Clair de Lune Part 13

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Because it must reach her Majesty by you before dawn.


Her Majesty? Shall I approach her Majesty?



You will observe many distinguished persons tonight, and at close range.


What shall I say?


That you know, that you carry proof that Gwymplane is fully ent.i.tled to all the immediate riches and respect this letter begs for him.


Oh, it will be wonderful to tell the Queen that Gwymplane is ent.i.tled to immediate riches and respect. How happy he shall be made at my hands!

PHEDRO [_half aside_]

Just so much chance have any of us got at the hands of those who love us.

[_Sound of a flute is heard._]


Gwymplane is coming!

PHEDRO [_walking swiftly to DEA_]

Mind what I tell you. Walk, feel your way down this long avenue of cypress to your right, and stop at the first white marble door you touch upon your left. Wait there for me. When I come I shall imitate the call of a cuckoo in order that the attendants may open to us immediately.

[_DEA goes out hurriedly. GWYMPLANE saunters in with his strange, twisted walk._]


You roam late in solitude among the damp Does that not make you too melancholy for jests?


My ability to jest was affixed upon me by the G.o.ds in one of their humorous moments; however, anything may be written in the parchment under the seal.

[_He attempts to pa.s.s on._]

PHEDRO [_intently regarding him_]

You are a curious fellow.


I think it is you who are curious, sir.


Ah, that was spoken after the manner of your cla.s.s.


My cla.s.s, of mountebanks, you mean?


No, my meaning is gathering slowly. After all, rain does not pour from the clouds until there has been sufficient mist.

[_GWYMPLANE looks at him intently, then once more attempts departure._]


One moment.


I beg you, sir, to let me pa.s.s. I am a prey tonight to reveries that make of me a dull companion.

PHEDRO [_experimentally_]

A lady of the court was enraptured by your performance, a lady who for many years has been aware of nothing but herself.

GWYMPLANE [_starting almost imperceptibly_]

I am glad if my performance pleased.


It did much more.


In the measure of amus.e.m.e.nt I may have caused I am not interested.


Nevertheless, it seemed to me that you were a little burned by the flame you cast out.

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