The Mind of the Child Part 5

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HEARING.--Child strikes on keys of piano; pleased with singing of canary-bird (89).

ORGANIC SENSATIONS AND EMOTIONS.--Laughing almost invariably follows the laugh of others (145). Sleep, fourteen hours daily (162).


_Instinctive Movements._--Standing some moments without support (270).

Fifty-third week, creeping. Fifty-fourth week, walking, with support; movements in creeping asymmetrical (277).

_Expressive Movements._--No idea of kissing (305). Shaking head in denial (315). Begging sound along with extending of hands in desire (323).


Trying door after shutting it (15, 16). Hears the vowel-sounds in word (68).

_Speech._--Desire expressed by _a-na_, _a-nananana_ (112). Awkwardness continues; attention more lively. Tries to repeat words said for him.

Three hundred and sixty-ninth day, _papa_ repeated correctly (113, 114).

Syllables most frequent, _nja_, _njan_, _dada_, _atta_, _mama_, _papa_, _atta_, _na-na-na_, _hatta_, _meen[)e]-meen[)e]-meen[)e],_ _momm_, _momma_, _ao-u_: _na-na_ denotes desire, _mama_, mother. Fifty-fourth week, joy expressed by crowing, some very high tones; first distinct _s_, three hundred and sixty-eighth day (114). Understanding of words spoken (115). Confusion of a.s.sociations; first conscious act of obedience (116).

_Feeling of Self._--Rapping head with hand (191). Finding himself a cause; shaking keys, etc. (192). Fifty-fifth week, strikes himself and observes his hands; compares fingers of others with his own (195).



SIGHT.--_Seeing Near and Distant Objects._--Fifty-eighth week, grasping at lamp above him (55).

ORGANIC SENSATIONS AND EMOTIONS.--Fear of falling (169). Fifty-eighth week, astonishment at lantern (173).


_Instinctive Movements._--Child could be allowed to bite paper to pieces; he took the pieces out of his mouth (253). Fifty-seventh week, he hitches along on hands and knees; can not walk without support.

Sixtieth week, raises himself by chair (277).

_Imitative Movements._--For imitating swinging of arms an interval of time was required (287). Coughing imitated (288). Nodding not imitated (315).

_Expressive Movements._--Confounding of movements (322). Affection shown by laying hand on face and shoulders of others (324).

_Deliberate Movements._--Child takes off and puts on the cover of a can seventy-nine times (328).


Wrong understanding of what is heard (89).

_Speech._--No doubt that _atta_ means "going"; _brrr_, practiced and perfected; _dakkn_, _daggn_, _taggn_, _attagn_, _attatn_; no special success in repeating vowels and syllables (117). Child tries and laughs at his failures, if others laugh; parrot-like repet.i.tion of some syllables (118). Gain in understanding of words heard; a.s.sociation of definite object with name (119). More movements executed on hearing words (120). Confounding of movements occurs, but grows rare; begging att.i.tude seen to be useful (121).

_Feeling of Self._--Four hundred and ninth day, child bit himself on the arm (189). Pulling out and pus.h.i.+ng in a drawer, turning leaves of book, etc. (192). Fifty-seventh week, child looks at his image in hand-mirror, puts hand behind gla.s.s, etc. (198). Fifty-eighth week, his photograph treated in like manner; he turns away from his image in mirror; sixtieth week, recognizes his mother's image in mirror as image (199).



SIGHT.--_Direction of Look._--Sixty-third to sixty-fifth week, objects thrown down and looked after (50).

_Interpretation of what is seen._--Grasps at candle, puts hand into flame, but once only (63).

HEARING.--Laughing at new noises, as gurgling or thunder (89).

SMELL.--Coffee and cologne make no impression till end of month (134).


_Instinctive Movements._--Sixty-second week, child stands a few seconds when support is withdrawn. Sixty-third week, walks, holding on to a support (277). Sixty-fourth week, can walk without support, if he thinks he is supported; sixty-fifth week, walks holding by one finger of another's hand; raises himself to knees, stands up if he can hold to something (278).

_Imitative Movements._--Coughing. Learns to blow out candle (288).

Opening and shutting of hand (289).

_Expressive Movements._--Laughing at new sounds (299). The words "Give a kiss" produce a drawing near of head and protruding of lips (306).

Wrinkling of brow in attempts at imitation (310). Deprecating movement of arm (314). Sixty-fourth week, nodding sometimes accompanies the word "no"; four hundred and forty-fifth day, an accompanying movement (316).

First shrugging of shoulders (317). Begging gesture made by child when he wants something (318). Same made in asking for amus.e.m.e.nt (319). Wish expressed by handing a ring, looking at to be struck, and saying _hay-[)u]h_ (323).


Hunting for of paper, etc. (17). After burning his finger in flame of candle, the child never put it near the flame again, but would, in fun, put it in the direction of the candle. He allowed mouth and chin to be wiped without crying (20).

_Speech._--New sound _wa_; astonishment expressed by _h[=a]-[=a]-[)e][=a]-[)e]_, joy by crowing in high and prolonged tones, strong desire by _hao_, _ha-[)e]_, pain, impatience, by screaming in vowels pa.s.sing over into one another (121). The _atta_ still used when a light is dimmed (122). Advance in repeating syllables. Child is vexed when he can not repeat a word. One new word, _heiss_ (hot) (123). The _s_ is distinct; _th_ (Eng.) appears; _w_; smacking in sixty-fifth week; tongue the favorite plaything (124). Understands words "moon," "clock," "eye," "nose,"

"cough," "blow," "kick," "light"; affirmative nod at "ja"

in sixty-fourth week; negative shaking at "no"; holding out hand at words "Give the hand" or "hand"; more time required when child is not well (125).

_Feeling of Self._--Child bit his finger so that he cried out with pain (191). Sixty-second week, playing with his fingers as foreign objects; pressing one hand down with the other (195). Sixty-first week, trying to feel of his own image in the mirror (199).



SIGHT.--_Seeing Near and Distant Objects._--Sixty-eighth week, reaching too short, too far to left or right, too high or too low (56).

_Interpretation of what is seen._--Grasping at jets of water (63).

HEARING.--Child holds watch to his ear and listens to the ticking (89).

SMELL.--Smell and taste not separated; a flower is taken into mouth (135).

ORGANIC SENSATIONS AND EMOTIONS.--Fear of high tones (169).


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