Studies on the Legend of the Holy Grail Part 26

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Promised or Good Knight, and Grail Keeper, 80-86, Galahad as, 85-86 work of, 86-91, qualifications of, 92-93, 107, 109.

Prophecy incident in Grail romances, 156.

Pseudo-Chrestien, 8, 209.

Pseudo-Gautier, numbered AII_a_, 2, 15-16, 70, 72, 74, 77, 79, 81, 95.

Pseudo-Manessier, numbered AIII_a_, 2, 19, 72-73.

Queste del St. Graal, numbered D 2-3, varying redactions distinguished typographically, 38, 65-67, 72, 75-76, 79, three drafts of, 83-86, 90-91, glorification of virginity in, 93, 95, 103, 107, relation to Grand St. Graal, 108-09, to Conte du Graal, 110-11, 112, 113, authors.h.i.+p of, 117-20, 121, 126, 131, 146, visit to Grail Castle in, 172-73, 180, 183, 186, 207, 218, 220, 222, 224, 226, 236, ideal of, 238-40 and 243-44, ideal criticised, 243-44, merits of, 244-45, 246, inferiority to Wolfram, 250, 251.

Question, Birch-Hirschfeld's opinion, 171, 180, belongs to Unspelling Quest, 181-82, 191, 196, 203, Wolfram's presentment, 249-50.

Red Knight, 147-49, 155-56, 162, 189.

Renan on Celtic poetry, 234-35.

Rhys, 198, 209, 211, Bran legend, 219-20, 265.

Rich Fisher or King. See Fisher King.

Riseut, 141.

Robert de Borron. See Borron.

Rochat, 19, his views, 101-02.

Roland, 229, 232.

Romenie, 118.

Rosette, 130, 141.

See Loathly Damsel.

Salmon of Wisdom, 209-10.

San Marte, views, 99-100, 101-02, and Wolfram, 250-5.

Sarras, 72, 77, 79.

Schroder, Brandan legend, 264-65.

Seat, empty or Perillous, 81-82, 88-90.

Secret words, 73, 89, 179.

Seraphe, 108.

s.e.x-relations in Middle Ages, 240-42.

Siegfried, 157, 162, 203, 210, 232-33.

Simei, 90.

Simrock, views, 100-101, 103, 132, 134, 164, 251, 261-62.

Skeat, 104.

Skene, 219-20.

Sleep and the Magic Castle myth, 202-03.

Sleeping Beauty, parallel with Heinrich's version, 203, ethical import of, 258.

Solomon's sword, 84.

See Sword.

Sons of Usnech, 137, 233.

Sorceresses of Gloucester, 101, 139, 156.

Spontaneity of folk tradition, 254, 257-58.

Stag Hunt in Conte du Graal and Mabinogi, 139-40, in Didot-Perceval, 141, parallel with Lay of Great Fool, 162.

Steinbach on Sir Perceval, 147-50.

Stephens, 219-20.

Stokes, 188, 200, 233.

Suetonius, 116.

Sword, 113, 142, belongs more to Feud Quest, 180-82, found also in Unspelling Quest, 183, of Lug, 184, in Celtic myth, 187-90, 198-99.

Taboo and Geasa, 214.

Taliesin, 97, 186, and Oisin, 210-11.

Templars, 100.

Tennyson, 236, 244.

Tethra, 188.

Thor, Irish parallels to, 200-01.

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