How To Behave: A Pocket Manual Of Republican Etiquette, And Guide To Correct Personal Habits Part 19

How To Behave: A Pocket Manual Of Republican Etiquette, And Guide To Correct Personal Habits -

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It is neatly Printed, with ill.u.s.trations showing everything that can be ill.u.s.trated in connection with the subject. Published in uniform style with the Carriage Painter's Manual, at the same price. $1.00, by mail, past-paid, to any address by B. R. WELLS & CO., Publishers, 737 Broadway, N. Y.


Containing the Original Greek Text of THE NEW TESTAMENT with an interlineary word-for-word English Translation; a new Emphatic Version based on the Interlineary Translation, on the Readings of Eminent Critics, and on the various Readings of the Vatican Ma.n.u.script (No 1,209 in the Vatican Library); together with ill.u.s.trative and Explanatory Foot Notes, and a copious Selection of References; to the whole of which is added a valuable Alphabetical Index.


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We have here a Greek Text acknowledged to be one of the best, which Greek scholars will find of importance, while the unlearned have an almost equal chance with those who are acquainted with the original, by having an interlinear, literal, word-for-word English translation.

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I can most cordially thank Mr. Wilson for his n.o.ble work, and you, gentlemen, for your Christian enterprise in bringing the work before the public. I believe the work will do good, and aid the better understanding of the New Testament."

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