The Stamps of Canada Part 22

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Registration stamps have been issued, to be used by the public in prepaying the registration charges on letters pa.s.sing within the Dominion, or to the United Kingdom or United States, each destination being distinguished by a different color in the stamp, as well as by a variation in the amount of registration charge and corresponding value of the stamp.

There is a red stamp of the value of two cents for the prepayment of the registration charges on letters within the Dominion.

There is a green stamp of five cents value for registered letters addressed to the United States.

There is a blue stamp of eight cents value for registered letters addressed to the United Kingdom.

These stamps are to apply exclusively to the registration charges and the postage rates on registered letters are to be prepaid by the ordinary postage stamps.

It is believed that the use of these distinctive stamps for the registration charges will tend to give registered letters additional security against the risk which is sometimes felt of the registration escaping observation, when such letters are dealt with hurriedly or handled at night, whilst pa.s.sing through the post.


These registration stamps were not only of distinctive design but also of distinctive shape so that they were readily recognised from ordinary postage stamps. They are long, narrow labels and the design is the same for each. On an engine-turned background the word "REGISTERED" in large uncolored Roman capitals is curved prominently across the centre. Below is "LETTER STAMP", also curved but in smaller letters, while above is "CANADA" on a straight label in still smaller lettering. At each end are tables containing the value in words reading up at the left and down at the right, and in the upper corners are large uncolored numerals plainly denoting the value. Like all other Canadian stamps they were printed from line-engraved plates on unwatermarked paper. They were at first printed in sheets of fifty in ten horizontal rows of five stamps each.

Mr. Howes describes the marginal details as follows:--

The imprint was the same as the second type employed for the small "cents" issue--"British American Bank Note Co. Montreal" in a pearled frame--and likewise appeared four times on the sheet, as already fully described in the chapter dealing with that issue. The denomination of the stamp was also expressed as TWO CENTS, in the shaded Roman capitals which we found in the case of the postage stamps, over the first stamp in the top row of that value, but with the 5 cent the word FIVE alone appears. The 8 cent we have not seen. On the 2 cent there is also a large numeral 2, 7-1/2 mm.

high, over the last stamp in the top row (number 5) but the 5 cent has none.

The stamps were ordinarily perforated 12, like the then current postage stamps, but the 2c in orange and the 5c in dark green are both known entirely imperforate.

The Postmaster-General's Report for 1877 stated that "the registration charge on registered letters between the United Kingdom and Canada has been reduced from 8 cents to 5 cents". This, naturally, largely reduced the demand for the 8 cents stamp though it is probable that the 8c rate still applied to foreign countries. Shortly afterwards (the exact date has not been traced) the registration fee on letters to all foreign countries was reduced to 5 cents so that the use of the 8c denomination was entirely abolished. The stamps in the hands of postmasters were called in and destroyed and by examining the official figures relating to the numbers originally issued and those destroyed Mr. Howes estimates that about 40,000 of these 8c registration stamps were used.

In 1889 a general revision of postal rates took place, as already explained in Chapter X, and one of these changes affected the registration fee. The domestic fee was raised from 2c to 5c so that the registration charge was uniform and was 5c on letters sent anywhere.

This, of course, did away with the usefulness of the 2c registration stamps but, as indicated in the official circular, "for the present, and until further instructed, the registration fee maybe prepaid by using the 2 cent Registration stamps and postage stamps to make up the amount."

The Postmaster-General's Report for 1889, in referring to the advance in the registration charge, says:--

The charge for the registration of a letter, parcel, book or other articles of mail matter was also made uniform, and fixed at 5 cents for all of matter. The frequent delay consequent upon the prepayment of a wrong registration fee will no longer take place.

The removal of the printing establishment of the British American Bank Note Company from Montreal to Ottawa resulted in some marked changes in the shades of the then current postage stamps as we have already shown in a previous chapter. The registration stamps were also affected in some degree the 2 cents value, in particular, appearing in a number of new and brighter tints. The 5c appeared in blue-green--a distinct contrast from the green and yellow-green shades previously current.

In 1892 some of the postage stamps, it will be remembered, appeared in sheets of 200 instead of 100 as formerly. About the same period new plates were made for the 5c registration stamp, these containing one hundred impressions in ten rows of ten, instead of fifty as before.

On August 1st, 1893, a regular postage stamp of the denomination of 8c was issued for the purpose of paying the postage and registration charge and the appearance of this sounded the death knell of the special registration stamps. The supplies in the hands of postmasters were used up and when exhausted no more were printed.

Much has been written regarding the 2c registration stamp printed in brown. These were originally found at the Miscou Light House Post Office in New Brunswick and though the stamps were in an unmistakably dark brown shade it has since been satisfactorily proved that the change was quite accidental and that immersion in peroxide would restore them to their original color. Although the Postmaster of the above named office is said to have stated that the stamps were in brown when he received them there is little doubt he must have been mistaken. Much the same thing happened in connection with the current six cents United States stamps at an office on the Pacific Coast (San Pedro). Some of these stamps were found in a distinct brown shade almost exactly matching that of the 4c value and though some local collectors had dreams of a rare error of color it was easily proved that they were simply oxidised.

_Reference List._

1875-89. Engraved and printed by the British American Bank Note Co., Montreal or Ottawa. No wmk. Perf. 12.

104. 2c vermilion, Scott's Nos. 151 or 152.

105. 5c green, Scott's No. 153.

106. 8c blue, Scott's No. 154.

CHAPTER x.x.x.

_The Postage Due Stamps._

Like most other countries Canada managed to collect the postage due on insufficiently prepaid mail matter for many years without the use of special stamps for the purpose. About 1906 it dawned on the Post Office Department that the use of special stamps would simplify matters and place the collection of monies due on a more systematic basis.

Consequently a circular was issued to postmasters, under date of June 1st, 1906, advising them that postage due stamps would be issued and must, for the future, be used in collecting insufficient postage. The salient points from this circular are given by Mr. Howes as follows:--

Commencing on the 1st July, 1906, the present system of collecting unpaid postage will be discontinued and thereafter the following arrangements will supersede the regulations now in force:--

(1) The Department will issue a special stamp which will be known as the "POSTAGE DUE" stamp and on delivery of any article of mail matter on which unpaid or additional postage is to be collected the Postmaster will affix and cancel as ordinary stamps are cancelled, postage due stamps to the amount of the extra postage charged on such article.

(2) The short paid postage must be collected from the addressee before postage due stamps are affixed; otherwise the Postmaster is liable to lose the amount of such postage.

(3) Postmasters will obtain postage due stamps on requisition to the Department but the initial supply will be furnished without requisition, so that the new system may go into operation on the date above mentioned. When a new form is ordered "postage due"

stamps will be included in the printed list, but it is proposed to use the stock on hand at present which would otherwise have to be destroyed. The denominations of the new stamps will be 1, 2 and 5 cents.

In his Report for 1906 the Postmaster-General refers to the new innovation as follows:--

A system of accounting for short paid postage collected by Postmasters, by means of special stamps known as "Postage Due"

stamps, has been adopted by the Department. These stamps are to be affixed to shortpaid mail matter and cancelled by Postmasters when such matter is delivered to the addressee, and are not to be used for any other purpose. They cannot be used for the payment of ordinary postage, nor are they to be sold to the public.


These stamps are of special design and though of the same size as the regular postage stamps the design is printed the longer way so that in general appearance they are greatly different. The design has, as its centerpiece, a large uncolored numeral on an eight-sided tablet. Above is CANADA and below is the word CENT while at the sides are elaborate scroll ornaments. Across the base the words POSTAGE DUE are shown in bold uncolored capitals while the balance of the design consists of an engine-turned groundwork.

They are printed from line-engraved plates in sheets of one hundred, as usual. In the centre of the top margin is the imprint, "OTTAWA", followed by the plate number. Mr. Howes states that plate 1 is known for all three values and plate 2 for the 2 cent only.

_Reference List._

1906. Engraved and printed by the American Bank Note Co., Ottawa. No wmk. Perf. 12.

107. 1c dull violet. Scott's No. 126.

108. 2c dull violet. Scott's No. 127.

109. 5c dull violet. Scott's No. 128.


_The "Officially Sealed" Labels._

Although "officially sealed" labels cannot by any stretch of the imagination be considered as postage stamps or, indeed, of having any philatelic significance yet they are collected by many, in common with adhesive registered labels, as having an interest owing to the fact that they are visible evidence of one phase of the working of the post office. The "officially sealed" labels used by the Canadian Post Office seem to have been first recorded in the latter part of 1879. The first type consists of a rectangular label, measuring about 25-1/2 by 38 mm.

on which the words "OFFICIALLY SEALED" are shown straight across the centre. Above this, in a curve, is the inscription "POST OFFICE CANADA", while below, in a similar curve, is "DEAD LETTER OFFICE". The border consists of a handsome piece of engine-turned engraving. These labels were normally perforated 12 but they are also known entirely imperforate. Much misconception existed as to the use of these labels until Major E. B. Evans, when visiting Canada in 1889, took the opportunity of finding out exactly for what they were used. The results of his investigations were published in the _Philatelic Record_ for November, 1889, and as the article is full of interest we need make no apology for reproducing it _in extenso:_--

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