Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers Part 9

Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers -

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-------------------------------+--------------+---------- 24 hours in moist air | 175 | ...

7 days (1 day in moist air, | 500 | 175 6 days in water) | | 28 days (1 day in moist air, | 600 | 250 27 days in water) | | -------------------------------+--------------+----------

Constancy of volume: Pats of neat cement, 3 in. in diameter, in.

thick at center, tapering to a thin edge, shall be kept in moist air for a period of 24 hours. A pat is kept in air at normal temperature and observed at intervals for at least 28 days. Another pat is kept in water maintained as near 70 Fahr. as practicable, and is observed at intervals for at least 28 days. A third pat is exposed in an atmosphere of steam above boiling water, in a loosely-closed vessel, for 5 hours. These pats must remain firm and hard and show no signs of distortion, checking, cracking, or disfiguration.

The cement shall not contain more than 1.75% of anhydrous sulphuric acid, nor more than 4% of magnesium oxide.

A test of the neat cement must be made with each mortar series for comparison of the quality of the typical Portland cement.

The const.i.tuent materials are subjected to the following examination and determinations, and, in addition, are a.n.a.lyzed to determine the composition and character of the stone, sand, etc.:

1.--Mineralogical examination,

2.--Specific gravity,

3.--Weight, per cubic foot,

4.--Sifting (granulometric composition),

5.--Percentage of silt and character of same,

6.--Percentage of voids,

7.--Character of stone as to percentage of absorption, porosity, permeability, compressive strength, and behavior under treatment.

Physical tests are made to determine the tensile, compressive, and transverse strengths of the cement and mortar test pieces, with various preparations of cement and various percentages of material. Tests are also made to determine porosity, permeability, volumetric changes in setting, absorption, coefficient of expansion, effect of oil, etc.

Investigation of concretes made from mixtures of typical Portland cement, sand, stone, and gravel, includes tests on cylinders, prisms, cubes, and other standard test pieces, with various proportions of materials and at ages ranging from 30 to 360 days. Full-sized plain concrete beams, moulded building blocks, reinforced concrete beams, columns, floor slabs, arches, etc., are tested to determine the effect, character, and amount of reinforcement, the effect of changes in volume, size, and composition, and the effect of different methods of loading and of supporting these pieces, etc.

These investigations include detailed inquiry in the field and research in the chemical and physical laboratories regarding the effects of alkaline soils and waters on structures of concrete being built by the Reclamation Service in the arid regions. It has been noted that on certain of the Reclamation projects, notably on the Sun River Project, near Great Falls, Mont., the Shoshone Project, near Cody, Wyo., and the Carlsbad and Hondo Projects in the Pecos Valley, N. Mex., structures of concrete, reinforced concrete, building stones, brick, and tile, show evidence of disintegration. This is attributed to the effects of alkaline waters or soils coming into contact with the structures, or to the const.i.tuent materials used. In co-operation with the Reclamation Service, samples of the waters, soils, and const.i.tuent materials, are collected in the field, and are subjected to careful chemical examination in the mineral laboratories at Pittsburg.

[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE XV.

Fig. 1.--Characteristic Failures of Reinforced Concrete Beams.

Fig. 2.--Arrangement of Static Load Test for Reinforced Concrete Beams.]

The cylinders used in the percolation tests are composed of typical Portland cement mixed with sand, gravel, and broken stone of known composition and behavior, and of cement mixed with sand, gravel, and broken stone collected in the neighborhood of the Reclamation projects under investigation.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 5.


It is also proposed to subject these test pieces, some made with water of known purity, and others with alkaline water, to contact with alkaline soils near the projects, and with soil of known composition near the testing laboratories at Pittsburg. As these tests progress and other lines of investigation are developed, the programme will be extended, in the hope that the inquiry may develop methods of preparing and mixing concrete and reinforced concrete which can be used in alkaline soils without danger of disintegration.

Investigations into the effect of salt water on cement mortars and concretes, and the effect of electrolysis, are being conducted at Atlantic City, N.J., where the test pieces may be immersed in deep sea water for longer or shorter periods of time.

At the Pittsburg laboratory a great amount of investigative work is done for the purpose of determining the suitability and availability of various structural materials submitted for use by the Government. While primarily valuable only to the Government, the results of these tests are of indirect value to all who are interested in the use of similar materials. Among such investigations have been those relating to the strength, elasticity, and chemical properties of wire rope for use in the Ca.n.a.l Zone; investigations of the suitability and cementing value of concrete, sand, stone, and pozzuolanic material found on the Isthmus; investigations as to the relative resistance to corrosion of various types of wire screens for use in the Ca.n.a.l Zone; into the suitability for use, in concrete sea-wall construction, of sand and stone from the vicinity of San Francisco; into the properties of reinforced concrete floor slabs; routine tests of reinforcing metal, and of reinforced concrete beams and columns, for the Supervising Architect of the Treasury Department, etc. The results have been set forth in three bulletins[9] which describe the methods of conducting these tests and also tests on const.i.tuent materials of concrete and plain concrete beams. In addition, there are in process of publication a number of bulletins giving the results of tests on reinforced concrete beams, columns, and floor slabs, concrete building blocks, etc.

The Northampton laboratory was established because it is in the center of the Lehigh cement district, and therefore available for the mill sampling and testing of purchases of cement made by the Isthmian Ca.n.a.l Commission; it is also available for tests of cement purchased in the Lehigh district by the Supervising Architect and others. It is in a building, the outer walls of which are of cement plaster applied over metal lath nailed to studding. The part.i.tions are of the same construction, and the floors and roof are of concrete throughout.

The inspection at the factories and the sampling of the cement are under the immediate direction of the Commission; the testing is under the direction of the U.S. Geological Survey. A large force of employees is required, in view of the magnitude of the work, which includes the daily testing of consignments ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 bbl., sampled in lots of 100 bbl., which is equivalent to from 50 to 100 samples tested per day.

The cement to be sampled is taken from the storage bins and kept under seal by the chief inspector pending the results of the test. The quant.i.ty of cement sampled is sufficient for the tests required under the specifications of the Isthmian Ca.n.a.l Commission, as well as for preliminary tests made by the cement company, and check tests made at the Geological Survey laboratory, at Pittsburg.

The tests specified by the Commission include determination of specific gravity, fineness of grinding, time of setting, soundness, tensile strength (with three parts of standard quartz sand for 7 and 28 days, respectively), and determination of sulphur anhydride (SO_{3}), and magnesia (MgO).

The briquette-making and testing room is fitted with a mixing table, moist closet, briquette-storage tanks, and testing machines. The mixing table has a concrete top, in which is set plate gla.s.s, 18 in. square and 1 in. thick. Underneath the table are shelves for moulds, gla.s.s plates, etc.

The moist closet, 5 ft. high, 3 ft. 10 in. wide, and 1 ft. 8 in. deep, is divided into two compartments by a vertical part.i.tion, and each compartment is fitted with cleats for supporting thirteen tiers of gla.s.s plates. On each pair of cleats, in each compartment, can be placed four gla.s.s plates, each plate containing a 4-gang mould, making storage for 416 briquettes. With the exception of the doors, which are of wood lined with copper, the closet is of 1:1 cement mortar, poured monolithic, even to the cleats for supporting the gla.s.s plates.

The immersion tanks, of the same mortar, are in tiers of three, supported by a steel structure. They are 6 ft. long, 2 ft. wide, and 6 in. deep, and 2,000 briquettes can be stored in each tank. The overflow from the top tank wastes into the second, which, in turn, wastes into the third. Water is kept running constantly.

The briquette-testing machine is a Fairbanks shot machine with a capacity of 2,000 lb., and is regulated to apply the load at the rate of 600 lb. per min. Twenty-four 4-gang moulds, of the type recommended by the Special Committee on Uniform Tests of Cement, of the American Society of Civil Engineers, are used.

The room for noting time of set and soundness is fitted with a mixing table similar to that in the briquette-making room. The Vicat apparatus is used for determining the normal consistency, and the Gilmore apparatus for the time of setting. While setting, the soundness pats are stored in galvanized-iron pans having about 1 in. of water in the bottom, and covered with dampened felt or burlap. The pats rest on a rack slightly above the water and well below the felt.

For specific gravity tests, the Le Chatelier bottles are used. A pan, in which five bottles can be immersed at one time, is used for maintaining the benzine at a constant temperature. The samples are weighed on a pair of Troemner's No. 7 scales.

The fineness room is fitted with tables, two sets of standard No. 100 and No. 200 sieves, and two Troemner's No. 7 scales similar to those used for the specific gravity tests.

The storage room is fitted with shelves for the storage of samples being held for 28-day tests.

The mould-cleaning room contains tables for cleaning moulds, and racks for air pats.

An effort is made to keep all the rooms at a temperature of 70 Fahr., and, with this in view, a Bristol recording thermometer is placed in the briquette-room. Two wet-and-dry bulb hygrometers are used to determine the moisture in the air.

Samples are taken from the conveyor which carries the cement to the storage bins, at the approximate rate of one sample for each 100 bbl.

After each 4,000-bbl. bin has been filled, it is sealed until all tests have been made, when, if these have been satisfactory, it is released for s.h.i.+pment.

The samples are taken in cans, 9 in. high and 7 in. in diameter. These cans are delivered in the preparation room where the contents are mixed and pa.s.sed through a No. 20 sieve. Separate samples are then weighed out for mortar briquettes, for soundness pats, and for the specific-gravity and fineness tests. These are placed in smaller cans and a quant.i.ty sufficient for a re-test is held in the storage room awaiting the results of all the tests.

The sample for briquettes is mixed with three parts standard crushed quartz, and then taken to the briquette-making room, where eight briquettes are made, four for 7-day and four for 28-day tests. These are placed in the moist closet in damp air for 24 hours, then removed from the moulds, and placed in water for the remainder of the test period. At the proper time they are taken from the immersion tank and broken.

From the sample for soundness, four pats are made. The time of setting is determined on one of these pats. They are placed in the pan previously described, for 24 hours, then one is placed in running water and one in air for 28 days. The others are treated in the boiler, one in boiling water for 3 hours and one in steam at atmospheric pressure for 5 hours.

The sample taken for specific gravity and fineness is dried in the oven at 100 cent. in order to drive off moisture. Two samples are then carefully weighed out, 50 grammes for fineness and 64 grammes for specific gravity, and the determinations are made. As soon as anything unsatisfactory develops, a re-test is made. If, however, the cement satisfies all requirements, a report sheet containing all the data for a bin, is made out, and the cement is ready for s.h.i.+pment. From every fifth bin, special neat and mortar briquettes are made, which are intended for tests at ages up to ten years.

_Salt-Water Laboratory._--The laboratory at Atlantic City, for conducting investigations into the effects of salt water on concrete and reinforced concrete, is situated so that water more than 25 ft. deep is available for immersion tests of the setting and deterioration of such materials.

Through the courtesy of the munic.i.p.ality of Atlantic City, Young's cottage, on old Young's Pier, has been turned over, at a nominal rental, to the Geological Survey for the conduct of these tests. The laboratory building is about 700 ft. from the boardwalk, and occupies a s.p.a.ce about 100 by 45 ft. It is one story high, of frame-cottage construction, and stands on wooden piles at one side of the pier proper and about 20 ft.

above the water, which is about 19 ft. deep at this point. Fresh running water, gas, electric light, and electric power are supplied to the building (Fig. 6).

In this laboratory investigations will be made of the cause of the failure and disintegration of cement and concrete subjected to the action of sea water. Tests are conducted so as to approach, as nearly as possible, the actual conditions found in concrete construction along the sea coast. All sea-water tests are made in the ocean, some will probably be paralleled by ocean-water laboratory tests and all by fresh-water comparative tests.

Cements, in the form of pats, briquettes, cubes, cylinders, and in a loose ground state, and also mortars and concretes in cube, cylinder, and slab form, are subjected to sea water.

The general plan for the investigations is as follows:

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