Roget's Thesaurus Part 8

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Adj. deranged &c. v.; syncretic, syncretistic[obs3]; mussy, messy; flaky; random, unordered [U.S.].


#62. Precedence. -- N. precedence; coming before &c. v.; the lead, le pas; superiority &c. 33; importance &c. 642; antecedence, antecedency[obs3]; anteriority &c. (front) 234[obs3]; precursor &c. 64; priority &c. 116; precession &c. 280; anteposition[obs3]; epacme[obs3]; preference.

V. precede; come before, come first; head, lead, take the lead; lead the way, lead the dance; be in the vanguard; introduce, usher in; have the pas; set the fas.h.i.+on &c. (influence) 175; open the ball; take precedence, have precedence; have the start &c. (get before) 280.

place before; prefix; premise, prelude, preface.

Adj. preceding &c. v.; precedent, antecedent; anterior; prior &c. 116; before; former; foregoing; beforementioned[obs3], abovementioned[obs3], aforementioned; aforesaid, said; precursory, precursive[obs3]; prevenient[obs3], preliminary, prefatory, introductory; prelusive, prelusory; proemial[obs3], preparatory.

Adv. before; in advance &c. (precession) 280.

Phr. seniores priores[Lat]; prior tempore prior jure[Lat].

#63. Sequence. -- N. sequence, coming after; going after &c.

(following) 281; consecution, succession; posteriority &c. 117.

continuation; order of succession; successiveness; paracme[obs3].

secondariness[obs3]; subordinancy &c. (inferiority) 34[obs3].

afterbirth, afterburden[obs3]; placenta, secundines[Med].

V. succeed; come after, come on, come next; follow, ensue, step into the shoes of; alternate.

place after, suffix, append.

Adj. succeeding &c.v.; sequent[obs3]; subsequent, consequent, sequacious[obs3], proximate, next; consecutive &c. (continuity) 69; alternate, amoebean[obs3].

latter; posterior &c. 117.

Adv. after, subsequently; behind &c. (rear) 235.

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#64. Precursor. -- N. precursor, antecedent, precedent, predecessor; forerunner, vancourier[obs3], avant-coureur[Fr], pioneer, prodrome , prodromos[obs3], prodromus[obs3], outrider; leader, bellwether; herald, harbinger; foreboding; dawn; avant-courier, avant-garde, bellmare[obs3], forelooper[obs3], foreloper[obs3], stalking-horse, voorlooper[Afrikaans], voortrekker[Afrikaans].

prelude, preamble, preface, prologue, foreword, avant-propos[Fr], protasis[obs3], proemium[obs3], prolusion[obs3], proem, prolepsis[Gram], prolegomena, prefix, introduction; heading, frontispiece, groundwork; preparation &c. 673; overture, exordium[Lat], symphony; premises.

prefigurement &c. 511; omen &c. 512.

Adj. precursory; prelusive, prelusory, preludious[obs3]; proemial[obs3], introductory, prefatory, prodromous[obs3], inaugural, preliminary; precedent &c. (prior) 116.

Phr. "a precedent embalms a principle" [Disraeli].

#65. Sequel. -- N. sequel, suffix, successor; tail, queue, train, wake, trail, rear; retinue, suite; appendix, postscript; epilogue; peroration; codicil; continuation, sequela[obs3]; appendage; tail piece[Fr], heelpiece[obs3]; tag, more last words; colophon.

aftercome[obs3], aftergrowth[obs3], afterpart[obs3], afterpiece[obs3], aftercourse[obs3], afterthought, aftergame[obs3]; arriere pensee[Fr], second thoughts; outgrowth.

#66. Beginning.-- N. beginning, commencement, opening, outset, incipience, inception, inchoation[obs3]; introduction &c. (precursor) 64; alpha, initial; inauguration, debut, le premier pas, embarcation[Fr], rising of the curtain; maiden speech; outbreak, onset, brunt; initiative, move, first move; narrow end of the wedge, thin end of the wedge; fresh start, new departure.

origin &c. (cause) 153; source, rise; bud, germ &c. 153; egg, rudiment; genesis, primogenesis[obs3], birth, nativity, cradle, infancy; start, inception, creation, starting point &c. 293; dawn &c. (morning) 125; evolution.

t.i.tle-page; head, heading; van &c. (front) 234; caption, fatihah[obs3].

entrance, entry; inlet, orifice, mouth, chops, lips, porch, portal, portico, propylon[obs3], door; gate, gateway; postern, wicket, threshold, vestibule; propylaeum[obs3]; skirts, border &c. (edge) 231.

first stage, first blush, first glance, first impression, first sight.

rudiments, elements, outlines, grammar, alphabet, ABCE.

V. begin, start, commence; conceive, open, dawn, set in, take its rise, enter upon, enter; set out &c. (depart) 293; embark in; incept[obs3].

[transitive] initiate, launch, inaugurate.

[intransitive] inchoate, rise, arise, originate.

usher in; lead off, lead the way; take the lead, take the initiative; head; stand at the head, stand first, stand for; lay the foundations &c.

(prepare) 673; found &c. (cause) 153; set up, set on foot, agoing[obs3], set abroach[obs3], set the ball in motion; apply the match to a train; broach; open up, open the door to.

[intransitive] get underway, set about, get to work, set to work, set to; make a beginning, make a start.

handsel; take the first step, lay the first stone, cut the first turf; break ground, break the ice, break cover; pa.s.s the Rubicon, cross the Rubicon; open fire, open the ball; ventilate, air; undertake &c. 676.

come into existence, come into the world; make one's debut, take birth; burst forth, break out; spring up, spring forth, crop up, pop up, appear, materialize.

begin at the beginning, begin ab ovo[Lat].

begin again, begin de novo; start afresh, make a fresh start, take it from the top, shuffle the cards, reshuffle the cards, resume, recommence.

Adj. beginning &c. v.; initial, initiatory, initiative; inceptive, introductory, incipient; proemial[obs3], inaugural; inchoate, inchoative[obs3]; embryonic, rudimental; primogenial[obs3]; primeval, primitive, primordial &c. (old) 124; aboriginal; natal, nascent.

first, foremost, leading; maiden.

begun &c. v.; just begun &c. v.

Adv. at the beginning, in the beginning, &c. n.; first, in the first place, imprimis[Lat], first and foremost; in limine[Lat]; in the bud, in embryo, in its infancy; from the beginning, from its birth; ab initio[Lat], ab ovo[Lat], ab incunabilis[Lat], ab origine[Lat].

Phr. let's get going! let's get this show on the road! up and at 'em!

aller Anfang ist schwer [Ger]; dimidium facti qui coepit habet [Lat][Cicero]; omnium rerum principia parva sunt [Lat][Cicero].

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#67. End. -- N. end, close, termination; desinence[obs3], conclusion, finis, finale, period, term, terminus, endpoint, last, omega; extreme, extremity; gable end, b.u.t.t end, f.a.g-end; tip, nib, point; tail &c. (rear) 235; verge &c. (edge) 231; tag, peroration; bonne bouche[Fr]; bottom dollar, tail end, rear guard.

consummation, denouement; finish &c. (completion) 729; fate; doom, doomsday; crack of doom, day of Judgment, dies irae, fall of the curtain; goal, destination; limit, determination; expiration, expiry[obs3], extinction, extermination; death &c. 360; end of all things; finality; eschatology.

break up, commencement de la fin, last stage, turning point; coup de grace, deathblow; knock-out, -blow; sockdolager* [obs3][U.S.].

V. end, close, finish, terminate, conclude, be all over; expire; die &c. 360; come to a close, draw to a close &c. n.; have run its course; run out, pa.s.s away, bring to an end &c. n.; put an end to, make an end of; determine; get through; achieve &c. (complete) 729; stop &c. (make to cease) 142; shut up shop; hang up one's fiddle.

Adj. ending &c. v.; final, terminal, definitive; crowning &c.

(completing) 729; last, ultimate; hindermost[obs3]; rear &c. 235; caudal; vergent[obs3].

conterminate[obs3], conterminous, conterminable[obs3].

ended &c. v.; at an end; settled, decided, over, played out, set at rest; conclusive, penultimate; last but one, last but two, &c. unbegun, uncommenced[obs3]; fresh.

Adv. finally &c. adj.; in fine; at the last; once for all.

Phr. "as high as Heaven and as deep as h.e.l.l" [Beaumont & Fletcher]; deficit omne quod nascitur [Lat][Quintilian]; en toute chose il faut considerer la fin[Fr][obs3]; finem respice[Lat][obs3]; ultimus Romanorum[Lat].

#68. Middle. -- N. middle, midst, mediety , mean &c. 29; medium, middle term; center &c. 222, mid-course &c. 628; mezzo termine[It]; juste milieu &c. 628[Fr]; halfway house, nave, navel, omphalos[obs3]; nucleus, nucleolus.

equidistance[obs3], bisection, half distance; equator, diaphragm, midriff; intermediate &c. 228.

Adj. middle, medial, mesial[Med], mean, mid, median, average; middlemost, midmost; mediate; intermediate &c. (interjacent) 228[obs3]; equidistant; central &c. 222; mediterranean, equatorial; h.o.m.ocentric.

Adv. in the middle; midway, halfway; mids.h.i.+ps[obs3], amids.h.i.+ps, in medias res.

#69. [Uninterrupted sequence.] Continuity. -- N. continuity; consecution, consecutiveness &c. adj.; succession, round, suite, progression, series, train chain; catenation, concatenation; scale; gradation, course; ceaselessness, constant flow, unbroken extent.

procession, column; retinue, cortege, cavalcade, rank and file, line of battle, array.

pedigree, genealogy, lineage, race; ancestry, descent, family, house; line, line of ancestors; strain.

rank, file, line, row, range, tier, string, thread, team; suit; colonnade.

V. follow in a series, form a series &c. n.; fall in.

arrange in a series, collate &c. n.; string together, file, thread, graduate, organize, sort, tabulate.

Adj. continuous, continued; consecutive; progressive, gradual; serial, successive; immediate, unbroken, entire; linear; in a line, in a row &c.

n.; uninterrupted, unintermitting[obs3]; unremitting, unrelenting (perseverence) 604a; perennial, evergreen; constant.

Adv. continuously &c. adj.; seriatim; in a line &c. n.; in succession, in turn; running, gradually, step by step, gradatim[Lat], at a stretch; in file, in column, in single file, in Indian file.

#70. [Interrupted sequence.] Discontinuity.-- N. discontinuity; disjunction &c. 44; anacoluthon[obs3]; interruption, break, fracture, flaw, fault, crack, cut; gap &c. (interval) 198; solution of continuity, caesura; broken thread; parenthesis, episode, rhapsody, patchwork; intermission; alternation &c. (periodicity) 138; dropping fire.

V. be discontinuous &c. adj.; alternate, intermit, sputter, stop and start, hesitate.

discontinue, pause, interrupt; intervene; break, break in upon, break off; interpose &c. 228; break the thread, snap the thread; disconnect &c.

(disjoin) 44; dissever.

Adj. discontinuous, unsuccessive[obs3], broken, interrupted, dicousu[Fr]; disconnected, unconnected; discrete, disjunctive; fitful &c.

(irregular) 139; spasmodic, desultory; intermitting, occasional &c. v., intermittent; alternate; recurrent &c. (periodic) 138.

Adv. at intervals; by s.n.a.t.c.hes, by jerks, by skips, by catches, by fits and starts; skippingly[obs3], per saltum[Lat]; longo intervallo[It].

Phr. like "angel visits few and far between" [Campbell].

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#71. Term. -- N. term, rank, station, stage, step; degree &c. 26; scale, remove, grade, link, peg, round of the ladder, status, position, place, point, mark, pas, period, pitch; stand, standing; footing, range.

V. hold a place, occupy a place, find a place, fall into a place &c.



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