Clair de Lune Part 11

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What an exquisite thing for you to say to me--just at this moment.

[_QUEEN glances at them with an expression of pain and hatred. An attendant approaches the QUEEN, who breaks sharply out of her reverie._]


You have not brought the clown?



The owner of the van begs indulgence of your Majesty. The clown has wandered off somewhere, as is his habit, and cannot be found.


How annoying! Well, the amus.e.m.e.nt I should have had in giving him this is really the only reason for such a gift.

[_Replaces her brooch and turns to an attendant._]

Tell these mountebanks to leave the palace grounds before dawn.


Yes, your Majesty. [_bows himself out_]


I am glad he did not appear. He would have been horrible to look at closely.


You are cold. Let me arrange your cloak more closely about your shoulders.


Wrap my dear sister by all means, Charles, but if you can--from the inside out.

[_Continues her conversation with a courtier._]

JOSEPHINE [_in a low voice_]

How she dislikes me! But dislike is amusing when the hours are just ending that make one the slave of its temper.

PRINCE [_bending over her_]

Tomorrow, Josephine.... Tomorrow you will be safe forever from her rudeness. She will need us; our united fortunes will be the bank for her gambling.


Ah! tomorrow--tomorrow!


Josephine, take your prince and await me in the ballroom.

JOSEPHINE [_glancing toward the cart_]

It is very pleasant here, your Majesty. The air is cool so far away from candlelight, and I have an inclination to headache.


Why, a moment ago you said, "Let us dance," to which you added as your own a quotation from something you had read.


[_Who has been edging nearer the cart and looking with curiosity about her._]

Idle people are moody, your Majesty, but if ...

QUEEN [_sharply_]

It is my pleasure that you should await me in the ballroom.


Your Majesty....

[_Bowing low and taking the arm of the PRINCE, looks up archly into his eyes._]

We will ask the musicians to play one of those new waltzes, that make me close my eyes quite up with delight.

[_PRINCE gazing enraptured, leads her out._]


[_Furiously, turning to PHEDRO who has flitted in and out since the cessation of the performance, in a low voice._]

I would speak to you. [_to courtiers_] You are at liberty to precede me to the ballroom.

[_Courtiers go out._]

QUEEN [_leaning against a balcony_]

Ah, Phedro!

PHEDRO [_answering her tone_]

My Majesty, my sovereign star.

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