Roget's Thesaurus Part 67

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Phr. delenda est Carthago [Lat][Cato].

#553. Recorder. -- N. recorder, notary, clerk; registrar, registrary[obs3], register; prothonotary[Law]; amanuensis, secretary, scribe, babu[obs3], remembrancer[obs3], bookkeeper, custos rotulorum[Lat], Master of the Rolls.

annalist; historian, historiographer; chronicler, journalist; biographer &c. (narrator) 594; antiquary &c. (antiquity) 122; memorialist[obs3]; interviewer.

#554. Representation. -- N. representation, representment[obs3]; imitation &c. 19; ill.u.s.tration, delineation, depictment[obs3]; imagery, portraiture, iconography; design, designing; art, fine arts; painting &c.

556; sculpture &c. 557; engraving &c. 558; photography, cinematography; radiography, autoradiography[Bioch], fluorography[Chem], sciagraphy[obs3].

personation, personification; impersonation; drama &c. 599.

picture, photo, photograph, daguerreotype, snapshot; X-ray photo; movie film, movie; tracing, scan, TV image, video image, image file, graphics, computer graphics, televideo, closed-circuit TV.

copy &c. 21; drawing, sketch, draught, draft; plot, chart, figure, scheme.

image, likeness, icon, portrait, striking likeness, speaking likeness; very image; effigy, facsimile.

figure, figure head; puppet, doll, figurine, aglet[obs3], manikin, lay-figure, model, mammet[obs3], marionette, fantoccini[obs3], waxwork, bust; statue, statuette.

ideograph, hieroglyphic, anaglyph [obs3],kanji[j.a.p]; diagram, monogram.

map, plan, chart, ground plan, projection, elevation (plan) 626.

ichnography[obs3], cartography; atlas; outline, scheme; view &c.

(painting) 556; radiograph, scotograph[obs3], sciagraph[obs3]; spectrogram, heliogram[obs3].

V. represent, delineate; depict, depicture[obs3]; portray; take a likeness, catch a likeness &c. n.; hit off, photograph, daguerreotype; snapshot; figure, shadow forth, shadow out; adumbrate; body forth; describe &c. 594; trace, copy; mold.

dress up; ill.u.s.trate, symbolize.

paint &c. 556; carve &c. 557; engrave &c. 558.

personate, personify; impersonate; a.s.sume a character; pose as; act; play &c. (drama) 599; mimic &c. (imitate) 19; hold the mirror up to nature.

Adj. represent, representing &c. v., representative; *ill.u.s.trative; represented &c. v.; imitative, figurative; iconic.

like &c. 17; graphic &c. (descriptive) 594; cinquecento quattrocento[Fr][obs3], trecento[obs3].

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#555. Misrepresentation. -- N. misrepresentation, distortion, caricatura , exaggeration; daubing &c. v.; bad likeness, daub, sign painting; scratch, caricature; anamorphosis[obs3]; burlesque, falsification, misstatement; parody, lampoon, take-off, travesty.

V. misrepresent, distort, overdraw, exaggerate, caricature, daub; burlesque, parody, travesty.

Adj. misrepresented &c. v.

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#556. Painting. -- N. painting; depicting; drawing &c. v.; design; perspective, sciagraphy[obs3], skiagraphy[obs3]; chiaroscuro &c. (light) 420 composition; treatment.

historical painting, portrait painting, miniature painting; landscape painting, marine painting; still life, flower painting, scene painting; scenography[obs3].

school, style; the grand style, high art, genre, portraiture; ornamental art &c. 847.

monochrome, polychrome; grisaille[Fr].

pallet, palette; easel; brush, pencil, stump; black lead, charcoal, crayons, chalk, pastel; paint &c. (coloring matter) 428; watercolor, body color, oil color; oils, oil paint; varnish &c. 356a, priming; gouache, tempera, distemper, fresco, water gla.s.s; enamel; encaustic painting; mosaic; tapestry.

photography, heliography, color photography; sun painting; graphics, computer graphics.

picture, painting, piece[Fr], tableau, canvas; oil painting &c.; fresco, cartoon; easel picture, cabinet picture, draught, draft; pencil &c.

drawing, water color drawing, etching, charcoal, pen-and-ink; sketch, outline, study.

photograph, color photograph, black-and-white photograph, holograph, heliograph; daguerreotype, talbotype[obs3], calotype[obs3], heliotype[obs3]; negative, positive; print, glossy print, matte print; enlargement, reduction, life-size print; instant photo, Polaroid photo.

technicolor, Kodachrome, Ektachrome; Polaroid.

portrait &c. (representation) 554; whole length, full length, half length; kitcat, head; miniature; shade, silhouette; profile.

landscape, seapiece[obs3]; view, scene, prospect; panorama, diorama; still life.

picture gallery, exhibit; studio, atelier; pinacotheca[obs3].

V. paint, design, limn draw, sketch, pencil, scratch, shade, stipple, hatch, dash off, chalk out, square up; color, dead color, wash, varnish; draw in pencil &c. n.; paint in oils &c. n.; stencil; depict &c.

(represent) 554.

Adj. painted &c. v.; pictorial, graphic, picturesque.

pencil, oil &c. n.

Adv. in pencil &c. n.

Phr. fecit[Lat], delineavit[Lat]; mutum est pictura poema[Lat].

#557. Sculpture. -- N. sculpture, insculpture [obs3]; carving &c. v.; statuary.

high relief, low relief, bas relief[Fr]; relief; relieve; ba.s.sorilievo[obs3], altorilievo[obs3], mezzorilievo[obs3]; intaglio, anaglyph[obs3]; medal, medallion; cameo.

marble, bronze, terra cotta[Sp], papier-mache; ceramic ware, pottery, porcelain, china, earthenware; cloisonne, enamel, faience, Laoc.o.o.n, satsuma.

statue.&c. (image) 554; cast &c (copy) 21; glyptotheca[obs3].

V. sculpture, carve, cut, chisel, model, mold; *cast.

Adj. sculptured &c, v. in relief, anaglyptic[obs3], ceroplastic[obs3], ceramic; parian[obs3]; marble &c. n.; xanthian[obs3].

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#558. Engraving. -- N. engraving, chalcography[obs3]; line engraving, mezzotint engraving, stipple engraving, chalk engraving; dry point, bur; etching, aquatinta[obs3]; chiseling; plate engraving, copperplate engraving, steel engraving, wood engraving; xylography, lignography[obs3], glyptography[obs3], cerography[obs3], lithography, chromolithography[obs3], photolithography, zincography[obs3], glyphography, xylograph, lignograph[obs3], glyptograph[obs3], cerograph[obs3], lithograph, chromolithograph, photolithograph, zincograph[obs3], glyphograph[obs3], holograph.

impression, print, engraving, plate; steelplate, copperplate; etching; mezzotint, aquatint, lithotint[obs3]; cut, woodcut; stereotype, graphotype[obs3], autotype[obs3], heliotype[obs3].

graver, burin[obs3], etching point, style; plate, stone, wood block, negative; die, punch, stamp.

printing; plate printing, copperplate printing, anastatic printing[obs3], color printing, lithographic printing; type printing &c.

591; three-color process.

ill.u.s.tration, illumination; half tone; photogravure; vignette, initial letter, cul de lampe[Fr], tailpiece.

[person who inscribes on stone] lapidary, lapidarian.

V. engrave, grave, stipple,, etch; bite, bite in; lithograph &c., n.; print.

Adj. insculptured[obs3]; engraved &c. v..

[of inscriptions on stone] lapidary.

Phr. sculpsit[Lat], imprimit[Lat].

#559. Artist. -- N. artist; painter, limner, drawer, sketcher, designer, engraver; master, old master; draftsman, draughtsman; copyist, dauber, hack; enamel, enameler, enamelist; caricaturist.

historical painter, landscape painter, marine painter, flower painter, portrait painter, miniature painter, miniaturist, scene painter, sign painter, coach painter; engraver; Apelles[obs3]; sculptor, carver, chaser, modeler, figuriste[obs3], statuary; Phidias, Praxiteles; Royal Academician.

photographer, cinematographer, lensman, cameraman, camera technician, camera buff; wildlife photographer.

Phr. photo safari; "with gun and camera"

-- 2. Conventional Means Language generally --

#560. Language. -- N. language; phraseology &c. 569; speech &c. 582; tongue, lingo, vernacular; mother tongue, vulgar tongue, native tongue; household words; King's English, Queen's English; dialect &c. 563.

confusion of tongues, Babel, pasigraphie[obs3]; pantomime &c. (signs) 550; onomatopoeia; betacism[obs3], mimmation, myatism[obs3], nunnation[obs3]; pasigraphy[obs3].

lexicology, philology, glossology[obs3], glottology[obs3]; linguistics, chrestomathy[obs3]; paleology[obs3], paleography; comparative grammar.

literature, letters, polite literature, belles lettres[Fr], muses, humanities, literae humaniores[Lat], republic of letters, dead languages, cla.s.sics; genius of language; scholars.h.i.+p &c. (scholar) 492.

V. express by words &c. 566.

Adj. lingual, linguistic; dialectic; vernacular, current; bilingual; diglot[obs3], hexaglot[obs3], polyglot; literary.

Phr. "syllables govern the world" [Selden].

#561. Letter. -- N. letter; character; hieroglyphic &c. (writing) 590; type &c. (printing) 591; capitals; digraph, trigraph; ideogram, ideograph; majuscule, minuscule; majuscule, minuscule; alphabet, ABC[obs3], abecedary[obs3], christcross-row.

consonant, vowel; diphthong, triphthong[Gram]; mute, liquid,, dental, guttural. syllable; monosyllable, dissyllable[obs3], polysyllable; affix, suffix.

spelling, orthograph[obs3]; phonography[obs3], phonetic spelling; anagrammatism[obs3], metagrammatism[obs3]. cipher, monogram, anagram; doubleacrostic[obs3].

V. spell.

Adj. literal; alphabetical, abecedarian; syllabic; majuscular[obs3], minuscular[obs3]; uncial &c. (writing) 590.

#562. Word. -- N. word, term, vocable; name &c. 564; phrase &c. 566; root, etymon; derivative; part of speech &c. (grammar) 567; ideophone[obs3].

dictionary, vocabulary, lexicon, glossary; index, concordance; thesaurus; gradus[Lat], delectus[Lat].

etymology, derivation; glossology[obs3], terminology orismology[obs3]; paleology &c. (philology) 560[obs3].

lexicography; glossographer &c. (scholar) 492; lexicologist, verbarian[obs3].

Adj. verbal, literal; t.i.tular, nominal. conjugate[Similarly derived], paronymous[obs3]; derivative.

Adv. verbally &c. adj.; verbatim &c. (exactly) 494.

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