Arbuthnotiana Part 10

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361 Inventory of the South Sea directors estates, 2 v. Leybourne's mathematics

362 Burton's history of Yorks.h.i.+re, Dryden's plays, 2 v.

363 Churchill's collection of voyages, v. 2 to 6, Baker's chronicle, 9th edit. 1696

364 Prideaux's connection of the old and new Testament, 2 v. 1724

365 Religious ceremonies, large paper, 6 v. 1733

366 Entick's naval history, cuts 1757

367 Metalick's history of King William, Queen Mary, Queen Anne, and George I.

368 Le nouveau theatre du monde, 2 t. 1661

369 Histoire du Concile de Trente, par Courayer, 2 t. 1736

370 Dictionaire historique & critique, par Bayle, 4 t. Rott. 1697

371 Le grand dictionaire historique, par Moreri, 8 t. Amst. 1740

372 Echard's history of England, v. 1st. Sammes's Bittannia

373 Purcel's Orpheus Britannicus 1698, and 6 more

374 Ld. Clarendon's tracts 1727

375 Scott's history of Scotland 1728

376 Garth's Ovid's metamorphoses, cuts 1717

377 Makenzie's lives and characters of the writers of the Scots Nation, 2 v. 1711

378 Newman's concordance to the Bible, 1643, and 1 more

379 Prideaux's connection of the old and new Testament, 2 v. 1728

380 Keith's history of the church and state of Scotland, 1734, Spotswood's history of the church of Scotland (with his portrait, by Hollar) 1668

381 Dugdale's view of the troubles in England, and 5 more

382 Buchanani opera omnia, 2 v. 1715

383 Huetii demonstratio evangelica, 1669, and 3 more

384 Dion Ca.s.sius, Gr. & Lat. Xylandri, ap. H. Step. 1591

385 Herodotus Gr. et Lat. Sylburgii & Jungermanni Franc. 1608

386 Livii. Hist. Rom. c.u.m figs. Franc. 1578

387 Thucydidis Gr. ap H. Step. Franc. 1594, Aristophanes Gr. & Lat.

Biseti. 1607

388 Janssonii novus atlas terrarum, t. 4th 1659

389 Architectura di Scamozzi Venet. 1615

390 D'architecture de Vitruve, en Maroquin, Par. 1684

391 Koeheorn's method of fortification, by Savary, 1705, and 5 more

392 Browne's academy of drawing, painting, &c. with 30 copper plates 1669

393 Palladio's architecture, by Leoni 1721

394 Bp. Smalridge's sermons, 1724, ---- Taylor's course of sermons 1678

395 Cudworth's intellectual system of the universe, 1678, Tillotson's works, v. 1st. 1707

396 Hammond on the new Testament, and 2 more

397 Laud's life and trial, 2 v. 1695, book of Homilies, and 1 more

398 Ross's Silius Italicus 1661

399 Scarburgh's elements of Euclid 1705

400 Giannone's history of Naples, v. 2d. boards, 1731, Rymer's foedera, v. 16th

401 Plempii fundamenta medicinae, and 5 more

402 Fousch l'histoire des plantes colorees, Par. 1549

403 Varandaei opera omnia, 1658, and 2 more

404 Gorraei opera medica, Paris 1622, and 1 more

405 Boneti sepulchretum, five anatomia practica, 3 v. 1700

406 Sennerti opera, v. 1 and 3, and 1 more

407 Ditto, and 1 more

408 Foresti opera omnia, and 2 more

409 Avicennae de medicinis cordialibus & cantica, and 3 more

410 Le origini della langua Italiana dal Menagio, 1685, Howell's French and English dictionary 1673

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