Consanguineous Marriages in the American Population Part 10

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Lewis, C.J. and J.N. _Natality and Fecundity._ London, 1906.

Luck.o.c.k, H.M. _History of Marriage._ London, 1894.

McCulloch, O.C. _Tribe of Ishmael: a Study in Social Degradation._ Indianapolis, 1888.

Maine, H.S. _Early Law and Custom._ London, 1883.

Mayet, P. _Verwandtenehe und Statistik._ Berlin, 1903. Quoted by Feer.

Mayo-Smith, R. _Statistics and Sociology._ New York, 1895.

Montegazza, P. _Studj sui Matrimonj Consanguinei._ Milan, 1868. Quoted by Darwin.

Mulhall, M.G. _Dictionary of Statistics._ London, 1892.

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Raseri, E. "Sur le nombre des consanguins dans un groupe de population." In _Archives italiennes de Biologie_, vol. 33, pp.

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Reibmayr, A. _Insucht und Vermisching beim Menschen._ Leipzig, 1897.

Schuster, E. "On Hereditary Deafness." In _Biometrika_, vol. iv, pp.

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Shattuck, L. _Memorials of the Descendants of William Shattuck._ Boston, 1855.

Thomas, W.I. _s.e.x and Society._ Chicago, 1907.

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Ward, L.F. _Pure Sociology._ Second Edition. New York, 1907.

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Westermarck, E. _History of Human Marriage._ London, 1894.

Woods, F.A. _Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty._ New York, 1906.

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