Underground: Hacking, madness and obsession on the electronic frontier Part 79

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The Reuter Library Report

The Scotsman

The Sun (Melbourne)

The Sunday Age

The Sydney Morning Herald

The Times

The Was.h.i.+ngton Post

The Was.h.i.+ngton Times

The Weekend Australian

Time Magazine

United Nations Chronicle

United Press International

USA Today


Hearing of the Transportation, Aviation and Materials Subcommittee of the House Science, s.p.a.ce and Technology Committee transcript: witness Clifford Stoll, 10 July 1990

'Larry King Live' transcript, interview with Clifford Stoll, 23 March 1990

The World Uranium Hearing, Salzburg 1992, witness transcripts

US Government Accounting Office Hearing (computer security) witness transcripts, 1996


Chris Goggans, Robert Cupps and Scott Chasin, Appellants v. Boyd & Fraser Publis.h.i.+ng Co., a Division of South-Western Publis.h.i.+ng Co., Appellee No. 01-95-00331-Cv 1995 Tex. App.

Gerald Gold v. Australian Federal Police, no. V93/1140

Gerald Gold v. National Crime Authority, no. V93/1141 AAT No. 9940 Freedom of Information (1994) 37 ALD 168

Henry John Tasman Rook v. Lucas Richard Maynard (no. 2) no. LCA 52/1994 ; judgment no. A64/1994

Pedro Juan Cubillo v. Commonwealth Of Australia, no. NG 571 of 1991 FED no. 1006/95 Tort--Negligence

R v. Gold and another, House of Lords (UK), [1988] 1 AC 1063, [1988] 2 All ER 186, [1988] 2 WLR 984, 87 Cr App Rep 257, 152 JP 445, [1988]

Crim LR 437

Steve Jackson Games Incorporated, et al., Plaintiffs, v. United States Secret Service, United States Of America, et al., Defendants no. A 91 CA 346 Ss 816 F. Supp. 432; 1993 U.S. Dist.

United States of America v. Julio Fernandez, et al. 92 Cr. 563 (RO)

United States of America, Plaintiff, v. Robert J. Riggs, also known as Robert Johnson, also known as Prophet, and Craig Neidorf, also known as Knight Lightning, Defendants No. 90 CR 0070 743 F. Supp. 556; 1990 U.S. Dist.

United States of America, Appellee, v. Robert Tappan Morris, Defendant-Appellant No. 90-1336 928 F.2d 504; 1991 U.S. App.

Wesley Thomas Dingwall v. Commonwealth of Australia no. NG575 of 1991 Fed no. 296/94 Torts

William Thomas Bartlett v. Claire Patricia Weir, Henry J T Rook, Noel E. Aikman, Philip Edwards and Michael B McKay no. TG7 of 1992; FED no.


Additional court records:

(Court doc.u.ments of most cases described in this book)

Memos and reports to/from:

Bureau of Criminal Intelligence, Victoria Police

Internal Security Unit, Victoria Police

The NASA SPAN office relating to the w.a.n.k worm

Office of the District Attorney, Monterey, California

Overseas Telecommunications Commission (Australia)

Police Department, City of Del Rey Oaks, California

Police Department, City of Salinas, California

Stuart Gill

The United States Secret Service

US Attorney's Office, New York

Numerous Internet sites, including those of NASA, Sydney University, Greenpeace, the Australian Legal Information Inst.i.tute, and the Legal Aspects of Computer Crime Archives.

End of book.

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