Discovery of Witches -
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_of Coulne, in the Countie of Lancaster Clothier, for Witchcraft; vpon Wednesday the nineteenth of August, at the a.s.sises and Generall Gaole-deliuerie, holden at Lancaster_,
_Sir_ EDWARD BROMLEY _Knight, one of his Maiesties Iustices of a.s.sise at Lancaster._
_Katherine Hewit._
Who but Witches can be proofes, and so witnesses of the doings of Witches? since all their Meetings, Conspiracies, Practises, and Murthers, are the workes of Darkenesse: But to discouer this wicked _Furie_, G.o.d hath not only raised meanes beyond expectation, by the voluntarie Confession and Accusation of all that are gone before, to accuse this Witch (being Witches, and thereby witnesses of her doings) but after they were committed, by meanes of a Child, to discouer her to be one, and a Princ.i.p.all in that wicked a.s.sembly at Malking-Tower, to deuise such a d.a.m.nable course for the deliuerance of their friends at Lancaster, as to kill the Gaoler, and blow vp the Castle, wherein the Deuill did but labour to a.s.semble them together, and so being knowne to send them all one way: And herein I shall commend vnto your good consideration the wonderfull meanes to condemne these parties, that liued in the world, free from suspition of any such offences, as are proued against them: And thereby the more dangerous, that in the successe we may lawfully say, the very Finger of G.o.d did point th[=e]
out. And she that neuer saw them, but in that meeting, did accuse them, and by their faces discouer them.
This _Katherine Hewyt_, Prisoner in the Castle at Lancaster, being brought to the Barre before the great Seate of Iustice, was there according to the former order and course Indicted and Arraigned, for that she felloniously had practized, exercised, and vsed her Deuillish and wicked Arts, called _Witch-crafts_, _Inchantments_, _Charmes_, and _Sorceries_, in, and vpon _Anne Foulds_; and the same _Anne Foulds_, by force of the same witch-craft, felloniously did kill and murder.
_Contra formam Statuti, &c. Et contra Pacem dicti Domini Regis, &c._
Vpon her Arraignement to this Indictment, shee pleaded not guiltie; And for the triall of her life put her selfe vpon G.o.d and her Countrie.
So as now the Gentlemen of the Iurie of life and death, stand charged with her as with others.
_The Euidence against_ Katherine Hewyt, _Prisoner at the Barre._
_The Examination of_ IAMES DEVICE, _Sonne of_ ELIZABETH DEVICE, _taken the seuen and twentieth day of Aprill_, Anno Reg. Regis IACOBI, Angliae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, decimo, et Scotiae quadragesimo quarto.
ROGER NOWEL, _and_ NICHOLAS BANNESTER, _Esquires; two of his Maiesties Iustices of Peace, in the Countie of Lancaster._
KATHERINE HEWYT, _alias_ MOVLD-HEELES _of Colne._ viz.
This Examinate saith, that vpon Good-Friday last, about twelue of the Clock in the day time, there dined at this Examinates Mothers house a number of persons: And hee also saith, that they were Witches; and that the names of the said Witches, that were there, for so many of them as he did know, were amongst others _Katherine Hewyt_, wife of _Iohn Hewyt_, alias _Mould-heeles_, of Colne, in the Countie of Lancaster Clothier; And that the said Witch, called _Katherine Hewyt_, alias _Mould-heeles_, and one _Alice Gray_, did confesse amongst the said Witches at their meeting at _Malkin-Tower_ aforesaid, that they had killed _Foulds_ wifes child, called _Anne Foulds_, of Colne:[P4_a_1] And also said, that they had then in hanck a child[P4_a_2] of _Michael Hartleys_ of Colne.
And this Examinate further saith, that all the said Witches went out of the said house in their own shapes and likenesses, and by that time they were gotten forth of the doores, they were gotten on Horse-back like vnto foales, some of one colour, some of an other, and the said _Prestons_ wife was the last: And when she got on Horse-back, they all presently vanished out of this Examinates sight. And before their said parting away they all appointed to meete at the said _Prestons_ wifes house that day twelue Moneths: at which time the said _Prestons_ wife promised to make them a great feast, and if they had occasion to meete in the meane time, then should warning be giuen that they all should meet vpon Romlesmoore.
_The Examination and Euidence of_ ELIZABETH DEVICE, _Mother of the said_ IAMES DEVICE.
KATHERINE HEWYT, _alias_ MOVLD-HEELES, _Prisoner at the Barre vpon her Arraignement and Triall, taken the day and yeare aforesaid._ viz.
This Examinate vpon her oath confesseth, that vpon Good-Friday last there dyned at this Examinates house, which she hath said are Witches, and verily thinketh to bee Witches, such as the said _Iames Deuice_ hath formerly spoken of: amongst which was _Katherine Hewyt_, alias _Mould-heeles_, now Prisoner at the Barre: and shee also saith, that at their meeting on Good-Friday at _Malkin-Tower_ aforesaid, the said _Katherine Hewyt_, alias _Mould-heeles_, and _Anne Gray_, did confesse, they had killed a child of _Foulds_ of Colne, called _Anne Foulds_, and had gotten hold of another.
And shee further saith, the said _Katherine Hewyt_ with all the rest, there gaue her consent with the said _Prestons_ wife for the murder of Master _Lister_.
_The Examination and Euidence of_ IENNET DEVICE,
KATHERINE HEWYT, _alias_ MOVLD-HEELES, _Prisoner at the Barre._
The said Examinate saith, That vpon Good-Friday last, there was about twentie persons, whereof two were men to this Examinates remembrance, at her said Grand-mothers house, called _Malkin-Tower_ aforesaid, about twelue of the clock: All which persons this Examinates said mother told her were Witches, and that shee knoweth the names of sixe of the said Witches.
Then was the said _Iennet Deuice_ commanded by his Lords.h.i.+p, to finde and point out the said _Katherine Hewyt_, alias _Mould-heeles_, amongst all the rest of the said Women, whereupon shee went and tooke the said _Katherine Hewyt_ by the hand: Accused her to bee one, and told her in what place shee sate at the feast at _Malkin-Tower_, at the great a.s.sembly of the Witches, and who sate next her; what conference they had, and all the rest of their proceedings at large, without any manner of contrarietie: Being demanded further by his Lords.h.i.+p, whether _Ioane a Downe_ were at that Feast, and meeting, or no? shee alleaged shee knew no such woman to be there, neither did shee euer heare her name.
If this were not an Honorable meanes to trie the accusation against them, let all the World vpon due examination giue iudgement of it. And here I leaue her the last of this companie, to the Verdict of the Gentlemen of the Iurie of life and death, as hereafter shall appeare.
Heere the Iurie of Life and Death, hauing spent the most part of the day, in due consideration of their offences, Returned into the Court to deliuer vp their Verdict against them, as followeth.
_The Verdict of Life and Death._
Who vpon their Oathes found _Iennet Bierley_, _Ellen Bierley_, and _Iane Southworth_, not guiltie of the offence of Witch-craft, conteyned in the Indictment against them.
_Anne Redferne_, guiltie of the fellonie & murder, conteyned in the Indictment against her.
_Alice Nutter_, guiltie of the fellonie and murder conteyned in the Indictment against her.
_Katherine Hewyt_, guiltie of the fellonie & murder conteyned in the Indictment against her.
Whereupon Master _Couell_ was commanded by the Court to take away the Prisoners Conuicted, and to bring forth _Iohn Bulc.o.c.ke_, _Iane Bulc.o.c.ke_ his mother,[Q2_a_] and _Alizon Deuice_, Prisoners in the Castle at Lancaster, to receiue their Trialls.
Who were brought to their Arraignement and Triall as hereafter followeth.
[Ill.u.s.tration: decoration]
THE ARRAIGNMENT _and Triall of_ IOHN BVLc.o.c.k, _and_ IANE BVLc.o.c.k _his mother, wife of_ CHRISTOPHER BVLc.o.c.k, _of the Mosse-end, in the Countie of Lancaster, for Witch-craft: vpon Wednesday in the after-noone, the nineteenth of August, 1612. At the a.s.sizes and generall Gaole deliuery, holden at Lancaster._
_Sir_ EDWARD BROMLEY, _Knight, one of his Maiesties Iustices of a.s.sizes at Lancaster._
_John Bulc.o.c.k_, and _Jane Bulc.o.c.k_ his mother.
If there were nothing to charge these Prisoners withall, whom now you may behold vpon their Arraignement and Triall but their poasting in haste to the great a.s.sembly at Malking-Tower, there to aduise and consult amongst the Witches, what were to bee done to set at liberty the Witches in the Castle at Lancaster: Ioyne with _Iennet Preston_ for the murder of Master _Lister_; and such like wicked & diuellish practises: It were sufficient to accuse them for Witches, & to bring their liues to a lawfull Triall. But amongst all the Witches in this company, there is not a more fearefull and diuellish Act committed, and voluntarily confessed by any of them, comparable to this, vnder the degree of Murder: which impudently now (at the Barre hauing formerly confessed;)[Q3_a_1] they forsweare, swearing they were neuer at the great a.s.sembly at Malking Tower; although the very Witches that were present in that action with them, iustifie, maintaine, and sweare the same to be true against them: Crying out in very violent & outragious manner, euen to the gallowes,[Q3_a_2] where they died impenitent for any thing we know, because they died silent in the particulars. These of all others were the most desperate wretches (void of all feare or grace) in all this Packe; Their offences not much inferiour to Murther: for which you shall heare what matter of Record wee haue against them; and whether they be worthie to continue, we leaue it to the good consideration of the Iury.
The said _Iohn Bulc.o.c.k_, and _Iane Bulc.o.c.k_ his mother, Prisoners in the Castle at Lancaster, being brought to the Barre before the great Seat of Iustice: were there according to the former order and course Indicted and Arraigned, for that they felloniously had practised, exercised and vfed their diuellish & wicked Arts, called _Witchcrafts_, _Inchantments_, _Charmes_ and _Sorceries_, in and vpon the body of _Iennet Deane_: so as the body of the said _Iennet Deane_, by force of the said Witchcrafts, wasted and consumed; and after she, the said _Iennet_, became madde. _Contra formam Statuti_, &c. _Et Contra pacem_, &c.
Vpon their Arraignement, to this Indictment they pleaded not guiltie; and for the triall of their liues put themselues vpon G.o.d and their Countrey.
So as now the Gentlemen of the Iurie of Life and Death stand charged with them as with others.
_The Euidence against_ Iohn Bulc.o.c.k, _and_ Jane Bulc.o.c.k _his mother, Prisoners at the Barre._