Scott's Last Expedition Part 50

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I want the boy to have a good chance in the world, but you know the circ.u.mstances well enough.

If I knew the wife and boy were in safe keeping I should have little regret in leaving the world, for I feel that the country need not be ashamed of us--our journey has been the biggest on record, and nothing but the most exceptional hard luck at the end would have caused us to fail to return. We have been to the S. pole as we set out. G.o.d bless you and dear Mrs. Kinsey. It is good to remember you and your kindness.

Your friend, R. SCOTT.

Letters to his Mother, his Wife, his Brother-in-law (Sir William Ellison Macartney), Admiral Sir Lewis Beaumont, and Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Smith were also found, from which come the following extracts:

The Great G.o.d has called me and I feel it will add a fearful blow to the heavy ones that have fallen on you in life. But take comfort in that I die at peace with the world and myself--not afraid.

Indeed it has been most singularly unfortunate, for the risks I have taken never seemed excessive.

... I want to tell you that we have missed getting through by a narrow margin which was justifiably within the risk of such a journey ... After all, we have given our lives for our country--we have actually made the longest journey on record, and we have been the first Englishmen at the South Pole.

You must understand that it is too cold to write much.

... It's a pity the luck doesn't come our way, because every detail of equipment is right.

I shall not have suffered any pain, but leave the world fresh from harness and full of good health and vigour.

Since writing the above we got to within 11 miles of our depot, with one hot meal and two days' cold food. We should have got through but have been held for _four_ days by a frightful storm. I think the best chance has gone. We have decided not to kill ourselves, but to fight to the last for that depot, but in the fighting there is a painless end.

Make the boy interested in natural history if you can; it is better than games; they encourage it at some schools. I know you will keep him in the open air.

Above all, he must guard and you must guard him against indolence. Make him a strenuous man. I had to force myself into being strenuous as you know--had always an inclination to be idle.

There is a piece of the Union Jack I put up at the South Pole in my private kit bag, together with Amundsen's black flag and other trifles. Send a small piece of the Union Jack to the King and a small piece to Queen Alexandra.

What lots and lots I could tell you of this journey. How much better has it been than lounging in too great comfort at home. What tales you would have for the boys. But what a price to pay.

Tell Sir Clements--I thought much of him and never regretted him putting me in command of the _Discovery_.

Message to the Public

The causes of the disaster are not due to faulty organisation, but to misfortune in all risks which had to be undertaken.

1. The loss of pony transport in March 1911 obliged me to start later than I had intended, and obliged the limits of stuff transported to be narrowed.

2. The weather throughout the outward journey, and especially the long gale in 83 S., stopped us.

3. The soft snow in lower reaches of glacier again reduced pace.

We fought these untoward events with a will and conquered, but it cut into our provision reserve.

Every detail of our food supplies, clothing and depots made on the interior ice-sheet and over that long stretch of 700 miles to the Pole and back, worked out to perfection. The advance party would have returned to the glacier in fine form and with surplus of food, but for the astonis.h.i.+ng failure of the man whom we had least expected to fail. Edgar Evans was thought the strongest man of the party.

The Beardmore Glacier is not difficult in fine weather, but on our return we did not get a single completely fine day; this with a sick companion enormously increased our anxieties.

As I have said elsewhere we got into frightfully rough ice and Edgar Evans received a concussion of the brain--he died a natural death, but left us a shaken party with the season unduly advanced.

But all the facts above enumerated were as nothing to the surprise which awaited us on the Barrier. I maintain that our arrangements for returning were quite adequate, and that no one in the world would have expected the temperatures and surfaces which we encountered at this time of the year. On the summit in lat. 85 86 we had -20, -30. On the Barrier in lat. 82, 10,000 feet lower, we had -30 in the day, -47 at night pretty regularly, with continuous head wind during our day marches. It is clear that these circ.u.mstances come on very suddenly, and our wreck is certainly due to this sudden advent of severe weather, which does not seem to have any satisfactory cause. I do not think human beings ever came through such a month as we have come through, and we should have got through in spite of the weather but for the sickening of a second companion, Captain Oates, and a shortage of fuel in our depots for which I cannot account, and finally, but for the storm which has fallen on us within 11 miles of the depot at which we hoped to secure our final supplies. Surely misfortune could scarcely have exceeded this last blow. We arrived within 11 miles of our old One Ton Camp with fuel for one last meal and food for two days. For four days we have been unable to leave the tent--the gale howling about us. We are weak, writing is difficult, but for my own sake I do not regret this journey, which has shown that Englishmen can endure hards.h.i.+ps, help one another, and meet death with as great a fort.i.tude as ever in the past. We took risks, we knew we took them; things have come out against us, and therefore we have no cause for complaint, but bow to the will of Providence, determined still to do our best to the last. But if we have been willing to give our lives to this enterprise, which is for the honour of our country, I appeal to our countrymen to see that those who depend on us are properly cared for.

Had we lived, I should have had a tale to tell of the hardihood, endurance, and courage of my companions which would have stirred the heart of every Englishman. These rough notes and our dead bodies must tell the tale, but surely, surely, a great rich country like ours will see that those who are dependent on us are properly provided for.



_Note_ 1, _p._ 3.--Dogs. These included thirty-three sledging dogs and a collie b.i.t.c.h, 'La.s.sie.' The thirty-three, all Siberian dogs excepting the Esquimaux 'Peary' and 'Borup,' were collected by Mr. Meares, who drove them across Siberia to Vladivostok with the help of the dog-driver Demetri Gerof, whom he had engaged for the expedition. From Vladivostok, where he was joined by Lieutenant Wilfred Bruce, he brought them by steamer to Sydney, and thence to Lyttelton.

The dogs were the gift of various schools, as shown by the following list:

Dogs Presented by Schools, &c.

School's, &c., Russian name Translation, Name of School, &c., name for Dog. of Dog. description, or that presented Dog.

nickname of Dog.

Beaumont k.u.mgai Isle off Beaumont College.

Vladivostok Bengeo Mannike Noogis Little Leader Bengeo, Herts.

Bluecoat Giliak Indian tribe Christ's Hospital.

Bristol Lappa Uki Lop Ears Grammar, Bristol.

Bromsgrove 'Peary' 'Peary' Bromsgrove School (cost of transport).

Colston's Bullet Bullet Colston's School.

Danum Rabchick Grouse Doncaster Grammar Sch.

Derby I. Suka La.s.sie Girls' Secondary School, Derby.

Derby II. Silni Stocky Secondary Technical School, Derby.

Devon Jolti Yellowboy Devons.h.i.+re House Branch of Navy League.

Duns Brodiaga Robber Berwicks.h.i.+re High School.

Falcon Seri Grey High School, Winchester.

Felsted Visoli Jollyboy Felsted School.

Glebe Pestry Piebald Glebe House School.

Gra.s.sendale Suhoi II. Lanky Gra.s.sendale School.

Hal Krisravitsa Beauty Colchester Royal Grammar School.

Hampstead Ishak Jacka.s.s South Hampstead High School (Girls).

Hughie Gerachi Ginger Master H. Gethin Lewis.

Ilkley Wolk Wolf Ilkley Grammar.

Innie Suhoi I. Lanky Liverpool Inst.i.tute.

Jersey Bear Bear Victoria College, Jersey.

John Bright Seri Uki Grey Ears Bootham.

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