Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Household Science in Rural Schools Part 33

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1. _Potato soup_, meat sandwiches, orange, sponge cake

2. _Cream of tomato soup_, bread and b.u.t.ter sandwiches, stuffed egg, pear, oatmeal cookies

3. _Apple cooked with bacon_, bread and b.u.t.ter sandwiches, gingerbread, milk

4. _Cocoa_, date sandwiches, celery, graham crackers, apple

5. _Stewed apples_, egg sandwiches, plain cake, prunes stuffed with cottage cheese

6. _Custard_, brown bread sandwiches, apple, raisins, sauce, cookies

7. _Baked beans_, bread and b.u.t.ter sandwiches, fruit, sauce, cookies


_First week_ _Second week_

Monday Potato soup Rice and milk Tuesday Cocoa Tomato soup Wednesday Coddled eggs Egg broth Thursday Creamed potatoes Chocolate custard Friday Soft custard Rice and tomato

_Third week_ _Fourth week_

Monday Macaroni and cheese Rice soup Tuesday Creamed eggs Cocoa Wednesday Cheese soup Boiled rice and milk Thursday Apple sauce Soft-cooked eggs Friday Cheese Wheat pudding

_First week_ _Second week_

Monday Rice soup Macaroni and cheese Tuesday Cocoa Apple sauce Wednesday Baked apples s.h.i.+rred eggs Thursday Custard Cheese soup Friday Baked eggs Apple custard

_Third week_ _Fourth week_

Monday Potato soup Rice and tomato Tuesday Tapioca cream Apple custard Wednesday Cocoa Tomato soup Thursday Creamed potatoes Cracker pudding Friday Soft custard Cocoa


All the recipes given have been used with success in preparing rural school lunches. The number that the recipe will serve is generally stated and, where this number does not coincide with the number of pupils in any particular school, the quant.i.ties required may be obtained by division or multiplication. The recipes given in the lessons on cooking may also be used in preparing the school lunch, as each recipe states the number it will serve.

_White Sauce_

1 c. milk 2 tbsp. flour 1/2 tbsp. b.u.t.ter 1/4 tsp. salt 1/8 tsp. white pepper

Reserve one quarter of the milk and scald the remainder in a double boiler. Mix the flour to a smooth paste with an equal quant.i.ty of the cold milk and thin it with the remainder. Stir this gradually into the hot milk and keep stirring until it thickens. Add the b.u.t.ter, salt, and pepper, and cover closely until required, stirring occasionally. This recipe makes a sauce of medium consistency. To make a thick white sauce, use 3 or 4 tablespoonfuls of flour to one cup of milk.


6 tbsp. (18 tsp.) cocoa 6 tbsp. (18 tsp.) sugar 6 c. milk 6 c. boiling water 1/2 tsp. salt

Scald the milk in a double boiler. Mix the cocoa, sugar, and salt, then stir in the boiling water and boil for 3 minutes. Add this mixture to the scalded milk. If a sc.u.m forms, beat with a Dover egg-beater for one minute. The preparation should begin at half-past eleven, to have the cocoa ready at twelve o'clock. (Will serve eighteen.)

_Potato Soup_

1 qt. peeled potatoes cut in thin slices 3 qt. milk 2 tsp. salt 4 tsp. b.u.t.ter 4 tbsp. flour 1/8 tsp. black pepper 1 small onion 1/2 tsp. celery seed or a stock of celery

Before the opening of school, the potatoes should be pared and put into cold water; and the b.u.t.ter, flour, salt, and pepper should be thoroughly mixed. At eleven o'clock, the potatoes, onion, and celery should be put on to boil gently and the milk put into a double boiler to heat. When the vegetables are tender, they should be strained with the cooking liquid into the hot milk and the mixture bound with the flour. The soup should be closely covered until required. (Will serve ten.)

_Cream of Pea Soup_

1 can peas or 1 qt. fresh peas 1 pt. milk 2 tbsp. b.u.t.ter 2 tbsp. flour 1 tsp. salt 1/4 tsp. pepper

Heat the peas in their own water, or cook them in boiling salted water until tender. Put the milk to heat in a double boiler. When the peas are tender, rub them, with the cooking liquid, through a strainer into the scalded milk. Add the b.u.t.ter and flour rubbed to a smooth paste and stir until thickened. Season and cover until required. (Will serve six pupils generously.)

_Cream of Tomato Soup_

1 pt. or 1 can tomatoes 2 tbsp. b.u.t.ter 3 tbsp. flour 1 tsp. sugar 1 qt. milk Sprig of parsley 1/4 tsp. white pepper 1/2 tsp. soda 1 tsp. salt

Cook the tomatoes slowly with the seasonings for ten minutes and rub through a strainer. Scald the milk, thicken with the flour and b.u.t.ter rubbed to a paste, re-heat the tomatoes, and add the soda, mix with the milk, and serve at once. (Will serve six pupils generously.)

_Cream of Corn Soup_

2 pt. cans corn 1 pt. cold water 2 slices onion 2 qt. of thin white sauce Seasonings

The process is that used in making Cream of Pea Soup. When making the thin white sauce, place the onion in the milk and leave it until the milk is scalded. Then remove the onion to the other mixture and make the sauce. This gives sufficient onion flavour. (Will serve eighteen.)

_Lima-bean Soup_

1 c. Lima beans 2 qt. water 2 whole cloves 1 bay leaf 1 tsp. salt 3 tbsp. b.u.t.ter 2 tbsp. flour 3 tbsp. minced onion 1 tbsp. " carrot 1 tbsp. " celery 1/4 tsp. pepper

Soak the beans overnight in soft water or in hard water which has been boiled and cooled. If cold, hard water is used, add 1/4 tsp. baking-soda to 1 qt. of water. In the morning, drain and put on to cook in 2 qt. of water. Simmer until tender. It takes 2 hours. Cook the minced vegetables in the b.u.t.ter for 20 minutes, being careful not to brown them. Drain out the vegetables and put them into the soup. Put the flour and b.u.t.ter into a pan and stir until smooth. Add this mixture to the soup. Add the cloves, bay leaf, and seasonings, and simmer for 1 hour. Rub through a sieve. One cup of milk may be added. Bring to the simmering point and serve. (Will serve eighteen.)

_Note._--If desired, the vegetables may be used without browning and the cloves and bay leaf omitted.

_Milk and Cheese Soup_

4 c. milk 2 tbsp. flour 1-1/3 c. grated cheese Salt and pepper to taste

Thicken the milk with flour, cooking thoroughly. This is best done in a double boiler, stirring occasionally. When ready to serve, add cheese and seasoning. (Will serve six.)

_Cream of Rice Soup_

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