The accomplisht cook Part 14

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_First, of raw Beef._

Mince it very small with some Beef-suet or lard, some sweet herbs, pepper, salt, some cloves, and mace, blanched chesnuts, or almonds blanched, and put in whole, some nutmeg, and a whole onion or two, and stew it finely in a pipkin with some strong broth the s.p.a.ce of two hours, put a little claret to it, and serve it on sippets finely carved, with some grapes or lemon in it also, or barberries, and blow off the fat.


Stew it in Beef gobbets, and cut some fat and lean together as big as a good pullets egg, and put them into a pot or pipkin with some Carrots cut in pieces as big as a walnut, some whole onions, some parsnips, large mace, f.a.ggot of sweet herbs, salt, pepper, cloves, and as much water and wine as will cover them, and stew it the s.p.a.ce of three hours.

2. _Beef hashed otherways, of the b.u.t.tock._

Cut it into thin slices, and hack them with the back of your knife, then fry them with sweet b.u.t.ter; and being fried put them in a pipkin with some claret, strong broth, or gravy, cloves, mace, pepper, salt, and sweet-b.u.t.ter; being tender stewed the s.p.a.ce of an hour, serve them on fine sippets, with slic't lemon, gooseberries, barberries, or grapes, and some beaten b.u.t.ter.

3. _Beef hashed otherways._

Cut some b.u.t.tock-beef into fine thin slices, and half as many slices of fine interlarded Bacon, stew it very well and tender, with some claret and strong Broth, cloves, mace, pepper, and salt; being tender stewed the s.p.a.ce of two hours, serve them on fine carved sippets, _&c._

4. _A Hash of Bullocks Cheeks._

Take the flesh from the bones, then with a sharp knife slice them in thin slices like Scotch collops, and fry them in sweet b.u.t.ter a little; then put them into a Pipkin with gravy or strong broth and claret, and salt, chopped sage, and nutmeg, stew them the s.p.a.ce of two hours, or till they be tender, then serve them on fine carved sippets, _&c._

_Hashes of Neats Feet, or any Feet; as Calves, Sheeps, Dears, Hogs, Lambs, Pigs, Fawns, or the like, many of the ways following._

Boil them very tender, and being cold, mince them small, then put currans to them, beaten cinamon, hard eggs minced, capers, sweet herbs minced small, cloves, mace, sugar, white-wine, b.u.t.ter, slic't lemon or orange, slic't almonds, grated bread, saffron, sugar, gooseberries, barberries or grapes; and being finely stewed down, serve them on fine carved sippets.

2. _Neats Feet hashed otherwise._

Cut them in peices, being tender boild, and put to them some chopped onions, parsly, time b.u.t.ter, mace, pepper, vinegar, salt, and sugar: being finely stewed serve them on fine carved sippets, barberries, and sugar; sometimes thicken the broth with yolks of raw eggs and verjuice, run it over with beaten b.u.t.ter, and sometimes no sugar.

3. _Has.h.i.+ng otherways of any Feet._

Mince them small, and stew them with white wine, b.u.t.ter, currans, raisins, marrow, sugar, prunes, dates, cinamon, mace, ginger, pepper, and serve them on tosts of fried manchet.

Sometimes dissolve the yolks of eggs.

4. _Neats Feet, or any Feet otherways_

Being tender boil'd and soused, part them and fry them in sweet b.u.t.ter fine and brown; dish them in a clean dish with some mustard and sweet b.u.t.ter, and fry some slic't onions, and lay them all over the top; run them over with beaten b.u.t.ter.

5. _Neats-feet, or other Feet otherways sliced, or in pieces stewed._

Take boil'd onions, and put your feet in a pipkin with the onions aforesaid being sliced, and cloves, mace, white wine, and some strong broth and salt, being almost stewed or boil'd, put to it some b.u.t.ter and verjuyce, and sugar, give it a warm or two more, serve it on fine sippets, and run it over with sweet b.u.t.ter.

6. _Neats-feet otherways, or any Feet frica.s.sed, or Trotters._

Being boil'd tender and cold, take out the hair or wool between the toes, part them in halves, and fry them in b.u.t.ter; being fryed, put away the b.u.t.ter, and put to them grated nutmeg, salt, and strong Broth.

Then being fine and tender, have some yolks of eggs dissolved with vinegar or verjuyce, some nutmeg in the eggs also, and into the eggs put a piece of Fresh b.u.t.ter, and put away the frying: and when you are ready to dish up your meat, put in the eggs, and give it a toss or two in the pan, and pour it in a clean dish.

1. _To hash Neats-tongues, or any Tongues._

Being fresh and tender boil'd, and cold, cut them into thin slices, fry them in sweet b.u.t.ter, and put to them some strong broth, cloves, mace, saffron, salt, nutmegs grated, yolks of eggs, grapes, verjuyce: and the tongue being fine and thick, with a toss or two in the pan, dish it on fine sippets.

Sometimes you may leave out cloves and mace; and for variety put beaten cinamon, sugar, and saffron, and make it more brothy.

2. _To hash a Neats-Tongue otherways._

Slice it into thin slices, no broader than a three pence, and stew it in a dish or pipkin with some strong broth, a little sliced onion of the same bigness of the tongue, and some salt, put to some mushrooms, and nutmeg, or mace, and serve it on fine sippets, being well stewed; rub the bottom of the dish with a clove or two of garlick or mince a raw onion very small and put in the bottom of the dish, and beaten b.u.t.ter run over the tops of your dish of meat, with lemon cut small.

3. _To hash a Tongue otherwise, either whole or in slices._

Boil it tender, and blanch it; and being cold, slice it in thin slices, and put to it boil'd chesnuts or roste, some strong broth, a bundle of sweet herbs, large mace, white endive, pepper, wine, a few cloves, some capers, marrow or b.u.t.ter, and some salt; stew it well together, and serve it on fine carved sippets, garnish it on the meat, with gooseberries, barberries, or lemon.

4. _To hash a Tongue otherways._

Being boil'd tender, blanch it, and let it cool, then slice it in thin slices, and put it in a pipkin with some mace and raisins, slic't dates, some blanched almonds; pistaches, claret or white whine, b.u.t.ter, verjuyce, sugar, and strong broth; being well stewed, strain in six eggs, the yolks being boil'd hard, or raw, give it a warm, and dish up the tongue on fine sippets.

Garnish the dish with fine sugar, or fine searced manchet, lay lemon on your meat slic't, run it over with beaten b.u.t.ter, _&c._

5. _To hash a Neats Tongue otherways._

Being boil'd tender, slice it in thin slices, and put it in a pipkin with some currans, dates, cinamon, pepper, marrow, whole mace, verjuyce, eggs, b.u.t.ter, bread, wine, and being finely stewed, serve it on fine sippets, with beaten b.u.t.ter, sugar, strained eggs, verjuyce, _&c._

_6. To stew a Neats Tongue whole._

Take a fresh neats tongue raw, make a hole in the lower end, and take out some of the meat, mince it with some Bacon or Beef suet, and some sweet herbs, and put in the yolks of an egg or two, some nutmeg, salt, and some grated parmisan or fat cheese, pepper, and ginger; mingle all together, and fill the hole in the tongue, then rap a caul or skin of mutton about it, and bind it about the end of the tongue, boil it till it will blanch: and being blanched, wrap about it the caul of veal with some of the forcing, roast it a little brown, and put it in a pipkin, and stew it with some claret and strong broth, cloves, mace, salt, pepper, some strained bread, or grated manchet, some sweet herbs chopped small, marrow, fried onions and apples amongst; and being finely stewed down, serve it on fine carved sippets, with barberries and slic't lemon, and run it over with beaten b.u.t.ter. Garnish the dish with grated or searced manchet.

_7. To stew a Neats Tongue otherways, whole, or in pieces, boiled, blanch it, or not._

Take a tongue and put it a stewing between two dishes being raw, & fresh, put some strong broth to it and white wine, with some whole cloves, mace, and pepper whole, some capers, salt, turnips cut like lard, or carrots, or any roots, and stew all together the s.p.a.ce of two or three hours leisurely, then blanch it, and put some marrow to it, give it a warm or two, and serve it on sippets finely carved, and strow on some minced lemon and barberies or grapes, and run all over with beaten b.u.t.ter.

Garnish your dish with fine grated manchet finely searced.

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