches this exquisite morning.

QUEEN [_abruptly pointing_]

There is Josephine. Give her some of your after-breakfast optimism.



[_He bows rather distantly over JOSEPHINE'S hand that is extended with unusual cordiality._]


Charles, my dear, don't let us be absurd. Last night was a fantastic heaping of mischance.


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