Roget's Thesaurus Part 94

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#737b. Politics. [contention for governmental authority or influence].

-- N. politics; political science; candidacy, campaign, campaigning, electioneering; partisans.h.i.+p, ideology, factionalism.

election, poll, ballot, vote, referendum, recall, initiative, voice, suffrage, plumper, c.u.mulative vote, plebiscitum[Lat], plebiscite, vox populi; electioneering; voting &c. v.; elective franchise; straight ticket [U.S.]; opinion poll, popularity poll.

issue; opinion, stand, position; program, platform; party line.

[ideologies] democracy, republicanism; communism, statism, state socialism; socialism; conservatism, toryism; liberalism, whigism; theocracy; const.i.tutional monarchy.

[political parties] party &c. 712; Democratic Party[U.S: list], Republican Party, Socialist Party, Communist Party; Federalist Party[U.S.

defunct parties: list], Bull Moose Party, Abolitionist Party; Christian Democratic Party[Germany: list], Social Democratic Party; National Socialist Worker's Party[Germany, 1930-1945], n.a.z.i Party; Liberal Party[Great Britain:list], Labor Party, Conservative Party.

ticket, slate.

[person active in politics] politician[general], activist; candidate[specific politicians: list], aspirant, hopeful, office-seeker, front-runner, dark horse, long shot, shoo-in; supporter, backer, political worker, campaign worker; lobbyist, contributor; party hack, ward heeler; regional candidate, favorite son; running mate, stalking horse; perpetual candidate, political animal.

political contribution, campaign contribution; political action committee, PAC.

political district, electoral division, electoral district, bailiwick.

electorate, const.i.tuents.

get-out-the-vote campaign, political education.

negative campaigning, dirty politics, smear campaign.

[unsuccessful candidate] also-ran, loser; has-been.

[successful candidate] office holder, official, occupant of a position; public servant, inc.u.mbent; winner.

V. run for office, stand for office; campaign, stump; throw one's hat in the ring; announce one's candidacy.

Adj. political, partisan.

Phr. "Money is the mother's milk of politics" [Tip O'Neill].

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#738. [Absence of authority] Laxity.-- N. laxity; laxness, looseness, slackness; toleration &c. (lenity) 740; freedom &c. 748.

anarchy, interregnum; relaxation; loosening &c. v.; remission; dead letter, brutum fulmen[Lat], misrule; license, licentiousness; insubordination &c. (disobedience) 742; lynch law &c. (illegality) 964; nihilism, reign of violence.

[Deprivation of power] dethronement, deposition, usurpation, abdication.

V. be -lax &c. adj.; laisser faire[Fr], laisser aller[Fr]; hold a loose rein; give the reins to, give rope enough, give a loose to; tolerate; relax; misrule.

go beyond the length of one's tether; have one's swing, have one's fling; act without instructions, act without authority, act outside of one's authority; act on one's own responsibility, usurp authority.

dethrone, depose; abdicate.

Adj. lax, loose; slack; remiss &c. (careless) 460; weak.

relaxed; licensed; reinless[obs3], unbridled; anarchical; unauthorized &c. (unwarranted) 925; adespotic[obs3].

#739. Severity.-- N. severity; strictness, harshness &c. adj.; rigor, stringency, austerity; inclemency &c. (pitilessness) 914a; arrogance &c.

885; precisianism[obs3].

arbitrary power; absolutism, despotism; dictators.h.i.+p, autocracy, tyranny, domineering, oppression; a.s.sumption, usurpation; inquisition, reign of terror, martial law; iron heel, iron rule, iron hand, iron sway; tight grasp; brute force, brute strength; coercion &c. 744; strong hand, tight hand.

hard lines, hard measure; tender mercies [ironical]; sharp practice; pipe-clay, officialism.

tyrant, disciplinarian, precisian[obs3], martinet, stickler, bashaw[obs3], despot, hard master, Draco, oppressor, inquisitor, extortioner, harpy, vulture; accipitres[obs3], birds of prey, raptorials[obs3], raptors[obs3].

V. be -severe &c. adj.

a.s.sume, usurp, arrogate, take liberties; domineer, bully &c. 885; tyrannize, inflict, wreak, stretch a point, put on the screw; be hard upon; bear a heavy hand on, lay a heavy hand on; be down upon, come down upon; ill treat; deal hardly with, deal hard measure to; rule with a rod of iron, chastise with scorpions; dye with blood; oppress, override; trample under foot; tread under foot, tread upon, trample upon, tread down upon, trample down upon; crush under an iron heel, ride roughshod over; rivet the yoke; hold a tight hand, keep a tight hand; force down the throat; coerce &c.

744; give no quarter &c. (pitiless) 914a.

Adj. severe; strict, hard, harsh, dour, rigid, stiff, stern, rigorous, uncompromising, exacting, exigent, exigeant[obs3], inexorable, inflexible, obdurate, austere, hard-headed, hard-nosed, hard-sh.e.l.l [U.S.], relentless, Spartan, Draconian, stringent, strait-laced, searching, unsparing, iron- handed, peremptory, absolute, positive, arbitrary, imperative; coercive &c.

744; tyrannical, extortionate, grinding, withering, oppressive, inquisitorial; inclement &c. (ruthless) 914a; cruel &c. (malevolent) 907; haughty, arrogant &c. 885; precisian[obs3].

Adv. severely &c. adj.; with a high hand, with a strong hand, with a tight hand, with a heavy hand.

at the point of the sword, at the point of the bayonet.

Phr. Delirant reges plectuntur Achivi[Lat]; manu forti[Lat]; ogni debole ha sempre il suo tiranno[It].

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#740. Lenity.-- N. lenity, lenience, leniency; moderation &c. 174; tolerance, toleration; mildness, gentleness; favor, indulgence, indulgency[obs3]; clemency, mercy, forbearance, quarter; compa.s.sion &c.


V. be -lenient &c. adj.; tolerate, bear with; parcere subjectis[Lat], give quarter.

indulge, allow one to have his own way, spoil.

Adj. lenient; mild, mild as milk; gentle, soft; tolerant, indulgent, easy-going; clement &c. (compa.s.sionate) 914; forbearing; long-suffering.

#741. Command.-- N. command, order, ordinance, act, fiat, hukm[obs3], bidding, dictum, hest[obs3], behest, call, beck, nod.

despatch, dispatch; message, direction, injunction, charge, instructions; appointment, fixture.

demand, exaction, imposition, requisition, claim, reclamation, revendication[obs3]; ultimatum &c. (terms) 770; request &c. 765; requirement.

dictation; dictate, mandate; caveat, decree, senatus consultum[Lat]; precept; prescript, rescript; writ, ordination, bull, ex cathedra p.r.o.nouncement[Lat], edict, decretal[obs3], dispensation, prescription, brevet, placit[obs3], ukase, ukaz [Russian], firman, hatti-sherif[obs3], warrant,, mittimus[[email protected]], mandamus, summons, subpoena, nisi prius[Lat], interpellation, citation; word, word of command; mot d'ordre[Fr]; bugle call, trumpet call; beat of drum, tattoo; order of the day; enactment &c. (law) 963; plebiscite &c. (choice) 609.

V. command, order, decree, enact, ordain, dictate, direct, give orders.

prescribe, set, appoint, mark out; set a task, prescribe a task, impose a task; set to work, put in requisition.

bid, enjoin, charge, call upon, instruct; require at the hands of; exact, impose, tax, task; demand; insist on &c. (compel) 744.

claim, lay claim to, revendicate[obs3], reclaim.

cite, summon; call for, send for; subpoena; beckon.

issue a command; make a requisition, issue a requisition, promulgate a requisition, make a decree, issue a decree, promulgate a decree, make an order, issue an order, promulgate an order &c. n.; give the word of command, give the word, give the signal; call to order; give the law, lay down the law; a.s.sume the command &c. (authority) 737; remand.

be -ordered &c.; receive an order &c. n.

Adj. commanding &c. v.; authoritative &c. 737; decretory[obs3], decretive[obs3], decretal[obs3]; callable, jussive[obs3].

Adv. in a commanding tone; by a stroke of the pen, by a dash of the pen; by order, at beat of drum, on the first summons.

Phr. the decree is gone forth; sic volo sic jubeo[Lat]; le Roi le veut[Fr]; boutez en avant[Fr].

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#742. Disobedience.-- N. disobedience, insubordination, contumacy; infraction, infringement; violation, noncompliance; non.o.bservance &c. 773.

revolt, rebellion, mutiny, outbreak, rising, uprising, insurrection, emeute[Fr]; riot, tumult &c. (disorder) 59; strike &c.(resistance) 719; barring out; defiance &c. 715.

mutinousness &c. adj.; mutineering[obs3]; sedition, treason; high treason, petty treason, misprision of treason; premunire[Lat]; lese majeste[Fr]; violation of law &c. 964; defection, secession.

insurgent, mutineer, rebel, revolter, revolutionary, rioter, traitor, quisling, carbonaro[obs3], sansculottes[Fr], red republican, bonnet rouge, communist, Fenian, frondeur; seceder, secessionist, runagate, renegade, brawler, anarchist, demagogue; Spartacus, Masaniello, Wat Tyler, Jack Cade; ringleader.

V. disobey, violate, infringe; s.h.i.+rk; set at defiance &c. (defy) 715; set authority at naught, run riot, fly in the face of; take the law into one's own hands; kick over the traces.

turn restive, run restive; champ the bit; strike &c. (resist) 719; rise, rise in arms; secede; mutiny, rebel.

Adj. disobedient; uncomplying, uncompliant; unsubmissive[obs3], unruly, ungovernable; breachy[obs3], insubordinate, impatient of control, incorrigible; restiff|, restive; refractory, contumacious, recusant &c.

(refuse) 764; recalcitrant; resisting &c. 719; lawless, mutinous, seditions, insurgent, riotous.

un.o.beyed[obs3]; unbidden.

Phr. seditiosissimus quisque ignavus [Lat][Tacitus]; "unthread the rude eye of rebellion" [King John].

#743. Obedience.-- N. obedience; observance &c. 772; compliance; submission &c. 725; subjection &c. 749; nonresistance; pa.s.siveness, resignation.

allegiance, loyalty, fealty, homage, deference, devotion; constancy, fidelity.

submissness[obs3], submissiveness; ductility &c. (softness) 324; obsequiousness &c. (servility) 886.

V. be -obedient &c. adj.; obey, bear obedience to; submit &c. 725; comply, answer the helm, come at one's call; do one's bidding, do what one is told, do suit and service; attend to orders, serve faithfully.

follow the lead of, follow to the world's end; serve &c. 746; play second fiddle.

Adj. obedient; complying, compliant; loyal, faithful, devoted; at one's call, at one's command, at one's orders, at one's beck and call; under beck and call, under control.

restrainable; resigned, pa.s.sive; submissive &c. 725; henpecked; pliant &c. (soft) 324.


Adv. obediently &c. adj.; in compliance with, in obedience to.

Phr. to hear is to obey; as you please, if you please; your wish is my command; as you wish; no sooner said than done.

#744. Compulsion.-- N. compulsion, coercion, coaction[obs3], constraint, duress, enforcement, press, conscription.

force; brute force, main force, physical force; the sword, ultima ratio[Lat]; club law, lynch law, mob law, arguementum baculinum[obs3], le droit du plus fort[Fr], martial law.

restraint &c. 751; necessity &c. 601; force majeure[Fr]; Hobson's choice.

V. compel, force, make, drive, coerce, constrain, enforce, necessitate, oblige.

force upon, press; cram down the throat, thrust down the throat, force down the throat; say it must be done, make a point of, insist upon, take no denial; put down, dragoon.

extort, wring from; squeeze, put on the squeeze; put on the screws, turn on the screw; drag into; bind, bind over; pin down, tie down; require, tax, put in force; commandeer; restrain &c. 751.

Adj. compelling &c. v.; coercive, coactive[obs3]; inexorable &c. 739; compulsory, compulsatory[obs3]; obligatory, stringent, peremptory.

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