Terrestrial and Celestial Globes Volume Ii Part 30

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SCOTI, J. C. De sphaerae seu globi coelestis fabrica praeceptio.

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SEDILLOT, L. A. Materiaux pour servir a l'histoire comparee des sciences mathematiques chez les grecs et les orientaux. Paris, 1845.

Histoire des Arabes. Paris, 1854.

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SEIDLITZ, W. V. Allgemeines historisches Portratwerk. Munchen, 1894. 5 vols.

SIMONI, DE. See Desimoni.

SMIT, P. Cosmographia of Verdeelinge van de gehele wereld. Amsterdam, 1689. (2d edition, 1720.)

SOLINUS, J. Collectanea. Ed. by T. Mommsen. Berlin, 1895.

Collectanea. Tr. by A. Golding into English. London, 1587.

SOULSBY, B. H. See Fischer, J.

SPECHT, F. A. Geschichte des Unterrichtswesens in Deutschland von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Mitte des XIII Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart, 1885.

SPRENGER. Succinta praxis et usus globi coelestis et terrestris.

Frankfurt, 1665.

STACKHOUSE, T. The rationale of the globes, or a development of the principles on which the operations of these useful instruments are founded. London, 1805.

STANLEY OF ALDERLEY, LORD. The first voyage around the world by Magellan. (In: Hakluyt Society Publications. London, 1874. Tr. of Pigafetta's account.)

STEINHAUSER, A. Stabius redivivus, eine Reliquie aus dem 16ten Jahrhundert. (In: Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaftliche Geographie.

Weimar, 1885.)

STEVENS, H. Historical and Geographical Notes. New Haven, 1869.

Johann Schoner, Professor of Mathematics in Nurnberg. A Reproduction of his Globe of 1523 long lost, his Dedicatory Letter to Reymer von Streytperk and the "De Moluccis" of Maximilia.n.u.s Transylva.n.u.s, with new translation and notes on the Globe by Henry Stevens. Ed. with an Introduction and Bibliography by C. H. Coote. London, 1888.

STEVENS, H. (Son). Ptolemy's Geography, a brief account of all the printed editions down to 1730. London, 1908.

STEVENSON, E. L. Martin Waldseemuller and the early Lusitano-Germanic Cartography of the New World. (In: Bulletin of The American Geographical Society. New York, 1904.)

Maps ill.u.s.trating early Discovery and Exploration in America, 1502-1530; reproduced by photography from the original ma.n.u.scripts.

Twelve maps on one hundred and twenty-four sheets, each map in the size of the original, with explanatory text and key maps. New Brunswick, 1906.

Map of the World by Jodocus Hondius, 1611. Facsimile of the unique original, measuring 160 x 246 cm., in the Library of His Highness Prince Max von Waldburg zu Wolfegg-Waldsee, with explanatory text.

Issued jointly with Professor J. Fischer. New York, 1907.

Marine World Chart of Nicolo de Canerio Januensis (ca.) 1502.

Facsimile of the unique original, measuring 115 x 225 cm., in the Archives du Service Hydrographique de la Marine, with critical text.

New York, 1908.

Early Spanish Cartography of the New World with special reference to the Map and the work of Diego Ribero. (In: Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. Worcester, 1909.)

Genoese World Map, 1457. Facsimile of an original parchment ma.n.u.script measuring 42 x 81 cm., in the Biblioteca n.a.z.ionale Centrale of Florence, with critical text. New York, 1912.

Willem Janszoon Blaeu. A sketch of his life and work, with an especial reference to his large World Map of 1605 reproduced in facsimile of the unique original measuring 134 x 244 cm., in the Library of The Hispanic Society of America. New York, 1914.

Facsimiles of Portolan Charts, including sixteen charts with explanatory text. New York, 1916.

Portolan Charts, their origin and characteristics. New York, 1911.

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STRABO. Geographia. Tr. by H. L. Jones. The Geography of Strabo. New York, 1917. 8 vols.

STREET, T. Astronomia Carolina: a new theory of celestial motions.

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SUTER, H. Die Mathematiker und Astronomen der Araber und ihre Werke.

Das Mathematischenverzeichnis im Fihrist des Ibn Ali Ja'kub an Nadim, zum erstenmale volstandig ins deutsch ubersetzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen. (In: Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematik. Leipzig, 1892.)

TAISNIER, J. Liber de usu sphaerae materialis. Coloniae, 1559.

TANNERY, P. Recherches sur l'histoire de l'astronomie ancienne. Paris, 1893.

TARDUCCI, F. Di Giovanni e Sebastiano Caboto. Venezia, 1892.

TESSIER, A. Di Cesare Vercellio e de suoi dipinti e disegni in una collezione di libri dei secoli XV e XVI. Roma, 1876.

THATCHER, J. B. Christopher Columbus. New York, 1903. 3 vols.

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THEVET, A. Les vrais portraits et vies des hommes ill.u.s.tres. Paris, 1584. 2 vols.

THIELE, P. A. Leven en werken van Willem Jansz. Blaeu door P. J.

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