How to Form a Library Part 12

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Pindar and Theocritus, with Daphnis and Chloe, in 1 vol.

without notes.

Plautus and Terence, in 1 vol. without notes.

Virgil complete, Selections from Horace, and Lucan, in 1 vol. without notes.

Ovid, Tibullus, Juvenal, in 1 vol. without notes.

Fabliaux du Moyen Age, recueillies par Legrand D'Aussy.

Dante, Ariosto,, and Petrarch, in 1 vol. in Italian.

Select Plays of Metastasio and Alfieri, also in Italian.

I Promessi Sposi, by Manzoni, in 1 vol. in Italian.

Don Quixote, and the Exemplary Novels of Cervantes, in Spanish, in 1 vol.

Select Spanish Dramas, a collection edited by Don Jose Segundo Florez, in 1 vol. in Spanish.

The Romancero Espagnol, a selection, with the poem of the Cid, 1 vol. in Spanish.

Select Plays of P. Corneille.

Moliere, complete.

Select Plays of Racine and Voltaire, in 1 vol.

La Fontaine's Fables, with some from Lamotte and Florian.

Gil Blas, by Lesage.

The Princess of Cleves, Paul and Virginia, and the Last of the Abencerrages, to be collected in 1 vol.

Les Martyres, par Chateaubriand.

Select Plays of Shakespeare.

Paradise Lost and Lyrical Poems of Milton.

Robinson Crusoe and the Vicar of Wakefield, in 1 vol.

Tom Jones, by Fielding, in English, or translated by Cheron.

The seven masterpieces of Walter Scott--Ivanhoe, Waverley, the Fair Maid of Perth, Quentin Durward, Woodstock (Les Puritains), the Heart of Midlothian, the Antiquary.

Select Works of Byron, Don Juan in particular to be suppressed.

Select Works of Goethe.

The Arabian Nights.

II. _Science._ (Thirty Volumes.)

Arithmetic of Condorcet, Algebra, and Geometry of Clairaut, the Trigonometry of Lacroix or Legendre, to form 1 vol.

a.n.a.lytical Geometry of Auguste Comte, preceded by the Geometry of Descartes.

Statics, by Poinsot, with all his Memoirs on Mechanics.

Course of a.n.a.lysis given by Navier at the Ecole Polytechnique, preceded by the Reflections on the Infinitesimal Calculus by Carnot.

Course of Mechanics given by Navier at the Ecole Polytechnique, followed by the Essay of Carnot on Equilibrum and Motion.

Theory of Functions, by Lagrange.

Popular Astronomy of Auguste Comte, followed by the Plurality of Worlds of Fontenelle.

Mechanical Physics of Fischer, translated and annotated by Biot.

Alphabetical Manual of Practical Philosophy, by John Carr.

The Chemistry of Lavoisier.

Chemical Statics, by Berthollet.

Elements of Chemistry, by James Graham.

Manual of Anatomy, by Meckel.

General Anatomy of b.i.+.c.hat, preceded by his Treatise on Life and Death.

The first volume of Blainville on the Organization of Animals.

Physiology of Richerand, with notes by Berard.

Systematic Essay on Biology, by Segond, and his Treatise on General Anatomy.

Nouveaux Elements de la Science de l'Homme, par Barthez (2nd edition, 1806).

La Philosophie Zoologique, par Lamarck.

Dumeril's Natural History.

The Treatise of Guglielmini on the Nature of Rivers (in Italian).

Discourses on the Nature of Animals, by Buffon.

The Art of Prolonging Human Life, by Hufeland, preceded by Hippocrates on Air, Water, and Situation, and followed by Cornaro's book on a Sober and Temperate Life, to form 1 vol.

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