Clair de Lune Part 20

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Phedro told me he thought he heard you cry out a moment ago?


Ah, so it is he--[_her face has grown dark and furious_] or does he push in some accident to favour me.


GWYMPLANE [_in a low voice_]

Treachery--if I had not been so mad all evening I could have smelt it on every gust of air.


Hush, don't ruin us.


Did I hear you speak?


No, Charles. I was merely muttering a few imprecations at you for disturbing my rest.


You want for nothing?


For nothing save to be left in peace.

[_The footsteps of the PRINCE are heard receding. Suddenly through the open French window steps DEA. GWYMPLANE shudders back with horror. The d.u.c.h.eSS looks in amazement and anger at the lovely apparition. GWYMPLANE with a gesture of supplication implores her to be silent. The d.u.c.h.eSS returns his look contemptuously._]

DEA [_advancing into the room_]

Where am I? Someone took me out of one room and pushed me in here.


I am the d.u.c.h.ess of Beaumont. You are in my room.


O, I am glad, Madame. I have been terribly frightened all evening.

[_GWYMPLANE stands frozenly against the wall._]


Really? By what?


I was looking for the Queen. I was being guided to the Queen's apartment when suddenly I found myself in a room with some gentleman.


Ah, what gentleman, I wonder?


I do not know. I am blind and he would not answer me. But I felt his hand to see if it was the Court Steward's. It was not the Court Steward's hand, for this man wore a ring with a gigantic stone.


[_Always unquestionably upon the right scent of anything damaging to her vanity._]

An oblong stone?

DEA [_pausing_]

Yes, your Grace, I am sure it was an oblong stone.

d.u.c.h.eSS [_her face becoming very malicious_]

Well, what did he wish of you?


He said many things to me. He told me how I appeared to him in all things beautiful, and that he wished to steal me away forever from the troop and for himself because he loved me.

d.u.c.h.eSS [_starts_]

[_GWYMPLANE wrings his hands in impotent fury._]

Strange those bundles we possess, that are of no value to us whatever, should, nevertheless, when they fall into the river, become precious as gold. [_she snaps her fingers_] So much for faithfulness! And you answered this gentleman?

DEA [_looking around abstracted_]

Your Grace, is there anyone else in this room?


I don't think so.

[_GWYMPLANE starts imperceptibly. The malicious d.u.c.h.eSS, reading his thought, shuts the window and locks it. GWYMPLANE looks at her in terror._]

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