Medical Life in the Navy Part 7

Medical Life in the Navy -

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"Doctor," he would say to me on reporting the number sick, "this is _wondrous_ strange--_thirteen_ on the list, out of only ninety men.

Why, sir, I've been in line-of-battle s.h.i.+ps,--_line-of-battle_ s.h.i.+ps, sir,--where they had not ten sick--_ten sick_, sir." This of course implied an insult to me, but I was like a sheep before the shearers, dumb.

On Sunday mornings I went with him the round of inspection; the sick who were able to be out of hammock were drawn up for review: had he been half as particular with the men under his own charge or with the s.h.i.+p in general as he was with the few sick, there would have been but little disease to treat. Instead of questioning _me_ concerning their treatment, he interrogated the sick themselves, quarrelling with the medicine given, and pooh-pooh-ing my diagnosis. Those in hammocks, who most needed gentleness and comfort, he bullied, blamed for being ill, and rendered generally uneasy. Remonstrance on my part was either taken no notice of, or instantly checked. If men were reported by me for being dirty, giving impudence, or disobeying orders, _he_ became their advocate--an able one too--and _I_ had to retire, sorry I had spoken.

But I would not tell the tenth part of what I had to suffer, because such men as he are the _exception_, and because he is dead. A little black baboon of a boy who attended on this lieutenant-commanding had one day incurred his displeasure: "Bo'swain's mate," cried he, "take my boy forward, hoist him on an ordinary seaman's back, and give him a rope's-ending; and," turning to me, "Doctor, you'll go and attend my boy's flogging."

I dared not trust myself to reply. With a face like crimson I rushed below to my cabin, and--how could I help it?--made a baby of myself for once; all my pent-up feelings found vent in a long fit of crying.

True, I might in this case have written a letter to the service about my treatment; but, as it is not till after twelve months the a.s.sistant-surgeon is confirmed, the commander's word would have been taken before mine, and I probably dismissed without a court-martial.

That probationary year I consider more than a grievance, it is a _cruel injustice_.

Cabins? There is a regulation--of late more strictly enforced by a circular--that every medical officer serving on board his own s.h.i.+p shall have a cabin, and the choice--by rank--of cabin, and he is a fool if he does not enforce it. But it sometimes happens that a sub-lieutenant (who has no cabin) is promoted to lieutenant on a foreign station; he will then rank above the a.s.sistant-surgeon, and perhaps, if there is no spare cabin, the poor doctor will have to give up his, and take to a sea-chest and hammock, throwing all his curiosities, however valuable, overboard. It would be the duty of the captain in such a case to build an additional cabin, and if he did not, or would not, a letter to the admiral would make him.

Does the combatant officer treat the medical officer with respect?

Certainly, unless one or other of the two be a sn.o.b: in the one case the respect is not worth having, in the other it can't be expected.

In the military branch you shall find many officers belonging to the best English families: these I need hardly say are for the most part gentlemen, and gentle men. However, it is allowed in most messes that

"The rank is but the guinea's stamp, A man's man for a' that;"

and I a.s.sure the candidate for a commission, that, if he is himself a gentleman, he will find no want of admirers in the navy. But there are some young doctors who enter the service, knowing their profession to be sure, and how to hold a knife and fork--not a carving-fork though--but knowing little else; yet even these soon settle down, and, if they are not dismissed by court-martial for knocking some one down at cards, or on the quarter-deck, turn out good service-officers. Indeed, after all, I question if it be good to know too much of fine-gentility on entering the service, for, although the navy officers one meets have much that is agreeable, honest, and true, there is through it all a vein of what can only be designated as the coa.r.s.e. The science of conversation, that beautiful science that says and lets say, that can listen as well as speak, is but little studied. Mostly all the talk is "shop," or rather "s.h.i.+p." There is a want of tone in the discourse, a lack of refinement.

The delicious chit-chat on new books, authors, poetry, music, or the drama, interspersed with anecdote, incident, and adventure, and enlivened with the laughter-raising pun or happy bon-mot, is, alas! but too seldom heard: the rough joke, the tales of women, s.h.i.+ps, and former s.h.i.+p-mates, and the old, old, stale "good things,"--these are more fas.h.i.+onable at our navy mess-board. Those who would object to such conversation are in the minority, and prefer to let things hang as they grew. Now, only one thing can ever alter this, and that is a good and perfect library in every s.h.i.+p, to enable officers, who spend most of their time out of society, to keep up with the times if possible. But I fear I am drifting imperceptibly into the subject of navy-reform, which I prefer leaving to older and wiser heads.

Note 1. Combatant (from combat, a battle), fighting officers,--as if the medical offices didn't fight likewise. It would be better to take away the "combat," and leave the "ant"--ant-officers, as they do the work of the s.h.i.+p.



There is one grievance which the medical officers, in common with their combatant brethren, have to complain of--I refer to _compulsory shaving_; neither is this by any means so insignificant a matter as it may seem. It may appear a ridiculous statement, but it is nevertheless a true one, that this regulation has caused many a young surgeon to prefer the army to the navy. "Mere dandies," the reader may say, "whom this grievance would affect;" but there is many a good man a dandy, and no one could surely respect a man who was careless of his personal appearance, or who would willingly, and without a sigh, disfigure his face by depriving it of what nature considers both ornate and useful-- ornate, as the ladies and the looking-gla.s.s can prove; and useful, as the blistered chin and upper lip of the shaven sailor, in hot climates, points out. From the earliest ages the moustache has been worn,--even the Arabs, who shave the head, leave untouched the upper lip. What would the pictures of some of the great masters be without it? Didn't the Roman youths dedicate the first few downy hairs of the coming moustache to the G.o.ds? Does not the moustache give a manly appearance to the smallest and most effeminate? Does it not even beget a certain amount of respect for the wearer? What sort of guys would the razor make of Count Bismark, d.i.c.kens, the Sultan of Turkey, or Anthony Trollope? Were the Emperor Napoleon deprived of his well-waxed moustache, it might lose him the throne of France. Were Garibaldi to call on his barber, he might thereafter call in vain for volunteers, and English ladies would send him no more splints nor sticking-plaster.

Shave Tennyson, and you may put him in petticoats as soon as you please.

As to the moustache movement in the navy, it is a subject of talk-- admitting of no discussion--in every mess in the service, and thousands are the advocates in favour of its adoption. Indeed, the arguments in favour of it are so numerous, that it is a difficult matter to choose the best, while the reasons against it are few, foolish, and despotic.

At the time when the Lords of the Admiralty gave orders that the navy should keep its upper lip, and three fingers' breadth of its royal chin, smooth and copper-kettlish, it was neither fas.h.i.+onable nor respectable to wear the moustache in good society. Those were the days of cabbage-leaf cheeks, powdered wigs, and long queues; but those times are past and gone from every corner of England's possessions save the navy.

Barberism has been hunted from polite circles, but has taken refuge under the trident of old Neptune; and, in these days of comparative peace, more blood in the Royal Navy is drawn by the razor than by the cutla.s.s.

In our little gunboat on the coast of Africa, we, both officers and men, used, under the rose, to cultivate moustache and whiskers, until we fell in with the s.h.i.+p of the commodore of the station. Then, when the commander gave the order, "All hands to shave," never was such a hurlyburly seen, such racing hither and thither (for not a moment was to be lost), such sharpening of scissors and furbis.h.i.+ng up of rusty razors.

On one occasion I remember sending our steward, who was lathering his face with a blacking-brush, and trying to with a carving-knife, to borrow the commander's razor; in the mean time the commander had despatched his soapy-faced servant to beg the loan of mine. Both stewards met with a clash, nearly running each other through the body with their shaving gear. I lent the commander a Syme's bistoury, with which he managed to pluck most of the hairs out by the root, as if he meant to transplant them again, while I myself shaved with an amputating knife. The men forward stuck by the scissors; and when the commander, with b.l.o.o.d.y chin and watery eyes, asked why they did not shave,--"Why, sir," replied the bo'swain's mate, "the c.o.c.kroaches have been and gone and eaten all our razors, they has, sir."

Then, had you seen us reappear on deck after the terrible operation, with our white shaven lips and s.h.i.+vering chins, and a foolish grin on every face, you would, but for our uniform, have taken us for tailors on strike, so unlike were we to the brave-looking, manly dare-devils that trod the deck only an hour before.

And if army officers and men have been graciously permitted to wear the moustache since the Crimean war, why are not we? But perhaps the navy took no part in that gallant struggle. But if we _must_ continue to do penance by shaving, why should it not be the crown of the head, or any other place, rather than the upper lip, which every one can see?

One item of duty there is, which occasionally devolves on the medical officer, and for the most part goes greatly against the feelings of the _young_ surgeon; I refer to his compulsory attendance at floggings. It is only fair to state that the majority of captains and commanders use the cat as seldom as possible, and that, too, only sparingly. In some s.h.i.+ps, however, flogging is nearly as frequent as prayers of a morning.

Again, it is more common on foreign stations than at home, and boys of the first or second cla.s.s, marines, and ordinary seamen, are for the most part the victims.

I do not believe I shall ever forget the first exhibition of this sort I attended on board my own s.h.i.+p; not that the spectacle was in any way more revolting than scores I have since witnessed, but because the sight was new to me.

I remember it wanted fully twenty minutes of seven in the morning, when my servant aroused me.

"Why so early to-day?" I inquired as I turned out.

"A flaying match, you know, sir," said Jones.

My heart gave an anxious "thud" against my ribs, as if I myself were to form the "ram for the sacrifice." I hurried through with my bath, and, dressing myself as if for a holiday, in c.o.c.ked hat, sword, and undress coat, I went on deck. We were at anchor in Simon's Bay. All the minutiae of the scene I remember as though it were but yesterday, morning was cool and clear, the hills clad in lilac and green, seabirds floating high in air, and the waters of the bay reflecting the bine of the sky and the lofty mountain-sides, forming a picture almost dreamlike in its quietness and serenity. The men were standing about in groups, dressed in their whitest of pantaloons, bluest of smocks, and neatest of black silk neckerchiefs. By-and-bye the culprit was led aft by a file of marines, and I went below with him to make the preliminary examination, in order to report whether or not he might be fit for the punishment.

He was as good a specimen of the British marine as one could wish to look upon, hardy, bold, and wiry. His crime had been smuggling spirits on board.

"Needn't examine me, Doctor," said he; "I ain't afeard of their four dozen; they can't hurt me, sir,--leastways my back you know--my breast though; hum-m!" and he shook his head, rather sadly I thought, as he bent down his eyes.

"What," said I, "have you anything the matter with your chest?"

"Nay, Doctor, nay; its my feelins they'll hurt. I've a little girl at home that loves me, and--bless you, sir, I won't look her in the face again no-how."

I felt his pulse. No lack of strength there, no nervousness; the artery had the firm beat of health, the tendons felt like rods of iron beneath the finger, and his biceps stood out hard and round as the mainstay of an old seventy-four.

I pitied the brave fellow, and--very wrong of me it was, but I could not help it--filled out and offered him a large gla.s.s of rum.

"Ah! sir," he said, with a wistful eye on the ruby liquid, "don't tempt me, sir. I can bear the bit o' flaying athout that: I wouldn't have my messmates smell Dutch courage on my breath, sir; thankee all the same, Doctor." And he walked on deck and surrendered himself.

All hands had already a.s.sembled, the men and boys on one side, and the officers, in c.o.c.ked hats and swords, on the other. A grating had been lashed against the bulwark, and another placed on deck beside it. The culprit's shoulders and back were bared, and a strong belt fastened around the lower part of the loins for protection; he was then firmly tied by the hands to the upper, and by the feet to the lower grating; a little basin of cold water was placed at his feet; and all was now prepared. The sentence was read, and orders given to proceed with the punishment. The cat is a terrible instrument of torture; I would not use it on a bull unless in self-defence: the shaft is about a foot and a half long, and covered with green or red baize according to taste; the thongs are nine, about twenty-eight inches in length, of the thickness of a goose-quill, and with two knots tied on each. Men describe the first blow as like a shower of molten lead.

Combing out the thongs with his five fingers before each blow, firmly and determinedly was the first dozen delivered by the bo'swain's mate, and as unflinchingly received.

Then, "One dozen, sir, please," he reported, saluting the commander.

"Continue the punishment," was the calm reply.

A new man and a new cat. Another dozen reported; again, the same reply.

Three dozen. The flesh, like burning steel, had changed from red to purple, and blue, and white; and between the third and fourth dozen, the suffering wretch, pale enough now, and in all probability sick, begged a comrade to give him a mouthful of water. There was a tear in the eye of the hardy sailor who obeyed him, whispering as he did so--

"Keep up, Bill; it'll soon be over now."

"Five, six," the corporal slowly counted--"seven, eight." It is the last dozen, and how acute must be the torture! "Nine, ten." The blood comes now fast enough, and--yes, gentle reader, I _will_ spare your feelings. The man was cast loose at last and put on the sick-list; he had borne his punishment without a groan and without moving a muscle. A large pet monkey sat crunching nuts in the rigging, and grinning all the time; I have no doubt _he_ enjoyed the spectacle immensely, _for he was only an ape_.

Tommie G--was a pretty, fair-skinned, blue-eyed boy, some sixteen summers old. He was one of a cla.s.s only too common in the service; having become enamoured of the sea, he had run away from his home and joined the service; and, poor little man! he found out, when too late, that the stern realities of a sailor's life did not at all accord with the golden notions he had formed of it. Being fond of stowing himself away in corners with a book, instead of keeping his watch, Tommie very often got into disgrace, spent much of his time at the mast-head, and had many unpleasant palmar rencounters with the corporal's cane. One day, his watch being over, he had retired to a corner with his little "ditty-box."

n.o.body ever knew one-half of the beloved nicknacks and valued nothings he kept in that wee box: it was in fact his private cabin, his sanctum sanctorum, to which he could retreat when anything vexed him; a sort of portable home, in which he could forget the toils of his weary watch, the giddy mast-head, or even the corporal's cane. He had extracted, and was dreamily gazing on, the portrait of a very young lady, when the corporal came up and rudely seized it, and made a very rough and inelegant remark concerning the fair virgin.

"That is my sister," cried Tommie, with tears in his eyes.

"Your sister!" sneered the corporal; "she is a--" and he added a word that cannot be named. There was the spirit of young England, however, in Tommie's breast; and the word had scarcely crossed the corporal's lips, when those lips, and his nose too, were dyed in the blood the boy's fist had drawn. For that blow poor Tommie was condemned to receive four dozen lashes. And the execution of the sentence was carried out with all the pomp and show usual on such occasions. Arrayed in cooked-hats, epaulets, and swords, we all a.s.sembled to witness that helpless child in his agony. One would have thought that even the rough bo'swain's mate would have hesitated to disfigure skin so white and tender, or that the frightened and imploring glance Tommie cast upward on the first descending lash would have unnerved his arm. Did it? No, reader; pity there doubtless was among us, but mercy--none. Oh! we were a brave band. And the poor boy writhed in his agony; his screams and cries were heartrending; and, G.o.d forgive us! we knew not till then he was an orphan, till we heard him beseech his mother in heaven to look down on her son, to pity and support him. Ah! well, perhaps she did, for scarcely had the third dozen commenced when Tommie's cries were hushed, his head drooped on his shoulder like a little dead bird's, and for a while his sufferings were at an end. I gladly took the opportunity to report further proceedings as dangerous, and he was carried away to his hammock.

I will not shock the nerves and feelings of the reader by any further relation of the horrors of flogging, merely adding, that I consider corporal punishment, as applied to men, _cowardly, cruel_, and debasing to human nature; and as applied to boys, _brutal_, and sometimes even _fiendish_. There is only one question I wish to ask of every true-hearted English lady who may read these lines--Be you sister, wife, or mother, could you in your heart have respected the commander who, with folded arms and grim smile, replied to poor Tommie's frantic appeals for mercy, "Continue the punishment"?

The pay of medical officers is by no means high enough to entice young doctors, who can do anything like well on sh.o.r.e, to enter the service.

Ten s.h.i.+llings a day, with an increase of half-a-crown after five years'

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