Roget's Thesaurus Part 65

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[study intensely] burn the midnight oil, consume the midnight oil, mind one's book; cram.

go to school, go to college, go to the university; matriculate; serve an (or one's) apprentices.h.i.+p, serve one's time; learn one's trade; be informed &c 527; be taught &c 537.

[stop going to school voluntarily (intransitive)] drop out, leave school, quit school; graduate; transfer; take a leave.

[cause to stop going to school (transitive)] dismiss, expel, kick out of school.

[stop going to school involuntarily] flunk out; be dismissed &c.

Adj. studious; scholastic, scholarly; teachable; docile &c (willing) 602; apt &c 698, industrious &c 682.

Adv. at one's books; in statu pupillari &c (learner) 541[Lat].

Phr. "a lumber-house of books in every head" [Pope]; ancora imparo[Lat][obs3]! "hold high converse with the mighty dead" [Thomson]; "lash'd into Latin by the tingling rod" [Gay].

#540. Teacher. -- N. teacher, trainer, instructor, inst.i.tutor, master, tutor, director, Corypheus, dry nurse, coach, grinder, crammer, don; governor, bear leader; governess, duenna[Sp]; disciplinarian.

professor, lecturer, reader, prelector[obs3], prolocutor, preacher; chalk talker, khoja[obs3]; pastor &c (clergy) 996; schoolmaster, dominie[Fr], usher, pedagogue, abecedarian; schoolmistress, dame, monitor, pupil teacher.

expositor &c 524; preceptor, guide; guru; mentor &c (adviser) 695; pioneer, apostle, missionary, propagandist, muns.h.i.+[obs3], example &c (model for imitation) 22.

professors.h.i.+p &c (school) 542.

tutelage &c (teaching) 537.

Adj. professorial.

Phr. qui doet discet[Lat].

#541. Learner.-- N. learner, scholar, student, pupil; apprentice, prentice[obs3], journeyman; articled clerk; beginner, tyro, amateur, rank amateur; abecedarian, alphabetarian[obs3]; alumnus, eleve[Fr].

recruit, raw recruit, novice, neophyte, inceptor[obs3], catechumen, probationer; seminarian, chela, fellow-commoner; debutant.

[apprentice medical doctors] intern; resident.

schoolboy; fresh, freshman, frosh; junior soph[obs3], junior; senior soph[obs3], senior; sophister[obs3], soph.o.m.ore; questionist[obs3].

[college and university students] undergraduate; graduate student; law student; medical student; pre-med; post-doctoral student, post-doc; matriculated student; part-time student, night student, auditor.

[group of learners] cla.s.s, grade, seminar, form, remove; pupilage &c (learning) 539.

disciple, follower, apostle, proselyte; fellow-student, condisciple[obs3].

[place of learning] school &c. 542.

V. learn; practise.

Adj. in statu pupillari[Lat], in leading strings.

Phr. practise makes perfect.

#542. School.-- N. school, academy, university, alma mater, college, seminary, Lyceum; inst.i.tute, inst.i.tution; palaestra, Gymnasium, cla.s.s, seminar.

day school, boarding school, preparatory school, primary school, infant school, dame's school, grammar school, middle cla.s.s school, Board school, denominational school, National school, British and Foreign school, collegiate school, art school, continuation school, convent school, County Council school, government school, grant-in-aid school, high school, higher grade school, military school, missionary school, naval school, naval academy, state-aided school, technical school, voluntary school, school; school of art; kindergarten, nursery, creche, reformatory.

pulpit, lectern, soap box desk, reading desk, ambo[obs3], lecture room, theater, auditorium, amphitheater, forum, state, rostrum, platform, hustings, tribune.

school book, horn book, text book; grammar, primer, abecedary[obs3], rudiments, manual, vade mec.u.m; encyclopedia, cyclopedia; Lindley Murray, c.o.c.ker; dictionary, lexicon.

professors.h.i.+p, lectures.h.i.+p, readers.h.i.+p, fellows.h.i.+p, tutors.h.i.+p; chair.

School Board Council of Education; Board of Education; Board of Studies, Prefect of Studies; Textbook Committee; propaganda.

Adj. scholastic, academic, collegiate; educational.

Adv. ex cathedra[Lat].

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#543. Veracity.-- N. veracity; truthfulness, frankness, &c. adj.; truth, sincerity, candor, unreserve !, honesty, fidelity; plain dealing, bona fides[Lat]; love of truth; probity &c. 939; ingenuousness &c (artlessness) 703.

the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth; honest truth, sober truth &c (fact) 494; unvarnished tale; light of truth.

V. speak the truth, tell the truth; speak by the card; paint in its true colors, show oneself in one's true colors; make a clean breast &c (disclose) 529; speak one's mind &c. (be blunt) 703; not lie &c 544, not deceive &c. 545.

Adj. truthful, true; veracious, veridical; scrupulous &c (honorable) 939; sincere, candid, frank, open, straightforward, unreserved; open hearted, true hearted, simple-hearted; honest, trustworthy; undissembling &c (dissemble &c 544)[obs3]; guileless, pure; truth-loving; unperjured[obs3]; true blue, as good as one's word; unaffected, unfeigned, bona fide; outspoken, ingenuous &c (artless) 703; undisguised &c (real) 494.


Adv. truly &c (really) 494; in plain words &c 703; in truth, with truth, of a truth, in good truth; as the dial to the sun, as the needle to the pole; honor bright; troth; in good sooth[obs3], in good earnest; unfeignedly, with no nonsense, in sooth[obs3], sooth to say[obs3], bona fide, in foro conscientiae[Lat]; without equivocation; cartes sur table, from the bottom of one's heart; by my troth &c (affirmation) 535.

Phr. di il vero a affronterai il diavolo[It][obs3]; Dichtung und Wahrheit[Ger]; esto quod esse videris[Lat]; magna est veritas et praevalet[Lat]; "that golden key that opes the palace of eternity"

[Milton]; veritas odium parit[Lat]; veritatis simplex oratio est[Lat]; verite sans peur[Fr].

<-- should="" clarify="" distinction="" between="" untruth="" generally="" (objectively="" false)="" and="" untruth="" in="" communication="" (lie,="" deception)="" --=""> #544. Falsehood. -- N. falsehood, falseness; falsity, falsification; deception &c. 545; untruth &c 546; guile; lying &c. 454; untruth &c 546; guile; lying &c. v. misrepresentation; mendacity, perjury, false swearing; forgery, invention, fabrication; subreption[obs3]; covin[obs3].

perversion of truth, suppression of truth; suppressio veri[Lat]; perversion, distortion, false coloring; exaggeration &c 549; prevarication, equivocation, shuffling, fencing, evasion, fraud; suggestio falsi &c (lie) 546[Lat]; mystification &c (concealment) 528; simulation &c (imitation) 19; dissimulation, dissembling; deceit; blague[obs3].

sham; pretense, pretending, malingering.

lip homage, lip service; mouth honor; hollowness; mere show, mere outside; duplicity, double dealing, insincerity, hypocrisy, cant, humbug; jesuitism, jesuitry; pharisaism; Machiavelism, "organized hypocrisy"; crocodile tears, mealy-mouthedness[obs3], quackery; charlatanism[obs3], charlatanry; gammon; bun-k.u.m[obs3], b.u.mcombe, flam; bam*[obs3], flimflam, cajolery, flattery; Judas kiss; perfidy &c (bad faith) 940; il volto sciolto i pensieri stretti[It].

unfairness &c (dishonesty) 940; artfulness &c (cunning) 702; misstatement &c (error) 495.

V. be false &c adj., be a liar &c 548; speak falsely &c adv.; tell a lie &c. 546; lie, fib; lie like a trooper; swear false, forswear, perjure oneself, bear false witness.

misstate, misquote, miscite[obs3], misreport, misrepresent; belie, falsify, pervert, distort; put a false construction upon &c. (misinterpret) prevaricate, equivocate, quibble; palter, palter to the understanding; repondre en Normand[Fr]; trim, shuffle, fence, mince the truth, beat about the bush, blow hot and cold, play fast and loose.

garble, gloss over, disguise, give a color to; give a gloss, put a gloss, put false coloring upon; color, varnish, cook, dress up, embroider; varnish right and puzzle wrong; exaggerate &c 549; blague[obs3].

invent, fabricate; trump up, get up; force, fake, hatch, concoct; romance &c (imagine) 515; cry "wolf!"

dissemble, dissimulate; feign, a.s.sume, put on, pretend, make believe; play possum; play false, play a double game; coquet; act a part, play a part; affect &c. 855; simulate, pa.s.s off for; counterfeit, sham, make a show of; malinger; say the grapes are sour.

cant, play the hypocrite, sham Abraham, faire pattes de velours, put on the mask, clean the outside of the platter, lie like a conjuror; hand out false colors, hold out false colors, sail under false colors; "commend the poisoned chalice to the lips" [Macbeth]; ambiguas in vulgum spargere voces [Lat]; deceive &c 545.

Adj. false, deceitful, mendacious, unveracious, fraudulent, dishonest, faithless, truthless, trothless; unfair, uncandid; hollow-hearted; evasive; uningenuous, disingenuous; hollow, sincere, Parthis mendacior; forsworn.

artificial, contrived; canting; hypocritical, jesuitical, pharisaical; tartuffish; Machiavelian; double, double tongued, double faced, double handed, double minded, double hearted, double dealing; Ja.n.u.s faced; smooth- faced, smooth spoken, smooth tongued; plausible; mealy-mouthed; affected &c 855.

collusive, collusory; artful &c. (cunning) 702; perfidious &c 940; spurious &c (deceptive) 545; untrue &c 546; falsified &c v.; covinous.

Adv. falsely &c adj.; a la tartufe, with a double tongue; silly &c (cunning) 702.

Phr. blandae mendacia lingua[Lat]; falsus in uno falsus in omnibus[Lat]; "I give him joy that's awkward at a lie" [Young]; la mentira tiene las piernas cortas [Sp]; "O what a goodly outside falsehood hath"

[Merchant of Venice].

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#545. Deception. -- N. deception; falseness &c 544; untruth &c 546; imposition, imposture; fraud, deceit, guile; fraudulence, fraudulency[obs3]; covin[obs3]; knavery &c. (cunning) 702; misrepresentation &c (falsehood) 544; bluff; straw-bail, straw bid [U.S.]; spoof*.

delusion, gullery[obs3]; juggling, jugglery[obs3]; slight of hand, legerdemain; prestigiation , prestidigitation; magic &c 992; conjuring, conjuration; hocus-pocus, escamoterie[obs3], jockeys.h.i.+p[obs3]; trickery, coggery , chicanery; supercherie[obs3], cozenage[obs3], circ.u.mvention, ingannation , collusion; treachery &c 940; practical joke.

trick, cheat, wile, blind, feint, plant, bubble, fetch, catch, chicane, juggle, reach, hocus, bite; card sharping, stacked deck, loaded dice, quick shuffle, double dealing, dealing seconds, dealing from the bottom of the deck; artful dodge, swindle; tricks upon travelers; stratagem &c (artifice) 702; confidence trick, fake, hoax; theft &c. 791; ballot-box stuffing barney*[obs3][U.S.], brace* game, bunko game, drop* game, gum*

game, panel game[U.S.]; sh.e.l.l game, thimblerig; skin* game [U.S.].

snare, trap, pitfall, decoy, gin; springe[obs3], springle ; noose, hoot; bait, decoy-duck, tub to the whale, baited trap, guet-a-pens; cobweb, net, meshes, toils, mouse trap, birdlime; dionaea[obs3], Venus's flytrap[obs3]; ambush &c 530; trapdoor, sliding panel, false bottom; spring-net, spring net, spring gun, mask, masked battery; mine; flytrap[obs3]; green goods [U.S.]; panel house.

Cornish hug; wolf in sheep's clothing &c (deceiver) 548; disguise, disguis.e.m.e.nt[obs3]; false colors, masquerade, mummery, borrowed plumes; pattes de velours[Fr].

mockery &c (imitation) 19; copy &c 21; counterfeit, sham, make- believe, forgery, fraud; lie &c 546; "a delusion a mockery and a snare"

[Denman], hollow mockery.

whited sepulcher, painted sepulcher; tinsel; paste, junk jewelry, costume jewelry, false jewelry, synthetic jewels; scagliola[obs3], ormolu, German silver, albata[obs3], paktong[obs3], white metal, Britannia metal, paint; veneer; jerry building; man of straw.

illusion &c (error) 495; ignis fatuus &c 423[Lat]; mirage &c 443.

V. deceive, take in; defraud, cheat, jockey, do, cozen, diddle, nab, chouse, play one false, bilk, cully[obs3], jilt, bite, pluck, swindle, victimize; abuse; mystify; blind one's eyes; blindfold, hoodwink; throw dust into the eyes; dupe, gull, hoax, fool, befool[obs3], bamboozle, flimflam, hornswoggle; trick.

impose upon, practice upon, play upon, put upon, palm off on, palm upon, foist upon; s.n.a.t.c.h a verdict; bluff off, bluff; bunko, four flush*, gum* [U.S.], spoof*, stuff (a ballot box) [U.S.].

circ.u.mvent, overreach; outreach, out wit, out maneuver; steal a march upon, give the go-by, to leave in the lurch decoy, waylay, lure, beguile, delude, inveigle; entrap, intrap[obs3], ensnare; nick, springe[obs3]; set a trap, lay a trap, lay a snare for; bait the hook, forelay[obs3], spread the toils, lime; trapan[obs3], trepan; kidnap; let in, hook in; nousle[obs3], nousel[obs3]; blind a trail; enmesh, immesh[obs3]; shanghai; catch, catch in a trap; sniggle, entangle, illaqueate[obs3], hocus, escamoter[obs3], practice on one's credulity; hum, humbug; gammon, stuff up*, sell; play a trick upon one, play a practical joke upon one, put something over on one, put one over on; balk, trip up, throw a tub to a whale; fool to the top of one's bent, send on a fool's errand; make game, make a fool of, make an April fool of[obs3], make an a.s.s of; trifle with, cajole, flatter; come over &c. (influence) 615; gild the pill, make things pleasant, divert, put a good face upon; dissemble &c 544.

cog, cog the dice, load the dice, stack the deck; live by one's wits, play at hide and seek; obtain money under false pretenses &c (steal) 791; conjure, juggle, practice chicanery; deacon [U.S.].

play off, palm off, foist off, fob- off.

lie &c 544; misinform &c 538; mislead &c (error) 495; betray &c 940; be deceived &c 547.

Adj. deceived &c v.; deceiving &c; cunning &c 702; prestigious , prestigiatory ; deceptive, deceptious[obs3]; deceitful, covinous[obs3]; delusive, delusory; illusive, illusory; elusive, insidious, ad captandum vulgus[Lat].

untrue &c 546; mock, sham, make-believe, counterfeit, snide*, pseudo, spurious, supposit.i.tious, so-called, pretended, feigned, trumped up, bogus, scamped, fraudulent, tricky, fact.i.tious;b.a.s.t.a.r.d; surrept.i.tious, illegitimate, contraband, adulterated, sophisticated; unsound, rotten at the core; colorable; disguised; meretricious, tinsel, pinchbeck, plated; catchpenny; Brummagem.

artificial, synthetic, ersatz[&German]; simulated &c 544.

Adv. under false colors, under the garb of, under cover of; over the left.

Phr. "keep the word of promise to the ear and break it to the hope"

[Macbeth]; fronti nulla fides[Lat]; "ah that deceit should steal such gentle shapes" [Richard III]; "a quicksand of deceit" [Henry VI]; decipimur specie recti [Lat][Horace]; falsi crimen[Lat]; fraus est celare fraudem[Lat]; lupus in fabula[Lat]; "so smooth, he daubed his vice with show of virtue" [Richard III].

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#546. Untruth.-- N. untruth, falsehood, lie, story, thing that is not, fib, bounce, crammer, taradiddle[obs3], whopper; jhuth[obs3].

forgery, fabrication, invention; misstatement, misrepresentation; perversion, falsification, gloss, suggestio falsi[Lat]; exaggeration &c 549.

invention, fabrication, fiction; fable, nursery tale; romance &c (imagination) 515; absurd story, untrue story, false story, trumped up story, trumped up statement; thing devised by the enemy; canard; shave, sell, hum, traveler's tale, Canterbury tale, c.o.c.k and bull story, fairy tale, fake; claptrap.

press agent's yarn; puff, puffery (exaggeration) 549.

myth, moons.h.i.+ne, bosh, all my eye and Betty Martin, mare's nest, farce.

irony; half truth, white lie, pious fraud; mental reservation &c (concealment) 528.

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