New York at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis 1904 Part 32

New York at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis 1904 -

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The exhibit of the State Department of Prisons probably received as much attention from the public as any single State exhibit prepared. It consisted of a demonstration of the workings of the Bertillon and finger print systems for the identification of criminals. An ornate installation of solid oak, handsomely carved, was built by the inmates of the State Prison at Ossining, and was carried to St. Louis and erected upon the s.p.a.ce a.s.signed to this department.

Throughout the season Captain J.H. Parke, an expert on the finger print system, and E.E. Davis, Jr., an expert on the Bertillon system, were present to demonstrate the workings of these systems to Exposition visitors. But few are familiar with the operations of the Bertillon system, and the finger print system is as yet practically unknown.

New York State is the pioneer State of the Union in putting into practical operation the finger print system for the identification of criminals, and it is the only State in which it is at present in use.

Although there is a National Bureau of Identification at Was.h.i.+ngton, D.

C., which is conducted through the co-operation of the chiefs of police of many of the large cities throughout the country, it cannot be said to be a department of the United States government, and its system is far from as perfect as that of the Empire State.


Probably in no State of the Union does there exist a labor department organized upon such extensive lines as is that of the State of New York.

Recently three bureaus were merged forming the State Department of Labor. These were the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Board of Mediation and Arbitration and the office of the Factory Inspector. The exhibit consisted of a complete set of reports of these various bureaus, and of the department erected therefrom, supplemented with a series of graphic charts bearing upon every phase of the labor question, and comparing the economic condition of the Empire State with that of other States of the Union and various foreign countries. The exhibit was a valuable sociological contribution. An especially strong feature was four monographs, ent.i.tled "Typical Employers' Welfare Inst.i.tutions in New York," "Labor Legislation in New York," "The Work of the State Department of Labor," and "The Growth of Industry in New York." These were printed in such quant.i.ties as to permit of their distribution among visitors to the Exposition. The graphic charts were reproduced in half-tones and inserted in the monographs.

The exhibit was carefully studied by students of sociology generally as it is recognized that the State of New York speaks with a voice of authority upon questions of this nature.


The question of controlling the liquor traffic is one of lively interest throughout the civilized world. The exhibit of the State Department of Excise was so prepared as to clearly demonstrate the superiority of the system of State control in licensing this traffic as administered under the New York State Liquor Tax Law. The exhibit consisted of a series of graphic charts showing this statute's moral benefit to the people of the State by reducing the number of drinking places more than twenty per cent and increasing the amount collected from liquor licenses from about three million to about eighteen million dollars annually. By means of a key, which accompanied the charts, the visitor was enabled easily to trace the development of the law since its first enactment and to see the efficiency with which it is enforced.


The exhibit of the State Department of Health was made up of a complete set of reports of the department, supplemented by administrative blanks used in the enforcement of the Health Law, and photographs showing the offices of the department, the anti-toxin laboratory and other features of the department's work. A full set of blanks used in the collection of vital statistics and sample specimens of anti-toxin and anti-teta.n.u.s, which are distributed without charge by the department, completed the exhibit.


The exhibit of Craig Colony consisted of a model designed to show the ideal inst.i.tution for the care, education and treatment of epileptics, towards which Craig Colony in its development is working. The model was skillfully constructed and cost considerably more than the appropriation made by the Commission, the balance being paid from private sources.


The New York State exhibit in the Department of Social Economy also contained an exhibit of the Woman's Inst.i.tute at Yonkers, a philanthropic organization providing for the care of needy families in their homes and promoting several general betterment movements. The exhibit consisted of photographs, blanks and statistics bearing upon the work of the organization.

Close by was an exhibit of the George Junior Republic at Freeville, a unique inst.i.tution for the care of juvenile delinquents and carried on along the lines of a civic organization. The exhibit consisted of interesting photographs showing the buildings and the plant, also specimens of blanks and samples of the money in use in the inst.i.tution, and a general account of the work since its inception.

One of the most interesting exhibits was that of the Bank of New York, New York city, which is one of the oldest banks in the United States, having been organized in 1784 and having since enjoyed a most prosperous career. In addition to photographs, original by-laws and figures concerning the present condition of the bank, was exhibited the first ledger of the inst.i.tution, which contained the accounts of Aaron Burr, Robert R. Livingston and other noted contemporaries. In addition were shown requisitions of Alexander Hamilton, then Secretary of the Treasury, for loans to the government, and other interesting historical doc.u.ments.

The State Library prepared and exhibited an interesting compilation of sociological legislation and literature which was designed to show the advanced work done by the library in that direction.

Exhibits were also in place from the Church a.s.sociation for the Advancement of the Interests of Labor; the Eastman Kodak Company, of Rochester, N. Y.; the Blacksmith and Wheelwright; the Sugar Trade Review, and a volume published by the Mercantile Publis.h.i.+ng Company containing a directory of manufacturers and valuable trade statistics.

_Catalogue of Exhibitors in the Department of Social Economy, Arranged by Groups, with the Awards, if Any, Received by Each_


_Study and Investigation of Social and Economic Conditions_

Blacksmith and Wheelwright, New York city. Silver medal Publication Church a.s.sociation for the Advancement of the Interests of Labor, New York city. Silver medal Photographs Statistics Division of Sociology, New York State Library, Albany. Silver medal A comparative index of sociological legislation and literature Manufacturers' Publis.h.i.+ng Company, New York city. Silver medal Directory of Manufacturers Willett & Gray, New York city. Silver medal Sugar Review

The following awards were made to exhibits not a part of the collective State Exhibit:

American Book Company, New York city. Grand prize Text books on economics R. G. Dunn & Company, Commercial Agency New York city. Silver medal Statistics Photographs Richmond C. Hill, secretary Board of Trade, Buffalo. Silver medal


_Economic Resources and Organization_

Charles Hemstreet, New York city. Silver medal


_State Regulation of Industry and Labor_

State Department of Labor, Albany. Grand prize Graphic charts Reports Monographs

The following award was made to an exhibit not a part of the collective State Exhibit:

American Inst.i.tute of Social Service, New York city. Gold medal Charts Photographs Statistics


_Organization of Industrial Workers_

State Department of Labor, Albany. Grand prize Graphic charts Reports Monographs


_Provident Inst.i.tutions and Banks_

National Consumers' League, New York city. Grand prize Charts Printed matter Garments.

Bank of New York, New York city. Grand prize Historical ledger and doc.u.ments Statistics By-laws Pictures

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About New York at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis 1904 Part 32 novel

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