Civil Government for Common Schools Part 5

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III. Records the judgments of the courts.

IV. Draws the grand and pet.i.t juries and makes a return of the same.

V. Records mortgages, deeds, satisfaction papers, &c.


I. Receives the moneys collected by the several town collectors for county and state taxes.

II. Pays over to the comptroller the amount going to the state.

III. Pays out the amount due the county, as directed by law.

IV. Receives from the comptroller the school money due the county, and pays the same over to the several supervisors, as directed by the school commissioner's certificate.

V. Makes a general statement of the financial affairs of his office to the board of supervisors, annually.


I. He is the attorney for the county.

II. Presents complaints made to him accusing parties of crime, to the grand jury.

III. Draws "bills of indictment" when found by the grand jury.

IV. Tries indicted parties in the Oyer and Terminer, and Court of Sessions.


I. Look after and inquire into all matters concerning persons slain, or who have died mysteriously.

II. Summon a jury, subpoena witnesses, and ascertain as far as possible all the facts in regard to the death.

III. In case of a vacancy in the office of sheriff, and there being no under sheriff, one of the coroners designated by the county judge, performs the duties of sheriff until said vacancy be filled by election or appointment.

IV. Have power to arrest the sheriff upon criminal processes.


Have the general care of the county poor house; appoint persons to take charge of the same; and render an account annually to the "board of supervisors" of their doings.


I. Sit upon the bench with the county judge in the Court of Sessions and with the Supreme Court judge in the Oyer and Terminer, for the trial of such criminals as have been indicted by a grand jury.

II. The law gives them just as much power in the decision of questions as the judge.


I. Apportion the school moneys among the several districts in the county.

II. Make an annual report to the superintendent of public instruction, containing all the statistics embraced in the several reports from the trustees of his district.

III. Visit and examine all the schools and school districts within their districts as often in each year as shall be practicable; inquire into all matters relating to the management, the course of study and mode of instruction, the text books used and the discipline of such schools.

IV. Examine in regard to the "moral character," "learning" "and ability to teach," persons proposing to teach public schools in their districts; and if they find them, qualified, grant them certificates in the form prescribed by the superintendent.

V. Form new districts, or change the boundary lines of old ones.

VI. Organize at least once each year, or in concert with one or more commissioners in the same county, a "teachers' inst.i.tute,"

and induce if possible all the teachers in their districts to be present and take part in its exercises.

Q. What are the salaries of each of these officers, or how paid?


A. I. Receives a fee on all papers served

II. Receives a per cent on money collected on executions.


Receives a salary established by the legislature, varying in different counties according to population and business.


I. Receives a salary, varying in different counties, according to business.

II. When the judge performs the duties of surrogate the one salary suffices for all the duties performed.

III. The surrogate is ent.i.tled to a clerk.


I. Receives a fee for all papers recorded.

II. Receives a fee for administering oaths in court.

III. Is paid extra for copying or re-indexing old records.


I. The county treasurer shall receive an annual salary fixed by the "board of supervisors."

II. The salary shall be established by the "board," at least six months before his election.

III. The salary shall not be increased nor diminished during his term of office.


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