Terrestrial and Celestial Globes Volume Ii Part 17

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[207] See Fig. 121a.

[208] See Fig. 88.

[209] Wolf, R. Handbuch der Astronomie, ihre Geschichte und Litteratur. Zurich, 1893. pp. 451 ff.; Frobesius. Bibliographie Selenographorum. Helmstadt, 1718.

[210] Hevelius, J. Selenographiae sive Lunae descriptio. Danzig, 1647. pp. 492 ff.; Beziat, L. C. La vie et les travaux de Jean Hevelius.

[211] Lalande. Bibliographie astronomique, "La Hire."

[212] Mayer, T. Abhandlung uber die Umwalzung des Mondes um seine Achse und die scheinbare Bewegung der Mondflecke. Nurnberg, 1750; same, Bericht von den Mondskugeln, welche bei der kosmographischen Gesellschaft in Nurnberg aus neuen Beobachtungen verfertigt werden. Nurnberg, 1750.

[213] Russel, J. A description of the selenographia, an apparatus for exhibiting the phaenomena of the moon; together with an account of some of the purposes to which it may be applied. London, 1797. In his effort to obtain funds for the construction of his globe he issued an announcement which he called a "Proposal for publis.h.i.+ng by subscription a Globe of the Moon."

[Ill.u.s.tration: Printer's Mark of the Blaeu Press]

Bibliographical List

The following bibliographical list includes the works referred to in the body of the foregoing pages, with certain additions of those touching incidentally globe making and globe makers. It is a suggestive list, not one that can be called exhaustive. Practically all those works in which the subject of geography and of astronomy has been treated historically may be consulted with interest and profit.

AA, A. J. V. D. Biographisch Woordenboek der Nederlanden. Haarlem, 1852-1878.

ABRAHAM BEN CHIJAH. Liber de Sphaera. 1105. MS.

ABULFEDA, I. E. I. Takwim al Boldan (Geography). Tr. by M. Reinaud into French. Paris, 1848-1883.

ADAMS, G. A treatise describing and explaining the construction and the use of new celestial and terrestrial globes, designed to ill.u.s.trate in the most easy manner the phenomena of the earth and heavens. London, 1766.

Astronomical and geographical essays. London, 1795.

A treatise on the construction of globes. London, 1769.

Geometrical and geographical essays, containing a description of mathematical instruments. London, 1791.

AKERMAN, A. Globes celeste et terrestre de vingt-deux pouces. Upsala, 1766.

ALBERTUS MAGNUS (Albert of Bollstadt). Opera omnia. Ed. by P. Jammy.

Leyden, 1651. 21 vols.

ALFONSO X. Libros del Saber de Astronomia del Rey D. Alfonso X de Castilla. Ed. by Don Manuel Rico y Sin.o.bas. Madrid, 1863-1867. 5 vols.

ALLEN, R. H. Star names and their meanings. New York, 1899.



AMARI, M. Storia dei Musulmani di Sicilia. Firenze, 1868.


ANDREA, M. J. L. Zweifache Sternkugel oder Himmelskugel. n. p., 1724.


ANNUARIO ASTRO-METEOROLOGICO con efemeridi nautichi. Venezia, 1882--.

ANONYMOUS. Treatise of the use of globes celestial and terrestrial.

London, 1647.

ANONYMOUS. W. J. Blaeus Antheil an der Bestimmung der Erdlangen.

Stuttgart, 1875.

Portraits des hommes et des femmes ill.u.s.tres par renaissance, n. p., 1792.

ARATUS. The Phaenomena and Diosemia of Aratus. Tr. by J. Lamb. London, 1847.

ARCHAEOLOGIA. London, 1865.

ARCHER, G. M. Henry Hudson, the Navigator. (In: Hakluyt Society Publications. London, 1860.)

ARCO, C. DE. Delle arti e degli artifici di Mantova. Mantova, 1857.

ARISTOTLE. De Coelo. Tr. by T. Taylor, with t.i.tle On the Heavens from the Greek with copious elucidations. London, 1807.

ARX, J. V. Geschichte des Kantons St. Gallen. St. Gallen, 1810.

ASCHBACH, J. Die Wiener Universitat und ihre Humanisten im Zeitalters Kaiser Maximilians I. Wien, 1877.

a.s.sEMANI, G. Globus coelestis cufico-arabicus Veliterni Musei Borgiani. Patavii, 1790.

AUSLAND, DAS. Stuttgart, 1828--.

AVERDUNK, H. and MULLER-REINHARD, J. Gerhard Mercator und die Geographen unter seinen Nachkommen. (In: Petermanns Mitteilungen.

Gotha, 1914. Erganzungsheft, Nr. 182.)

AVEZAC, M. A. P. DE. Notice des decouvertes faites au moyen age dans l'Ocean Atlantique. Paris, 1845.

Coup d'oeil historique sur la projection des cartes. (In: Bulletin de la Societe de Geographie. Paris, 1863.)

Martin Hylacomylus Waltzemuller, ses ouvrages et ses collaborateurs.

Paris, 1867.

Sur un globe terrestre trouve a Laon, anterieur a la decouverte de l'Amerique. (In: Bulletin de la Societe de Geographie. Paris, 1860.)

AZURARA, G. E. DE. The Chronicle of the discovery and conquest of Guinea done into English by C. R. Beazley and E. Prestage. (In: Hakluyt Society Publications. London, 1896-1899. 2 vols.)

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