Roget's Thesaurus Part 91

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#720. Contention. -- N. contention, strife; contest, contestation[obs3]; struggle; belligerency; opposition &c. 708.

controversy, polemics; debate &c. (discussion) 476; war of words, logomachy[obs3], litigation; paper war; high words &c. (quarrel) 713; sparring &c. v.

compet.i.tion, rivalry; corrivalry[obs3], corrivals.h.i.+p[obs3], agonism , concours[obs3], match, race, horse racing, heat, steeple chase, handicap; regatta; field day; sham fight, Derby day; turf, sporting, bullfight, tauromachy[obs3], gymkhana[obs3]; boat race, torpids[obs3].

wrestling, greco-roman wrestling; pugilism, boxing, fisticuffs, the manly art of self-defense; spar, mill, set-to, round, bout, event, prize fighting; quarterstaff, single stick; gladiators.h.i.+p[obs3], gymnastics; jiujitsu, jujutsu, kooshti[obs3], sumo; athletics, athletic sports; games of skill &c. 840.

s.h.i.+ndy[obs3]; fracas &c. (discord) 713; clash of arms; tussle, scuffle, broil, fray; affray, affrayment ; velitation ; colluctation , luctation[obs3]; brabble[obs3], brigue , scramble, melee, scrimmage, stramash[obs3], bushfighting[obs3].

free fight, stand up fight, hand to hand, running fight.

conflict, skirmish; rencounter[obs3], encounter; rencontre[obs3], collision, affair, brush, fight; battle, battle royal; combat, action, engagement, joust, tournament; tilt, tilting [medieval times]; tournay[obs3], list; pitched battle.

death struggle, struggle for life or death, life or death struggle, Armageddon[obs3].

hard knocks, sharp contest, tug of war.

naval engagement, naumachia[obs3], sea fight.

duel, duello[It]; single combat, monomachy[obs3], satisfaction, pa.s.sage d'armes[Fr], pa.s.sage of arms, affair of honor; triangular duel; hostile meeting, digladiation[obs3]; deeds of arms, feats of arms; appeal to arms &c. (warfare) 722.

pugnacity; combativeness &c. adj.; bone of contention &c. 713.

V. contend; contest, strive, struggle, scramble, wrestle; spar, square; exchange blows, exchange fisticuffs; fib !, justle[obs3], tussle, tilt, box, stave, fence; skirmish; pickeer[obs3]; fight &c. (war) 722; wrangle &c. (quarrel) 713.

contend &c. with, grapple with, engage with, close with, buckle with, bandy with, try conclusions with, have a brush &c. n. with, tilt with; encounter, fall foul of, pitch into, clapperclaw[obs3], run a tilt at; oppose &c. 708; reluct.

join issue, come to blows, go to loggerheads, set to, come to the scratch, exchange shots, measure swords, meet hand to hand; take up the cudgels, take up the glove, take up the gauntlet; enter the lists; couch one's lance; give satisfaction; appeal to arms &c. (warfare) 722.

lay about one; break the peace.

compete with, cope with, vie with, race with; outvie[obs3], emulate, rival; run a race; contend &c. for, stipulate for, stickle for; insist upon, make a point of.

Adj. contending &c. v.; together by the ears, at loggerheads at war at issue.

compet.i.tive, rival; belligerent; contentious, combative, bellicose, unpeaceful[obs3]; warlike &c. 722; quarrelsome &c. 901; pugnacious; pugilistic, gladiatorial; palestric[obs3], palestrical[obs3].

Phr. a verbis ad verbera[Lat]; a word and a blow; "a very pretty quarrel as it stands" [Sheridan]; commune periculum concordiam parit[Lat]; lis litem generat[Lat].

#721. Peace. -- N. peace; amity &c. (friends.h.i.+p) 888; harmony &c.

(concord) 714; tranquility, calm &c. (quiescence) 265; truce, peace treaty, accord &c. (pacification) 723; peace pipe, pipe of peace, calumet of peace.

piping time of peace, quiet life; neutrality.

[symbol of peace] dove of peace, white dove.

[person who favors peace] dove.

pax Romana[Lat]; Pax Americana[Lat][obs3].

V. be at peace; keep the peace &c. (concord) 714.

make peace &c. 723.

Adj. pacific; peaceable, peaceful; calm, tranquil, untroubled, halcyon; bloodless; neutral.

dovish Phr. the storm blown over; the lion lies down with the lamb; "all quiet on the Potomac"; paritur pax bello [Lat][Nepos]; "peace hath her victories no less renowned than war" [Milton]; "they make a desert and they call it peace".

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#722. Warfare. -- N. warfare; fighting &c.v.; hostilities; war, arms, the sword; Mars, Bellona, grim visaged war, horrida bella[Lat]; bloodshed.

appeal to arms, appeal to the sword; ordeal of battle; wager of battle; ultima ratio regum[Lat], arbitrament of the sword.

battle array, campaign, crusade, expedition, operations; mobilization; state of siege; battlefield, theater of operations &c. (arena) 728; warpath.

art of war, tactics, strategy, castrametation[obs3]; generals.h.i.+p; soldiers.h.i.+p; logistics; military evolutions, ballistics, gunnery; chivalry.

gunpowder, shot.

battle, tug of war &c. (contention) 720; service, campaigning, active service, tented field; kriegspiel[Ger], Kriegsspiel[Ger]; fire cross, trumpet, clarion, bugle, pibroch[obs3], slogan; war-cry, war-whoop; battle cry, beat of drum, rappel, tom-tom; calumet of war; word of command; pa.s.sword, watchword; pa.s.sage d-armes[Fr].

war to the death, war to the knife; guerre a mort[Fr], guerre a outrance[Fr][obs3]; open war, internecine war, civil war.

V. arm; raise troops, mobilize troops; raise up in arms; take up the cudgels &c. 720; take up arms, fly to arms, appeal to arms, fly to the sword; draw the sword, unsheathe the sword; dig up the hatchet, dig up the tomahawk; go to war, wage war, 'let slip the dogs of war' [Julius Caesar]; cry havoc; kindle the torch of war, light the torch of war; raise one's banner, raise the fire cross; hoist the black flag; throw away, fling away the scabbard; enroll, enlist; take the field; take the law into one's own hands; do battle, give battle, join battle, engage in battle, go to battle; flesh one's sword; set to, fall to, engage, measure swords with, draw the trigger, cross swords; come to blows, come to close quarters; fight; combat; contend &c. 720; battle with, break a lance with.

[pirates engage in battle] raise the jolly roger, run up the jolly roger.

serve; see service, be on service, be on active service; campaign; wield the sword, shoulder a musket, smell powder, be under fire; spill blood, imbrue the hands in blood; on the warpath.

carry on war, carry on hostilities; keep the field; fight the good fight; fight it out, fight like devils, fight one's way, fight hand to hand; sell one's life dearly; pay the ferryman's fee.

Adj. contending, contentious &c. 720; armed, armed to the teeth, armed cap-a-pie; sword in hand; in arms, under arms, up in arms; at war with; bristling with arms; in battle array, in open arms, in the field; embattled; battled.

unpacific[obs3], unpeaceful[obs3]; belligerent, combative, armigerous[obs3], bellicose, martial, warlike; military, militant; soldier- like, soldierly.

chivalrous; strategical, internecine.

Adv. flagrante bello[Lat], in the thick of the fray, in the cannon's mouth; at the sword's point, at the point of the bayonet.

Int. vae victis[Lat]! to arms! to your tents O Israel!

Phr. the battle rages; a la guerre comme a la guerre[Fr]; bis peccare in bello non licet[Lat][obs3]; jus gladii[Lat]; "my voice is still for war"

[Addison]; "'tis well that war is so terrible, otherwise we might grow fond of it" [Robert E. Lee]; "my sentence is for open war" [Milton]; "pride, pomp, and circ.u.mstance of glorious war" [Oth.e.l.lo]; "the cannons have their bowels full of wrath" [King John]; "the cannons ...spit forth their iron indignation" [King John]; "the fire-eyed maid of smoky war" [Henry IV]; silent leges inter arma [Lat][Cicero]; si vis pacem para bellum[Lat].

#723. Pacification. -- N. pacification, conciliation; reconciliation, reconcilement; shaking of hands, accommodation, arrangement, adjustment; terms, compromise; amnesty, deed of release.

peace offering; olive branch; calumet of peace, preliminaries of peace.

truce, armistice; suspension of arms, suspension of hostilities, stand-down; breathing time; convention; modus vivendi[Lat]; flag of truce, white flag, parlementaire[Fr], cartel !.

hollow truce, pax in bello[Lat]; drawn battle.

V. pacify, tranquilize, compose; allay &c. (moderate) 174; reconcile, propitiate, placate, conciliate, meet halfway, hold out the olive branch, heal the breach, make peace, restore harmony, bring to terms.

settle matters, arrange matters, accommodate matters, accommodate differences; set straight; make up a quarrel, tantas componere lites[Lat]; come to an understanding, come to terms; bridge over, hush up; make it, make matters up; shake hands; mend one's fences [U.S.].

raise a siege, lift a siege; put up the sword, sheathe the sword; bury the hatchet, lay down one's arms, turn swords into plowshares; smoke the calumet of peace, close the temple of Ja.n.u.s; keep the peace &c. (concord) 714; be pacified &c.; come round.

Adj. conciliatory; composing &c.v.; pacified &c.v.

Phr. requiescat in pace[Lat].

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#724. Mediation. -- N. mediation, mediators.h.i.+p[obs3], mediatization[obs3]; intervention, interposition, interference, intermeddling, intercession; arbitration; flag of truce &c. 723; good offices, peace offering; parley, negotiation; diplomatics[obs3], diplomacy; compromise &c. 774.

[person who mediates] mediator, arbitrator, intercessor, peacemaker, makepeace[obs3], negotiator, go-between; diplomatist &c. (consignee) 758; moderator; propitiator; umpire.

V. mediate, mediatize[obs3]; intercede, interpose, interfere, intervene; step in, negotiate; meet halfway; arbitrate; magnas componere lites[Lat].

bargain &c. 794 Adj. mediatory.

#725. Submission. -- N. submission, yielding; nonresistance; obedience &c. 743.

surrender, cession, capitulation, resignation; backdown[obs3].

obeisance, homage, kneeling, genuflexion[obs3], courtesy, curtsy, kowtow, prostration.

V. succ.u.mb, submit, yeild, bend, resign, defer to.

lay down one's arms, deliver up one's arms; lower colors, haul down colors, strike one's flag, strike colors.

surrender, surrender at discretion; cede, capitulate, come to terms, retreat, beat a retreat; draw in one's horns &c. (humility) 879; give way, give round, give in, give up; cave in; suffer judgment by default; bend, bend to one's yoke, bend before the storm; reel back; bend down, knuckle down, knuckle to, knuckle under; knock under.

eat dirt, eat the leek, eat humble pie; bite the dust, lick the dust; be at one's feet, fall at one's feet; craven; crouch before, throw oneself at the feet of; swallow the leek, swallow the pill; kiss the rod; turn the other cheek; avaler les couleuvres[Fr], gulp down.

obey &c. 743; kneel to, bow to, pay homage to, cringe to, truckle to; bend the neck, bend the knee; kneel, fall on one's knees, bow submission, courtesy, curtsy, kowtow.

pocket the affront; make the best of, make a virtue of necessity; grin and abide, grin and bear it, shrug the shoulders, resign oneself; submit with a good grace &c. (bear with) 826.

Adj. surrendering &c. v.; submissive, resigned, crouching; downtrodden; down on one's marrow bones; on one's bended knee; unresistant, unresisting, nonresisting; pliant &c. (soft) 324; undefended.

untenable, indefensible; humble &c. 879.

Phr. have it your own way; it can't be helped; amen &c. (a.s.sent) 488; da loc.u.m melioribus[Lat]; tempori parendum[Lat].

#726. Combatant. -- N. combatant; disputant, controversialist, polemic, litigant, belligerent; compet.i.tor, rival, corrival[obs3]; fighter, a.s.sailant; champion, Paladin; mosstrooper[obs3], swashbuckler fire eater, duelist, bully, bludgeon man, rough.

prize fighter, pugilist, boxer, bruiser, the fancy, gladiator, athlete, wrestler; fighting-c.o.c.k, game-c.o.c.k; warrior, soldier, fighting man, Amazon, man at arms, armigerent[obs3]; campaigner, veteran; swordsman, sabreur[obs3], redcoat, military man, Rajput.

armed force, troops, soldiery, military forces, sabaoth[obs3], the army, standing army, regulars, the line, troops of the line, militia, yeomanry, volunteers, trainband, fencible[obs3]; auxiliary, bersagliere[obs3], brave; garde-nationale, garde-royale[Fr]; minuteman [Am.

Hist.]; auxiliary forces, reserve forces; reserves, posse comitatus[Lat], national guard, gendarme, beefeater; guards, guardsman; yeomen of the guard, life guards, household troops.

janissary; myrmidon; Mama, Mameluke; spahee[obs3], spahi[obs3], Cossack, Croat, Pandoz.

irregular, guerilla, partisan, condottiere[obs3]; franctireur[Fr], tirailleur[obs3], bas.h.i.+-bazouk; vietminh[guerilla organization names: list], vietcong; s.h.i.+ning path; contras; huk, hukbalahap.

mercenary, soldier of fortune; hired gun, gunfighter, gunslinger; bushwhacker, free lance, companion; Hessian.

hit man[criminals specializing in violence: see bad man], torpedo, soldier.

levy, draught; Landwehr[Ger], Landsturm[Ger]; conscript, recruit, cadet, raw levies.

infantry, infantryman, private, private soldier, foot soldier; Tommy Atkins[obs3], rank and file, peon, trooper, sepoy[obs3], legionnaire, legionary, cannon fodder, food for powder; officer &c. (commander) 745; subaltern, ensign, standard bearer; spearman, pikeman[obs3]; spear bearer; halberdier[obs3], lancer; musketeer, carabineer[obs3], rifleman, jager[Ger], sharpshooter, yager[obs3], skirmisher; grenadier, fusileer[obs3]; archer, bowman.

horse and foot; horse soldier; cavalry, horse, artillery, horse artillery, light horse, voltigeur[Fr], uhlan, mounted rifles, dragoon, hussar; light dragoon, heavy dragoon; heavy; cuira.s.sier[Fr]; Foot Guards, Horse Guards.

gunner, cannoneer, bombardier, artilleryman[obs3], matross[obs3]; sapper, sapper and miner; engineer; light infantry, rifles,cha.s.seur[Fr], zouave; military train, coolie.

army, corps d'armee[Fr], host, division, battalia[obs3], column, wing, detachment, garrison, flying column, brigade, regiment, corps, battalion, sotnia[obs3], squadron, company, platoon, battery, subdivision, section, squad; piquet, picket, guard, rank, file; legion, phalanx, cohort; cloud of skirmishers.

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