Terrestrial and Celestial Globes Volume Ii Part 20

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Viaggi del P. C. Venetia, 1697.

The Royal Almanack containing a succinct account of the remarkable actions of K. William III; with the year and the day of the month when each happened. Tr. from Italian into English. London, 1696.

COSMAS INDICOPLEUSTES. Topographia Christiana. Tr. by J. M. McCrindle as Christian Topography. (In: Hakluyt Society Publications. London, 1897.)

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CUNEIFORM TEXTS from Babylonian Tablets, &c., in the British Museum.

London, 1906. Pt. xxii, plate 48.

DAHLGREN, E. W. Map of the World by Alonzo de Santa Cruz. Text and facsimile of map. Stockholm, 1892.

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Warhafftige Auslegung des astronomischen Uhrwerkes zu Stra.s.sburg.

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Verrazano the explorer. (In: Magazine of American History. New York, 1881.)

The Nancy Globe. (In: Magazine of American History. New York, 1881.)

The Lenox Globe. (In: Magazine of American History. New York, 1879.)

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DEL BADIA, J. See Badia, J. del.

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DILWORTH, T. A new and complete description of the terrestrial and celestial globes, with their several uses. London, 1794.

DIODORUS. The historical library of Diodorus the Sicilian, in fifteen books. Tr. by G. Booth. London, 1814.

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Drei in der kaiserlichen offentlichen Bibliothek zu St. Petersburg befindliche astronomische Instrumente mit arabischen Inschriften.

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DOZY, C. M. Willem Janszoon Blaeu. (In: Tijdschrift van het Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, gevestigt to Amsterdam, 1887. 2de Serie.)

DRACH, K. A. V. Die zu Marburg im mathematisch-physikalischen Inst.i.tute befindliche Globusuhr Wilhelm IV von Hessen. Marburg, 1894.

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DRECHSLER, A. Katalog der Sammlung des Konigl.-Mathematisch-Physikalischen Salon zu Dresden. Dresden, 1874.

Der arabische Himmelsglobus angefertigt zu Maragha. Dresden, 1873.

DREYER, J. L. E. Tycho Brahe, a picture of scientific life and work in the sixteenth century. Edinburgh, 1890.

DRoBER, W. Kartographie bei den Naturvolkern Erlangen, 1903.

DRYANDER (ENZINAS), J. Sphaerae materialis sive globi coelestis descriptio. Neuss, 1581.

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DUMMLER, E. Ekkehart IV von St. Gallen. Berlin, 1869.

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