The Book of Religions Part 18

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"I understand that the judgment day will be a thousand years long. The righteous are raised and judged in the commencement of that day, the wicked in the end of that day. I believe that the saints will be raised and judged about the year 1843, according to Moses' prophecy, Lev. ch. 26; Ezek. ch. 39; Daniel, ch. 2, 7, 8-12; Hos. 5:1-3; Rev., the whole book; and many other prophets have spoken of these things. Time will soon tell if I am right, and soon he that is righteous will be righteous still, and he that is filthy will be filthy still. I do most solemnly entreat mankind to make their peace with G.o.d, to be ready for these things. 'The end of all things is at hand.' I do ask my brethren in the gospel ministry to consider well what they say before they oppose these things. Say not in your hearts, 'My Lord delayeth his coming.' Let all do as they would wish they had if it does come, and none will say they have not done right if it does not come. I believe it will come; but if it should not come, then I will wait and look until it does come. Yet I must pray, 'Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly.'

"This is a synopsis of my views. I give it as a matter of faith. I know of no scripture to contradict any view given in the above sketch. Men's theories may oppose. The ancients believed in a temporal and personal reign of Christ on earth. The moderns believe in a temporal, spiritual reign as a millennium. Both views are wrong; both are too gross and carnal. I believe in a glorious, immortal, and personal reign of Jesus Christ, with all his people, on the purified earth forever. I believe the millennium is between the two resurrections and two judgments, the righteous and the wicked, the just and the unjust. I hope the dear friends of Christ will lay by all prejudice, and look at and examine these three views by the only rule and standard, the BIBLE.

"William Miller."

A Bible Chronology, From Adam To Christ.

By William Miller.

No. Names of Age. A. M. B. C. Reference.

Patriarchs, &c.

Creation, 1 4157 Gen. i., ii.

2. Adam 130 130 4027 Gen. v. 3.

3. Enos 90 325 3832 Gen. v. 6.

4. Cainan 70 395 3762 Gen. v. 9.

5. Mahalaleel 65 460 3697 Gen. v. 15.

6. Jared 162 622 3535 Gen. v. 18.

7. Enoch 65 687 3470 Gen. v. 21.

8. Methuselah 187 874 3283 Gen. v. 25.

9. Lamech 182 1056 3101 Gen. v. 28.

10. Noah 600 1656 2501 Gen. vii. 6.

The Flood 1 1657 2500 Gen. viii. 13.

11. Shem 2 1659 2498 Gen. xi. 10.

12. Arphaxad 35 1694 2463 Gen. xi. 12.

13. Salah 30 1724 2433 Gen. xi. 14.

14. Heber 34 1758 2399 Gen. xi. 16.

15. Peleg 30 1788 2369 Gen. xi. 18.

16. Reu 32 1820 2337 Gen. xi. 20.

17. Serug 30 1850 2307 Gen. xi. 22.

18. Nahor 29 1879 2278 Gen. xi. 24.

19. Terah's life 205(4) 2084 2073 Gen. xi. 32.

20. Exode, &c. 430(5) 2514 1643 Exod. xii. 40, 41.

21. Wilderness 40 2554 1603 Josh. v. 6; xiv. 7.

22. Joshua 25(6) 2579 1578 Josh. xxiv. 29.

1. Elders and 18 2597 1560 See Josephus.

Anarchy,(7) 2. Under Cushan 8 2605 1552 Judges iii. 8.

3. Othniel 40 2645 1512 Judges iii. 11.

4. Eglon 18 2663 1494 Judges iii. 14.

5. Ehud 80 2743 1414 Judges iii. 30.

6. Jabin 20 2763 1394 Judges iv. 3.

7. Barak 40 2803 1354 Judges v. 31.

8. Midianites 7 2810 1347 Judges vi. 1.

9. Gideon 40 2850 1307 Judges viii. 28.

10. Abimelech 3 2853 1304 Judges ix. 22.

11. Tola 23 2876 1281 Judges x. 2.

12. Jair 22 2898 1259 Judges x. 3.

13. Philistines 18 2916 1241 Judges x. 8.

14. Jephthah 6 2922 1235 Judges xii. 7.

15. Ibzan 7 2929 1228 Judges xii. 9.

16. Elon 10 2939 1218 Judges xii. 11.

17. Abdon 8 2947 1210 Judges xii. 14.

18. Philistines 40 2987 1170 Judges xiii. 1.

19. Eli 40(8) 3027 1130 1 Sam. iv. 18.

20. Samuel, 24(9) 3051 1106 1 Sam. vii. 2-17.

prophet 1. Saul, King 40 3091 1066 Acts xiii. 21.

2. David 40 3131 1026 2 Sam. v. 4.

3. Solomon 40 3171 986 1 Kings xi. 42.

4. Rehoboam 17 3188 969 2 Chron. xii. 13.

5. Abijam 3 3191 966 1 Kings xv. 2.

6. Asa 41 3232 925 1 Kings xv. 10.

7. Jehoshaphat 25 3257 900 1 Kings xxii. 42.

8. Jehoram 5 3262 895 2 Kings viii. 17.

9. Ahaziah 1 3263 894 2 Kings viii. 26.

10. Athaliah, 6 3269 888 2 Kings xi. 3, 4.

his mother 11. Joash 40 3309 818 2 Kings xii. 1.

12. Amaziah 29 3338 819 2 Kings xiv. 2.

Interregnum(10) 11 3349 808 2 Kings xv. 1, 2.

13. Azariah 52 3401 756 2 Kings xv. 2.

14. Jotham 16 3417 740 2 Kings xv. 33.

15. Ahaz 16 3433 724 2 Kings xvi. 2.

16. Hezekiah 29 3462 695 2 Kings xviii. 2.

17. Mana.s.seh 55 3517 640 2 Kings xxi. 1.

18. Amon 2 3519 638 2 Kings xxi. 19.

19. Josiah 31 3550 607 2 Kings xxii. 1.

20. Jehoahaz 3550 607 2 Kings xxiii. 31.

21. Jehoiakim 11 3561 596 2 Kings xxiii. 36.

The 70 years of 70 3631 526 2 Chron. x.x.xvi.

Captivity began 5-10.

Cyrus 6 3637 520 Rollin i. p. 354.

Cambyses 7 3644 513 Rollin i. p. 366.

Darius 36 3680 477 Rollin ii. p. 9.

Hystaspes Xerxes 13 3693 464 Rollin ii. p. 9.

Artaxerxes 7 3700 457 Ezra vii. 10-13.

Longima.n.u.s Birth of 457 4157 Christ(11) Add present 1840 5997 year, 1840 To 1843 3 6000

Mr. Miller adduces the following texts of Scripture in support of his sentiments:-Rev. 22:20. Ps. 130:6. 1 Thess. 3:13. Ps. 50:4. Rev. 11:15.

Isa. 2:19-21. John 5:28. 1 Thess. 4:17. 2 Thess. 1:5-7. 1 Cor. 15:52. Rev 5:9. Dan. 7:9-14. Rev. 14:14-16. Matt. 26:64. Isa. 27:13. Matt. 24:29.

Rev. 20:11. Isa. 66:15, 16. Mal. 4:1. Isa. 5:24. Rev. 19:18. Ezek.

39:17-20. Dan. 2 35, 44. Isa. 17:13. Rev. 13:1-7; 20:10. Isa. 24:20, 23. 2 Pet. 3:13. Rev. 19:8; 21:2. Heb. 4:9-11; 6:2, 3. Isa. 35:10; 65:17. Rev.

20:6; 20:9. Zech. 8:5. Rev. 3:12; 5:10, 20:2, 3, 7; 21:1; 20:8, 9, 13.

Rom. 7:5. 1 Pet. 4:6. Ps. 59:6-14. Jer. 4:12. Rev. 21:12, 27. Zech.

14:9-11. 1 Cor. 6:2. Rev. 20:9, 14, 15. Mal. 4:2. Isa. 4:3-5. Hos. 13:14.

Rom. 8:17. Rev. 21:23; 22:5. Jer. 31:12-14. Eph. 1:10. t.i.t. 2:13. Rev.

4:11. Eph. 6:13. Heb. 10:36, 37.

The believers in Mr. Miller's theory are numerous, and converts to his doctrines are increasing.

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