Clair de Lune Part 17

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Could he read my letter? Did he appear to be reading it? [_She walks swiftly up and down_] Maybe he cannot read.


He did not receive the letter from me, your Grace.


How do you mean?


I think it was he who was standing with Messire Phedro, who took it from me to give it to him.


You ta.s.selled a.s.s, why did you let him have it?

PICCOLO [_trying to save himself_]

Nay, your Grace, he gave it at once to the clown, for I know it was the clown standing with him by the spidery confusion of his limbs.

Messire Phedro said I was to tell your Grace that you were understood and would be obeyed.

d.u.c.h.eSS [_half to herself_]

Well, maybe there is some reason. [_she turns to the equerry_] Go about your business. Don't stand around as if you were expecting the lash or you will feel it.

[_The equerry rapidly retires. The d.u.c.h.eSS turns to her maid._]


Ugh! Rid me of all this glittering discomfort.

[_The maid helps her out of the stiff wonderful dress and into a lovely azure garment sprayed with silver flowers._]


[_Fixing the maid with a peremptory eye._]

I will only consent to be disturbed by one person tonight. He will come alone or with Messire Phedro. He will be stooped, a little below the medium height, and will probably be in black. If the Prince command me I am already at rest. If the Queen command me I am ill. Do you understand that I will be at home to no one save this one visitor?


Your Grace is obeyed.

[_The d.u.c.h.eSS walks over to the window and throws it wide open.

Moonlight falls strongly in the garden just outside and water splashes noisily from the plump hands of a dancing Cupid, poised airily upon a minute Doric column. The d.u.c.h.eSS turns, frowning impatiently as she watches the maid's motions about the room._]


Go, go. How can you take so long to straighten a pair of slippers.

[_The maid retires precipitately. The d.u.c.h.eSS turns once more towards the window, glancing across the court._]

There are shadows in Charles's room, wrangling shadows.

[_She puts her finger to her lip, biting it in a meditative manner._]

Ah, somebody is trying to break away. What a bore it would be----

[_There is a sound of a key clicking in the latch; the door on stage left opens. PHEDRO comes swiftly into the room. He checks an exclamation of the d.u.c.h.eSS, speaking hurriedly._]


I know, I guessed. Listen, Gwymplane has not had your letter. This was the only possible way. I have told him his blind girl is in the palace, in order to draw him hither. Play to that, first.

[_The d.u.c.h.eSS hastily slips on a mask._]

GWYMPLANE [_entering_]

Where are we now?

d.u.c.h.eSS [_coming forward graciously_]

I believe you seek--

GWYMPLANE [_hastily_]

The blind girl in my troupe. It appears she is in the palace.


[_Trying to conceal her joy at his arrival._]

The palace is so amazingly large. Have you an idea in what part of the palace to look?

GWYMPLANE [_bitterly_]

Some slight idea.


Then you cannot do better than to send Phedro to the exact spot.


Very well. We both will----

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