English Synonyms and Antonyms Part 155

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HAPPEN (page 188).


1. What does _happen_ signify? 2. How does it differ from _chance_? 3.

What is the distinctive meaning of _betide_? 4. How do both _befall_ and _betide_ differ from _happen_ in grammatical construction? 5. What is the meaning of _supervene_? 6. Is _transpire_ correctly used in the sense of _happen_? When may an event be properly said to _transpire_?


Whatever ---- at all ---- as it should.

Thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bear grain, it may ---- of wheat, or of some other grain.

Ill ---- the graceless renegade!

It ---- that a secret treaty had been previously concluded between the powers.

If mischief ---- him, thou shalt bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to the grave.

HAPPINESS (page 189).


1. What is _gratification_? _satisfaction_? 2. What is _happiness_? 3.

How does _happiness_ differ from _comfort_? 4. How does _comfort_ differ from _enjoyment_? 5. How does _pleasure_ compare with _comfort_ and _enjoyment_? with _happiness_? 6. What do _gratification_ and _satisfaction_ express? How do they compare with each other? 7. How does _happiness_ compare with _gratification_, _satisfaction_, _comfort_, and _pleasure_? with _delight_ and _joy_? 8. What is _delight_? _ecstasy_?

_rapture_? 9. What is _triumph_? _blessedness_? _bliss_?


Sweet is ---- after pain.

Virtue alone is ---- below.

Hope elevates and ---- brightens his crest.

The storm raged without, but within the house all was brightness and ----.

There is no ---- so sweet and abiding as that of doing good.

This is the very ---- of love.

HAPPY (page 190).


1. What is the original meaning of _happy_? With what words is it allied in this sense? 2. In what way is _happy_ a synonym of _blessed_? 3. What is the meaning of _happy_ in its most frequent present use?


---- are they that mourn for they shall be comforted.

To what ---- accident is it that we owe so unexpected a visit.

A ---- heart maketh a ---- countenance.

I would not spend another such a night, Tho 'twere to buy a world of ---- days.

HARMONY (page 191).


1. What is _harmony_? 2. How does _harmony_ compare with _agreement_? 3.

How do _concord_ and _accord_ compare with _harmony_ and with each other? 4. What is _conformity_? _congruity_? 5. What is _consistency_?

6. What is _unanimity_? 7. How do _consent_ and _concurrence_ compare?


We have made a covenant with death and with h.e.l.l are we at ----.

Tyrants have made desperate efforts to secure outward ---- in religious observances without ---- of religious belief.

That action and counteraction which, in the natural and in the political world, from the reciprocal struggle of discordant powers draws out the ---- of the universe.

The speaker was, by general ----, allowed to proceed.

HARVEST (page 192).


1. What is the original meaning of _harvest_? its later meaning? 2. How does _harvest_ compare with _crop_? 3. What is _produce_? How does it differ from _product_? 4. What is the meaning of _proceeds_? _yield_?

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