The American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia Part 1

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The American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia.

by William James Miller.


The writer of the following pages has long been convinced, from an experience of many years in the Ministry, that a great desideratum among Church people is a Church Dictionary, especially one not so expensive as the more costly works, and at the same time something more complete and satisfactory than a mere glossary of terms. What seems to be needed is an inexpensive, handy volume, "short enough for busy people, plain enough for common people, cheap enough for poor people," yet complete enough to give the information needed.

The present work was undertaken with this object in view. It was thought "worth while"; for if words are things, then greater familiarity with the phraseology of the Church will lead to greater knowledge "of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of G.o.d." What is here set forth is really a HANDY BOOK OF READY REFERENCE _arranged in alphabetical order_; and while some of the articles may seem to be too brief, yet the system of cross references adopted, it is believed, will throw considerable light on subjects where it is employed and thus enables the book to be kept within the limits already specified.

The t.i.tle, THE AMERICAN CHURCH DICTIONARY, indicates the purpose as well as those for whom it is written. In preparing it, the writer worked under the {3} conviction that not only is it necessary to set forth the historic facts, doctrines, terminology, customs and usages of the Church, but also to indicate the _spirit of the Church_ as well,--the spirit that pervades all her life, her teachings and her customs, and which when once possessed makes us deeply conscious of her continuous life from the beginning, as having a history and glorious traditions.

Many sources of information have been drawn from, the thoughts of many writers have been laid under contribution, but not always was it possible to make acknowledgment, as what is here presented is the result of the writer's general reading and study. As such the work is sent forth with the hope that all who refer to its pages may find it adequate to the purpose described and realize the full meaning of St. Cyprian's word's, "_He cannot have G.o.d for his Father, who has not the Church for his Mother_."

W. J. M.

Dictionary and Cyclopaedia


Ablutions.--A term used to designate the ceremonial was.h.i.+ng of the sacred vessels after Holy Communion, with wine and water which are reverently consumed by the Priest. These ablutions are in conformity with the Rubric which directs, "And if any of the consecrated Bread and Wine remain after the Communion, it shall not be carried out of the Church; but the Minister and other communicants shall, immediately after the Blessing, reverently eat and drink the same."

Absolution.--The forgiveness of sins on earth by the Son of Man through His agents, the Bishops and Priests of the Church. Their commission is embodied in the words of the Ordination Office, "Receive the Holy Ghost for the Office and Work of a Priest in the Church of G.o.d, now committed unto thee by the Imposition of our hands. Whose sins thou dost forgive, they are forgiven; and whose sins thou dost retain, they are retained." This commission contains our {6} Lord's own words to be found in St. John 20:22 and 23, and they are His commission to His Ministers. Attempts have been made to explain away these words; but it is unquestionably the office of the Holy Ghost to invest those ordained with the power of dispensing G.o.d's Word and Sacraments, and of performing what is necessary "for the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the ministry, and for the edifying of the Body of Christ."


Absolution, The.--The name given to the form of words by which a penitent person is absolved. There are two forms in the Prayer Book; the longer form being used at Morning and Evening Prayer, the shorter one being usually confined to use in the Communion Office.

Absolve.--To loose, to set free from the bondage of sin. (See ABSOLUTION, also KEYS, POWER OF).

Abstinence.--The Church makes a distinction between _abstinence_ and _fasting_. Abstinence is the reduction of food for the sake of self-discipline, while fasting is going without food of any kind as a more severe act of discipline. Abstinence is to be exercised on "Other Days of Fasting" _i.e._, other than Ash Wednesday and Good Friday which are absolute Fasts. (See FASTS, TABLE OF; also FASTING).

Acolyte.--A word derived from the Greek, and used to designate one who serves the Priest in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.

His chief duties are to arrange the elements on the Credence, to light the candles, receive the offerings and present them, and also the Bread, Wine and water, to the Priest at the proper time in the Celebration. {7}

Adult Baptism.--The rule of the Church is Infant Baptism. She brings children even in their tenderest years within her Fold and there trains them up "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord."

But when in England the Puritans and Anabaptists arose and prevailed, then there grew up a generation that reached maturity without having been baptized, and then it was that there arose the necessity for "The Ministration of Baptism to such as are of Riper Years and able to answer for themselves." To meet such cases the present service in the Prayer Book for the Baptism of Adults was prepared and set forth in A.D. 1661. That the Church of England had no form for the Baptism of Adults previous to the year 1661 is not only an interesting fact, but it is also one of those historic side-lights which brings into bold relief what was the custom of the Church from time immemorial.

Advent.--Derived from the Latin, and means _coming_. The word is used of the first coming of Christ at His Birth, and of His Second Coming to judge the world. These are commemorated in the first Season of the Church Year, the _Season of Advent_, which begins on the Sunday nearest to St. Andrew's Day (Nov. 30) whether before or after, and continues until Christmas Day. The Advent Season is intended to be a preparation for the due observance of Christmas, is penitential in character and a time of increased devotions both public and private. The Benedicite is sung instead of the Te Deum; the Benedictus is recited in full, and the Collect for the First Sunday in Advent is used daily throughout the Season. The color for Altar hangings, etc., is purple or violet.

Advent Sunday.--A name to be found in the Prayer Book for the First Sunday in Advent. It is commonly regarded as the first day of the Church Year, and as such the _Christian's New Year's Day_. From the fact that the Church Year antic.i.p.ates the Civil New Year by a whole month it is thought that the Church thereby teaches that the Kingdom of G.o.d should be first in our thoughts, (See ADVENT, also CHRISTIAN YEAR).

Affusion.--The _pouring_ (which the word means) of water on the recipient of Baptism, when the Baptism is not by immersion.

Questions have arisen from the very earliest ages as to the matter and form with which this Sacrament is to be administered. The original mode was undoubtedly by the descent of the person to be baptized into a stream or pool of water. The practice of immersion was not, however, regarded as an essential feature of Baptism. There can be little doubt that affusion was practiced instead of immersion, at the discretion of the Priest, in ancient as well as in modern times. The Prayer Book provides for either mode. The method is a matter of indifference, the essential point being that the candidate for Baptism come into actual contact with water while the words, "I baptize thee in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost," are spoken.

Agape.--A Greek word meaning _love_. The name given to the "Love Feast" or social meal which the ancient Christians were accustomed to have when they came together and which was partaken of before the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. But owing to abuses, which St. Paul rebuked in writing to the {9} Corinthians, it was finally abolished. There seems to be some confusion of ideas in regard to this ancient custom as is seen in the wrong use that is made of the term LORD'S SUPPER (which see).

Agnus Dei.--Meaning "The Lamb of G.o.d." This is the name given to the prayer "O Lamb of G.o.d, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us," to be found in the Litany and Gloria in Excelsis. The Agnus Dei is often sung as an anthem after the Prayer of Consecration in the Holy Communion. It is also the name given to a representation of a lamb with banner as an emblem of Christ. (See EMBLEMS).

Aisle.--This term is often wrongly applied to the alleys or pa.s.sageways between the pews of a church. Aisle, properly speaking, is an architectural term given to the side or wing of a church or cathedral separated from the nave by rows of pillars and arches.

The word is derived from the Latin _ala_, meaning a wing.

Alb.--A long white linen garment worn as one of the Eucharistic Vestments. (See VESTMENTS).

Alleluia.--A Hebrew word meaning "Praise ye the Lord." Sometimes written "Hallelujah." It is used on joyous occasions such as Christmas and Easter.

All Saints' Day.--A Feast held on November 1, in commemoration of all saints of the Church who are not commemorated on other days. This Festival is very dear to the hearts of Christians.

It is a day full of touching memories, when in the Holy Eucharist we memorialize before G.o.d the lives not only of Martyrs and Confessors and the great army of valiant {10} and faithful souls in every age and clime, but also of those dear to us by ties of kindred and affection,--fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, little children and n.o.ble youth--who "having finished their course in faith do now rest from their labors." It is thus we have brought home to us, as in no other way, the meaning and reality of "The Communion of Saints." Amid the solemnities of wors.h.i.+p "and memorial we thus learn that the living and the dead are bound together by ties that are eternal, ties that no change of time can break, because before G.o.d they are _one_ in the Mystical Body of Christ. (See DIPTYCHS).

Almanac, Church.--An annual publication setting forth the dates and times of the Holy Days and Seasons of the Church's year, with the table of Lessons, directions concerning the Church colors and other information about the Church, such as the organization of the Dioceses, number of communicants; clergy list, the General Convention and other organizations; also, the list of the American Bishops, both living and departed. In fact a well-edited Church Almanac is so full of information no intelligent communicant can afford to be without one, as a guide and help to his devotions throughout the year. (See CALENDAR).

Alms Bason.--A shallow dish or plate, usually made of some precious metal, in which the offerings of the people are received and placed on the Altar.

Alpha and Omega.--The first and last letters of the Greek alphabet.

They are used of our Lord to set forth His eternal and divine Nature, as in Revelation I:II, "I am Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last." In their Greek form these letters are used {11} in the symbolism and decoration of the Church, either separately or as a monogram.

Altar.--The Holy Table, of wood or stone, on which the Sacrament of the Lord's Body and Blood is offered to G.o.d as a "Sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving." "Altar" and "Table" are used interchangeably in Holy Scripture, and both words are used in the Prayer Book for the same thing. From the very earliest times the Altar has always been the most prominent object in the Church, being placed at the end of the chancel and elevated, being approached by three or more steps. Architecturally as well as devotionally the Altar is the distinctive feature, the objective point of the building to which all else conforms. Properly speaking, the building is erected for the Altar, and not the Altar for the building. (See LORD'S TABLE).

Altar Cross.--The cross surmounting the Altar, made usually of polished bra.s.s or of some precious metal. The Altar Cross is handed down to us from the Primitive Church, so that to-day wheresoever the English or the American flag waves there "the Altar and the Cross" are set up. The Cross is placed over the middle of the Altar, in the most sacred and prominent part of the Church, "in order that the holy symbol of our Faith may be constantly before the eyes of all who wors.h.i.+p therein, to s.h.i.+ne through the gloom of this world and point them to the skies."

Altar Lights.--Two candles in candlesticks placed on the retable of the Altar and lighted at the celebration of the Holy Eucharist; frequently called Eucharistic Lights. They are used to symbolize our Lord as {12} the Light of the world in His two Natures, Human and Divine. The symbolical use of lighted tapers in Divine Service is of primitive antiquity and their use is being generally restored in both the English and American branches of the Church. This is evidenced by the table in the Tourist's Church Guide for 1898, in which it appears that in 1882 there were 581 churches in which the Altar Lights were used, while in 1898 the number had increased to 4,334. (See LIGHTS ON THE ALTAR).

Altar Linen.--The linen pieces used in decorating the Altar for the celebration of the Holy Communion are so called. There is first the "fair white linen cloth," the width of the top of the Altar, and falling over the ends fifteen or twenty inches ending with a fringe. It is usually embroidered with five crosses to represent the five wounds of our Lord. Other pieces are the Corporal to cover the middle part of the Altar and on which are placed the Paten and Chalice during the Celebration; the "fair linen cloth," or thin lawn veil required by the rubric to cover the elements after consecration; the Purificators, and also the Pall,--each of which is described under its proper t.i.tle (which see).

Altar Rail.--The railing enclosing the Sanctuary in which the Altar stands, and at which the communicants kneel in receiving the Holy Communion, is called, in the Inst.i.tution Office the _Altar Rail_.

Supposed to have been first introduced by Archbishop Laud as a protection of the Altar against the lawlessness and irreverence of the Puritans.

Altar Vessels.--(See VESSELS, SACRED). {13}

Ambulatory.--The name given to the pa.s.sageway running around and back of the Altar, being a continuation of the aisles of the church.

Generally used for processionals to and from the choir.

Amen.--A Hebrew word meaning "so be it," or "so it is," as it is used at the end of prayers, hymns or Creed. It signifies approval of, or a.s.sent to, what has gone before. The use of the "Amen" in Public Wors.h.i.+p emphasizes the Priesthood of the Laity, as for example, in the consecration of the elements in the Holy Communion, while the celebrating Priest stands before G.o.d offering to Him this holy Oblation, he does it in company with all the faithful, and to signify their cooperation with him in this great act they say "Amen," adopting his words and acts as their own. In the early Church the "Amen" was said with such heartiness, an ancient writer describes it as sounding "like a clap of thunder." (See RESPONSIVE SERVICE).

American Church, The.--The name, and one that is growing in popularity, that is generally given to the body legally known as "The Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America."

The term "American Church" is descriptive of "The Holy Catholic Church" having this land and people as the field of its operations.

When our Lord commanded His Apostles to go forth and make disciples of all nations, and they went forth to carry out this command, they gave to every nation to which they came the Church in its completeness with powers of perpetuity. To every nation were given the Christian Faith, the Apostolic Ministry, the Sacraments and the Christian Wors.h.i.+p or Liturgy. Hence there {14} sprung up national Churches, all equal and having union with one another in these four essentials of Christian Truth and Order. The Episcopal Church in the United States by reason of its origin, history and character is to be regarded as one of these national churches and the name which is to embody this idea will no doubt be found and set forth by the proper ecclesiastical authority in due time. It is difficult to say just how the name "Protestant Episcopal" came into use, but it has always been a hindrance to our growth because it requires so much to be said in explanation, which is always a disadvantage.

Meantime the name "American Church" is coming more and more into general use, as it is clear, definite and historic, following the a.n.a.logy of the naming of the ancient national churches.

The Episcopal Church in the United States is the daughter of the ancient, historic. Catholic and Apostolic Church of England, is partaker of the same life and the inheritor with the mother Church of the same wors.h.i.+p, rites, customs, doctrines and traditions, and, therefore, its position, likewise, is ancient and historic, Catholic and Apostolic. (See ANGLICAN CHURCH, also ANGLICAN COMMUNION).

The history of the Church in America covers a period of more than three hundred years, and its first beginnings on these are full of interest. We refer to a few of them. From an old chronicle it is learned that in the year 1578, on the of Frobisher's Straits, "Master Walfall celebrated a Communion upon land, at the partaking whereof were the Captain and many others with him. The celebration {15} of the Divine Mystery was the first signs, seals and confirmation of Christ's Pa.s.sion and Death ever known in these quarters."

It is a remarkable and interesting fact that the Book of Common Prayer was first used in the territory now covered by the United States, not on the Atlantic coast as one would naturally suppose, but on the Pacific coast, on the of Drake's Bay, California.

This took place on St. John Baptist's Day, June 24th, 1579, the officiating minister having been the Rev. Francis Fletcher, chaplain to Francis Drake. The place where this service was held has been marked by a handsome cross, known as the "Prayer Book Cross,"

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