The Ministry of Intercession Part 20

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WHAT TO PRAY.--For the Holy Spirit on Young Converts

="Peter and John prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost; for as yet He was fallen upon none of them: only they had been baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus."=--ACTS viii. 15, 16.

="Now He which establisheth us with you in Christ, and anointed us, is G.o.d; who also gave us the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts."=--2 COR. i. 21, 22.

How many new converts who remain feeble; how many who fall into sin; how many who backslide entirely. If we pray for the Church, its growth in holiness and devotion to G.o.d's service, pray specially for the young converts. How many stand alone, surrounded by temptation; how many have no teaching on the Spirit in them, and the power of G.o.d to establish them; how many in heathen lands, surrounded by Satan's power. If you pray for the power of the Spirit in the Church, pray specially that every young convert may know that he may claim and receive the fulness of the Spirit.

HOW TO PRAY.--Without Ceasing

="As for me, G.o.d forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you."=--1 SAM. xii. 23.

It is sin against the Lord to cease praying for others. When once we begin to see how absolutely indispensable intercession is, just as much a duty as loving G.o.d or believing in Christ, and how we are called and bound to it as believers, we shall feel that to cease intercession is grievous sin. Let us ask for grace to take up our place as priests with joy, and give our life to bring down the blessing of heaven.



WHAT TO PRAY.--That G.o.d's People may Realise their Calling

="I will bless thee; and be thou a blessing: _in thee_ shall _all the families of the earth_ be blessed."=--GEN. xii. 2, 3.

="G.o.d be merciful _unto us_, and bless _us_; and cause His face to s.h.i.+ne _upon us_. That Thy way may be known _upon earth_, Thy saving health _among all nations_."=--PS. lxvii. 1, 2.

Abraham was only blessed that he might be a blessing to all the earth.

Israel prays for blessing, that G.o.d may be known among all nations.

Every believer, just as much as Abraham, is only blessed that he may carry G.o.d's blessing to the world.

Cry to G.o.d that His people may know this, that every believer is only to live for the interests of G.o.d and His kingdom. If this truth were preached and believed and practised, what a revolution it would bring in our mission work. What a host of willing intercessors we should have.

Plead with G.o.d to work it by the Holy Spirit.

HOW TO PRAY.--As One who has Accepted for Himself what he Asks for Others

="Peter said, What I have, I give unto thee.... The Holy Ghost fell on them, as on us at the beginning.... G.o.d gave them the like gift, as He gave unto us."=--ACTS iii. 6, xi. 15, 17.

As you pray for this great blessing on G.o.d's people, the Holy Spirit taking entire possession of them for G.o.d's service, yield yourself to G.o.d, and claim the gift anew in faith. Let each thought of feebleness or shortcoming only make you the more urgent in prayer for others; as the blessing comes to them, you too will be helped. With every prayer for conversions or mission work, pray that G.o.d's people may know how wholly they belong to Him.



WHAT TO PRAY.--That all G.o.d's People may know the Holy Spirit

="The Spirit of truth, whom the world knoweth not; but ye know Him; for He abideth with you, and shall be in you."=--JOHN xiv. 17.

="Know ye not that your body is a temple of the Holy Ghost?"=--1 COR. vi. 19.

The Holy Spirit is the power of G.o.d for the salvation of men. He only works as He dwells in the Church. He is given to enable believers to live wholly as G.o.d would have them live, in the full experience and witness of Him who saves completely. Pray G.o.d that every one of His people may know the Holy Spirit!--That He, in all His fulness, is given to them! that they cannot expect to live as their Father would have, without having Him in His fulness, without being filled with Him! Pray that all G.o.d's people, even away in churches gathered out of heathendom, may learn to say: I believe in the Holy Ghost.

HOW TO PRAY.--Labouring fervently in Prayer

="Epaphras, who is one of you, saluteth you, always labouring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of G.o.d."=--COL. iv. 12.

To a healthy man labour is a delight; in what interests him he labours fervently. The believer who is in full health, whose heart is filled with G.o.d's Spirit, labours fervently in prayer. For what? That his brethren may stand perfect and complete in all the will of G.o.d; that they may know what G.o.d wills for them, how He calls them to live, and be led and walk by the Holy Ghost. Labour fervently in prayer that all G.o.d's children may know this, as possible, as divinely sure.


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