The Instruction of Ptah-Hotep and the Instruction of Ke'Gemni Part 6

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Chabas, F. _Le plus ancien livre du monde; etude sur le papyrus Prisse_. Revue archeologique, premiere serie, xv. anno. Paris, 1857.

Contains a discussion of the text, etc., and partial translation.

Chabas, F. _Le papyrus Prisse_. Zeitschrift fur egyptische Sprache.

Berlin, 1870. Discusses the meaning of various words.

Chabas, F. _Le plus ancien livre du monde; etude sur le papyrus Prisse_. Bibliotheque orientale, vol. ii. Paris, 1872. The work of 1857 recast.

Dumichen, J. _Les sentences de Kakemni_. Les Bibles et les initiateurs religieux de l'humanite, vol. ii. part i. Paris, 1884.

Contains a translation of Kg.

Griffith, F. L. _Notes on Egyptian Texts of the Middle Kingdom_, iii.

Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, vol. xiii. London, 1890. Discusses the text, correcting some previous errors in transcription. Translation of Kg. and ---- A, B of Ph.

Griffith, F. L. _Egyptian Literature_. A Library of the {74} World's Best Literature. New York, 1898-9. Contains translation of many sections.

Heath, D. I. _On a MS. of the Phoenician King, ruling in Egypt before Abraham: A Record of the Patriarchal Age; or The Proverbs of Aphobis_, B.C. 1900; _now first fully translated_. _Monthly Review_.

London, July, 1866. The first 'translation' of Kg. and Ph. Afterwards issued as a pamphlet, London, 1858.

Lauth, F. J. _Der Autor Kadjimna vor 5400 Jahren_. Sitzungsberichte der kgl. bayer. _Akademie der Wissenschaften_. Munchen, 1869, ii.

Contains an a.n.a.lysis of Kg.

Lauth, F. J. _Der Prim Ptah-hotep uber das Alter: Ptah-hoteps Ethik_.

Sitzungsberichte der kgl. bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Munchen, 1870, ii, Heft i, Beilage. Contains a.n.a.lysis and translation into Latin and German of the greater part of Ph.

Mahaffy, J. P. _Prolegomena to Ancient History_, part ii. London, 1871. Contains translations from Lauth's rendering.

Myer, T. _The Oldest Books in the World_. New York, 1900. Contains Virey's translation and notes.

Petrie, W. M. F. _Religion and Conscience in Ancient Egypt_. London, 1898. Contains translations of many sections by F. L. Griffith.

Prisse d'Avennes, E. _Facsimile d'un papyrus egyptien, trouve a Thebes, donne a la Bibliotheque Royale de Paris, et publie par E. P.

d'A_. Paris, 1847.

Rawnsley, H. D. _Notes for the Nile, together with a Metrical Rendering of the Hymns of Ancient Egypt, and of the Precepts of Ptah-hotep_ (the Oldest Book in the World). London, 1892.

Revillout, E. _Les deux prefaces du papyrus Prisse_. Revue egyptologique, tome vii. Paris, 1896. Contains translation of Kg. and -- A of Ph.

Revillout, E. _Les Maximes de Ptah-hotep_. Revue egyptologique, tome x. Paris, 1902. Contains translation and text of Ph.

Virey, P. _etudes sur le papyrus Prisse, le livre de Kagimna et les lecons de Ptah-hotep_. Bibliotheque de {75} l'ecole des Hautes-etudes, fasc. 70. Paris, 1887. Contains complete translation and elaborate discussion of the text; also glossary.

Virey, P. _The Precepts of Ptah-hotep_ (_the Oldest Book in the World_). Records of the Past, new series, vol. iii. London, 1890.

Contains a translation of Ph.

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