News Writing Part 34

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12. Wilbur Grant and Jack Faville left the city this morning to attend the World's Convention of the Christian Endeavor Society, which is to be held in Chicago.

13. While driving from Barre Sunday afternoon a tire went down on the car of Burt Smith causing the machine to slide around a little but after putting on a new tire he was able to continue home. The report was started that one wheel was broken but such developed to be erroneous.

14. Do you know that if you attend the song service and Christian cantata given Sunday evening by the choir at the First Methodist Church, you will find a pleasure in spending Sunday evening in a way that will give satisfaction that comes from the feeling that you attended an entertainment and have been at services on the Sabbath day?

15. Louisiana never does things by halves. It was the unanimous consensus of opinion of all that our chest of silver presented to Mrs. J. M. Thomson was only surpa.s.sed by the Congressional diamond necklace.

16. She is well educated, and speaks, besides Chinese and English, the languages of Germany and France.

17. Miss Kathryn Stinson, a lady aviatrix, will fly from Grant Park to the ball park, and just before the battle starts Manager Tinker will be presented with a watch and chain.

18. The recent tornado wrought havoc with the Newton church, tearing off a considerable section of the roof, rafters and all, and throwing the west end gable down upon the pulpit and nearby furniture of the interior. The belfry was demolished, and the bell thrown into the yard. The house is otherwise in a fairly good condition.

19. A fine and costs of $7.50 was paid in police court yesterday afternoon for Charles McCormick, who was charged by the police with creating an improper disturbance at the Sherwood buffet.

20. Others of world-wide repute will appear, and delegates and noted people from all over the world are arriving and have already arrived in the city.

21. An article appeared in last week's paper stating a baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. M. David, which is incorrect, and Mrs. David wishes it published that it is not true. It must have been a joke or mistake.

22. Committees of the pa.s.sengers in general, and separate committees of clergymen, students, and newspaper men have been organized to confer with similar committees in the neutral nations, when the s.h.i.+p arrives, on the question of peace.

23. The place where the body of Howe was found is the most convenient location for a body killed elsewhere and removed from another place to the lonesome spot where it was found.

24. The chimney still stands, although many bricks have been loosened by the heat, and fallen to the earth below.

25. John Fouts of Olena surprised his friends last Friday evening by bringing home a new bride. In honor of the occasion he served an oyster stew to quite a little gathering of friends.

26. He has two of the prettiest homes in our beautiful city for sale. Home No. 1 is located on Beach Drive on our beautiful water front, where you can sit on the front porch and watch the beautiful waves. It has a lot 73 by 150 feet, the bungalow has eight rooms and is a two-story house, with bath and toilet on each floor, a beautiful flower garden plan, roses, royal palms, rubber trees, etc. House No. 2 is located at No. 60 Fifth Avenue, north, a beautiful location. The house is furnished up beautifully inside and has a beautiful yard.

27. The bride is a pleasing young woman well known in Beardstown's social set, and enjoys the acquaintance of everyone who knows her.

28. She climbed up on the bed and tucked her feet under her, and the thoughtful forefinger began to slowly trace the pattern on the bedspread, while Jane Rowland studied her with speculative spectacles.

29. Pa.s.sengers are forbidden to stand on the front platform and will not be allowed to stand on the rear platform.

_H._ The following sentences are unemphatic because of their crude or affected phraseology. Rewrite each so that it shall be good.

1. He leaves nine children, eight of whom are honored and respected citizens of this state, and the other lives in Missouri.

2. Pan with his shepherd pipes, Jupiter with his thunderbolts, Apollo with his harp, and the songstress, Sappho, appeared in spirit with the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, which returned to Evansville Monday afternoon and night on its annual tour. The whispering winds of the reed section, the pa.s.sionate love pleadings of the cellos, mixed with the blatant fury of the trumpets, the rumble and thunder of the kettle drums, and instruments portraying all the varying moods of nature, presented the whole category of human emotions.

3. She has a wonderful voice, full, round, and velvety, with a mature richness and at the same time the vibrant joyousness of youth. While her spring songs bring veritable visions of apple blossoms and the songs of birds, she can express with equal perfection the tragedy of grief.

4. Processionals of lovely matrons, trailing draperies of brilliantly hued velvets, brocades and satins, drifts of adorable girls, their exquisite slimness enveloped in misty clouds of tulle or clinging lengths of accordion plaited taffetas; platoons of the brave and the gallant, the handsome and the gay of Peoria's golden youth, and substantial business men, in the correctest of evening garb, lent to the Jefferson Hotel a stunningly pictorial effect last night when the first a.s.sembly ball of the season took place at that popular hostelry.

5. Away, away on the pinions of the wind flew the car, the speed being dexterously regulated according to the grade and curvature of the road. Many birds, traveling at their best speed, were easily overtaken and left far in the rear; horse conveyances going at a gallop appeared to be standing still; farm houses looked like hen-coops, and Eholt resembled a chicken ranch. For speed, Mazeppa's ride was far outcla.s.sed. It was a memorable trip to those in the car, but everyone had implicit confidence in the chauffeur and there were no white feathers visible.

6. His heart is of gold, pure 14-carat gold, all wool and a yard wide.

7. Throughout the entire visit of the society members the prison band, stationed in the balcony over the prison entrance, dispersed sweet music.

8. Fortunate, indeed, are the golfers of Elgin and vicinity, in having for their very own such a lovely and delightful spot as the Wing Park Golf course, where soft, sweet winds are blended with the greens below and the blue above--where the st.u.r.dy oak reaches out cool, shadowy arms to caress the tired golfer--where the last rays of the setting sun love to linger on the golf b.a.l.l.s--where in fact all nature appears to unite into one grand combination to give the golfer a good time.

9. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Shattuck are entertaining a number of their lady and gentlemen friends at a boat ride in their launch "Dion" this afternoon.

10. Miss Muriel Kay, pianist, manipulated not only the keys of the instrument, but also the heart-strings of the audience.

11. The Merry Matrons' club was hostess at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Tiger to a number of friends, as well as the husbands of the members of the club.

12. She is a dainty slip of a girl, with pretty, graceful presence. She resembles a canary bird just poised for flight as she faces her audience, golden haired and singing without the least effort, her high tones clear and true, trilling the bird notes and enthralling the guests. She is the best soprano ever heard in the Birchwood Club.

13. In the fullness of time (according to the laws of human nature, which draws into a juxtaposition all who would really enjoy the beauty of life) has been revealed a long looked for and also a long hoped for event. By an act of providence there has been provided two existences, two lives, two individualities in two different families in the immediate surroundings of this community. These two existences, which had heretofore traveled the pathway of life, each moving on in an independent course, pa.s.sing through the various experiences of life and never once dreaming of what the end would really be, had emerged upon the common but ever blessed pathway of life to blend together into a single union the thought and intents of each other's hearts, wills, and affections, and thence plunge into the great land of utility. We are only too willing to admit that the contracting parties took to heart the words, "It is not good that the man should be alone," because last Thursday evening at 8 o'clock Mr.

Oliver Keefer and Miss Myrtle Bowker amalgamated their earthly career into one harmonious ent.i.ty when they stood before the marriage altar and agreed to the words which bound the twain as one.

14. Mrs. Maxwell of Sycamore visited her daughter, Mrs. H. W.

Smith, last week. Mrs. Smith ran a nail in her foot, Mr. Smith cut his eyeball with a piece of steel, and their son, Horace, broke his arm.

15. Bishop Cadman, of the diocese of Maine, surprised the congregation at St. Matthias's Episcopal church last Sunday. The Bishop preached a fine sermon.


_A._ Distinguish the meanings of the words in the following groups:

1. Abscond, avoid, decamp, elude, escape, evade.

2. Accident, calamity, casualty, disaster, mishap, misfortune.

3. Acquire, gain, get, obtain, procure, secure.

4. Affect, effect, influence.

5. Aggravate, annoy, tease, worry.

6. Antagonize, fight, hinder, oppose, resist, restrain, thwart.

7. Apparent, clear, evident, obvious, plain.

8. Apt, liable, likely.

9., dispatch, execute, kill, mob, murder, slay.

10. a.s.sert, claim, declare, maintain, state.

11. Bearing, behavior, conduct, demeanor, deportment.

12. Blaze, conflagration, fire, flame, holocaust.

13. Board, register, stay, stop.

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