Roget's Thesaurus Part 42

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#381. [insensibility to touch.] Numbness. -- N. numbness &c. (physical insensibility) 376; anaesthesia; pins and needles.

V. benumb &c. 376.

Adj. numb; benumbed &c. v.; deadened; intangible, impalpable.

-- (2) Heat --

#382. Heat. -- N. heat, caloric; temperature, warmth, fervor, calidity[obs3]; incalescence[obs3], incandescence; glow, flush; fever, hectic.

phlogiston; fire, spark, scintillation, flash, flame, blaze; bonfire; firework, pyrotechnics, pyrotechny[obs3]; wildfire; sheet of fire, lambent flame; devouring element; adiathermancy[obs3]; recalescence[Phys].

summer, dog days; canicular days[obs3]; baking &c. 384 heat, white heat, tropical heat, Afric heat[obs3], Bengal heat[obs3], summer heat, blood heat; sirocco, simoom; broiling sun; insolation; warming &c. 384.

sun &c. (luminary) 423.

[Science of heat] pyrology[obs3]; thermology[obs3], thermotics[obs3], thermodynamics; thermometer &c. 389.

[thermal units] calorie, gram-calorie, small calorie; kilocalorie, kilogram calorie, large calorie; British Thermal Unit, B.T.U.; therm, quad.

[units of temperature] degrees Kelvin, kelvins, degrees centigrade, degrees Celsius; degrees Fahrenheit.

V. be hot &c. adj.; glow, flush, sweat, swelter, bask, smoke, reek, stew, simmer, seethe, boil, burn, blister, broil, blaze, flame; smolder; parch, fume, pant.

heat &c. (make hot) 384; recalesce[obs3]; thaw, give.

Adj. hot, warm, mild, genial, tepid, lukewarm, unfrozen; thermal, thermic; calorific; fervent, fervid; ardent; aglow.

sunny, torrid, tropical, estival|!, canicular[obs3], steamy; close, sultry, stifling, stuffy, suffocating, oppressive; reeking &c. v.; baking &c. 384.

red hot, white hot, smoking hot, burning &c. v. hot, piping hot; like a furnace, like an oven; burning, hot as fire, hot as pepper; hot enough to roast an ox, hot enough to boil an egg.

fiery; incandescent, incalescent[obs3]; candent[obs3], ebullient, glowing, smoking; live; on fire; dazzling &c. v.; in flames, blazing, in a blaze; alight, afire, ablaze; unquenched, unextinguished[obs3]; smoldering; in a heat, in a glow, in a fever, in a perspiration, in a sweat; sudorific[obs3]; sweltering, sweltered; blood hot, blood warm; warm as a toast, warm as wool.

volcanic, plutonic, igneous; isothermal|!, isothermic|!, isotheral|!.

Phr. not a breath of air; "whirlwinds of tempestuous fire" [Paradise Lost].

#383. Cold. -- N. cold, coldness &c. adj.; frigidity, inclemency, fresco.

winter; depth of winter, hard winter; Siberia, Nova Zembla; wind-chill factor.

[forms of frozen water] ice; snow, snowflake, snow crystal, snow drift; sleet; hail, hailstone; rime, frost; h.o.a.r frost, white frost, hard frost, sharp frost; barf; glaze [U. S.], lolly [obs3][N. Am.]; icicle, thick-ribbed ice; fall of snow, heavy fall; iceberg, icefloe; floe berg; glacier; neve, serac[obs3]; pruina[obs3].

[cold substances] freezing mixture, dry ice, liquid nitrogen, liquid helium.

[Sensation of cold] chilliness &c. adj.; chill; s.h.i.+vering &c. v.; goose skin, horripilation[obs3]; rigor; chattering of teeth; numbness, frostbite.

V. be cold &c. adj[intrans.].; s.h.i.+ver, starve, quake, shake, tremble, shudder, didder[obs3], quiver; freeze, freeze to death, perish with cold.

[transitive] chill, freeze &c. (render cold) 385; horripilate[obs3], make the skin crawl, give one goose flesh.

Adj. cold, cool; chill, chilly; icy; gelid, frigid, algid[obs3]; fresh, keen, bleak, raw, inclement, bitter, biting, niveous[obs3], cutting, nipping, piercing, pinching; clay-cold; starved &c. (made cold) 385; chilled to the bone, s.h.i.+vering &c. v.; aguish, transi de froid[Fr]; frostbitten, frost-bound, frost-nipped.

cold as a stone, cold as marble, cold as lead, cold as iron, cold as a frog, cold as charity, cold as Christmas; cool as a cuc.u.mber, cool as custard.

icy, glacial, frosty, freezing, pruinose[obs3], wintry, brumal[obs3], hibernal[obs3], boreal, arctic, Siberian, hyemal[obs3]; hyperborean, hyperboreal[obs3]; icebound; frozen out.

unwarmed[obs3], unthawed[obs3]; lukewarm, tepid; isocheimal[obs3], isocheimenal[obs3], isocheimic[obs3].

frozen, numb, frost-bitten.

Adv. coldly, bitterly &c. adj.; pierre fendre[Fr];

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#384. Calefaction. -- N. increase of temperature; heating &c. v.; calefaction[obs3], tepefaction[obs3], torrefaction[obs3]; melting, fusion; liquefaction &c. 335; burning &c. v.; ambustion[obs3], combustion; incension|, accension[obs3]; concremation[obs3], cremation; scorification[obs3]; cautery, cauterization; ustulation[obs3], calcination; cracking, refining; incineration, cineration[obs3]; carbonization; cupellation[Chem].

ignition, inflammation, adustion[obs3], flagration| [obs3]; deflagration, conflagration; empyrosis[obs3], incendiarism; arson; auto dafe[Fr].

boiling &c. v.; coction[obs3], ebullition, estuation[obs3], elixation|, decoction; ebullioscope[obs3]; geyser; distillation (vaporization) 336.

furnace &c. 386; blanket, flannel, fur; wadding &c. (lining) 224; clothing &c. 225.

still; refinery; fractionating column, fractionating tower, cracking tower.

match &c. (fuel) 388; incendiary; petroleuse[Fr]; [biological effects resembling the effects of heat][substances causing a burning sensation and damage on skin or tissue] cauterizer[obs3]; caustic, lunar caustic, alkali, apozem[obs3], moxa[obs3]; acid, aqua fortis[Lat], aqua regia; catheretic[obs3], nitric acid, nitrochloro-hydric acid[ISA:CHEMSUB], nitromuriatic acid[ISA:CHEMSUBPREFIX]; radioactivity, gamma rays, alpha particles, beta rays, X-rays, radiation, cosmic radiation, background radiation, radioactive isotopes, tritium, uranium, plutonium, radon, radium.

sunstroke, coup de soleil[Fr]; insolation.

[artifacts requiring heat in their manufacture] pottery, ceramics, crockery, porcelain, china; earthenware, stoneware; pot, mug, terra cotta[Sp], brick, clinker.

[products of combustion] cinder, ash, scoriae, embers, soot; slag.

[products of heating organic materials], carbon, charcoal; wood alcohol, turpentine, tea tree oil; gasoline, kerosene, naptha[ISA:CHEMSUB], fuel oil (fuel) 388; wax, paraffin; residue, tar.

inflammability, combustibility.

[Transmission of heat] diathermancy[obs3], transcalency[obs3], conduction; convection; radiation, radiant heat; heat conductivity, conductivity.

[effects of heat 2.] thermal expansion; coefficient of expansion.

V. heat, warm, chafe, stive[obs3], foment; make hot &c. 382; sun oneself, sunbathe.

go up in flames, burn to the ground (flame) 382.

fire; set fire to, set on fire; kindle, enkindle, light, ignite, strike a light; apply the match to, apply the torch to; rekindle, relume[obs3]; fan the flame, add fuel to the flame; poke the fire, stir the fire, blow the fire; make a bonfire of.

melt, thaw, fuse; liquefy &c. 335.

burn, inflame, roast, toast, fry, grill, singe, parch, bake, torrefy[obs3], scorch; brand, cauterize, sear, burn in; corrode, char, calcine, incinerate; smelt, scorify[obs3]; reduce to ashes; burn to a cinder; commit to the flames, consign to the flames.

boil, digest, stew, cook, seethe, scald, parboil, simmer; do to rags.

take fire, catch fire; blaze &c. (flame) 382.

Adj. heated &c. v.; molten, sodden; rchauff; heating &c. v.; adust[obs3].

inflammable, combustible; diathermal[obs3], diathermanous[obs3]; burnt &c. v.; volcanic, radioactive.

#385. Refrigeration. -- N. refrigeration, infrigidation[obs3], reduction of temperature; cooling &c. v.; congelation[obs3], conglaciation| [obs3]; ice &c. 383; solidification &c. (density) 321; ice box (refrigerator) 385..

extincteur[Fr]; fire annihilator; amianth[obs3], amianthus[obs3]; earth-flax, mountain-flax; flexible asbestos; fireman, fire brigade (incombustibility) 388a.

incombustibility, incombustibleness &c. adj[obs3]. (insulation) 388a.

air conditioning[residential cooling], central air conditioning; air conditioner; fan, attic fan; dehumidifier.

V. cool, fan, refrigerate, refresh, ice; congeal, freeze, glaciate; benumb, starve, pinch, chill, petrify, chill to the marrow, regelate[obs3], nip, cut, pierce, bite, make one's teeth chatter, damp, slack quench; put out, stamp out; extinguish; go out, burn out (incombustibility) 388a..

Adj. cooled &c. v.; frozen out; cooling &c. v.; frigorific[obs3].

#386. Furnace. -- N. furnace, stove, kiln, oven; cracker; hearth, focus, combustion chamber; athanor[obs3], hypocaust[obs3], reverberatory; volcano; forge, fiery furnace; limekiln; Dutch oven; tuyere, brasier[obs3], salamander, heater, warming pan; boiler, caldron, seething caldron, pot; urn, kettle; chafing-dish; retort, crucible, alembic, still; waffle irons; m.u.f.fle furnace, induction furnace; electric heater, electric furnace, electric resistance heat.

[steel-making furnace] open-hearth furnace.

fireplace, gas fireplace; coal fire, wood fire; fire-dog, fire-irons; grate, range, kitchener; caboose, camboose[obs3]; poker, tongs, shovel, ashpan, hob, trivet; andiron, gridiron; ashdrop; frying-pan, stew-pan, backlog.

[area near a fireplace] hearth, inglenook.

[residential heating methods] oil burner, gas burner, Franklin stove, pot-bellied stove; wood-burning stove; central heating, steam heat, hot water heat, gas heat, forced hot air, electric heat, heat pump; solar heat, convective heat.

hothouse, bakehouse[obs3], washhouse[obs3]; laundry; conservatory; sudatory[obs3]; Turkish bath, Russian bath, vapor bath, steam bath, sauna, warm bath; vaporarium[obs3].

#387. Refrigerator. -- N. refrigerator, refrigeratory[obs3]; frigidarium[obs3]; cold storage, cold room, cold laboratory; icehouse, icepail, icebag, icebox; cooler, damper, polyurethane cooler; wine cooler.

freezer, deep freeze, dry ice freezer, liquid nitrogen freezer, refigerator-freezer.

freezing mixture[refrigerating substances], ice, ice cubes, blocks of ice, chipped ice; liquid nitrogen, dry ice, dry ice-acetone, liquid helium.

#388. Fuel. -- N. fuel, firing, combustible.

[solid fuels] coal, wallsend[obs3], anthracite, culm[obs3],, carbon, charcoal, bituminous coal, tar shale; turf, peat, firewood, bobbing, f.a.ggot, log; cinder &c. (products of combustion) 384; ingle, tinder, touchwood; sulphur, brimstone; incense; port-fire; fire-barrel, fireball, brand; amadou[obs3], bavin[obs3]; blind coal, glance coal; German tinder, pyrotechnic sponge, punk, smudge [U. S.]; solid fueled rocket.

[fuels for candles and lamps] wax, paraffin wax, paraffin oil; lamp oil, whale oil.

[liquid fuels] oil, petroleum, gasoline, high octane gasoline, nitromethane[ISA:[email protected]], petrol, gas, juice [coll.], gasohol, alcohol, ethanol, methanol, fuel oil, kerosene, jet fuel, heating oil, number 2 oil, number 4 oil, naphtha; rocket fuel, high specific impulse fuel, liquid hydrogen, liquid oxygen, lox.

[gaseous fuels] natural gas, synthetic gas, synthesis gas, propane, butane, hydrogen.

brand, torch, fuse; wick; spill, match, light, lucifer, congreve[obs3], vesuvian, vesta[obs3], fusee, locofoco[obs3]; linstock[obs3].

candle &c. (luminary) 423; oil &c. (grease) 356.

Adj. carbonaceous; combustible, inflammable; high octane, high specific impulse; heat of combustion,.

#388a. Insulation, Fire extinction. {ant. of 388} -- insulation, incombustible material, noncombustible material; fire r.e.t.a.r.dant, flame r.e.t.a.r.dant; fire wall, fire door.

incombustibility, incombustibleness &c. adj.

extincteur[Fr]; fire annihilator; amianth[obs3], amianthus[obs3]; earth-flax, mountain-flax; asbestos; fireman, fire fighter, fire eater, fire department, fire brigade, engine company; pumper, fire truck, hook and ladder, aerial ladder, bucket; fire hose, fire hydrant.

[forest fires] backfire, firebreak, trench; aerial water bombardment.

wet blanket; fire extinguisher, soda and acid extinguisher, dry chemical extinguisher, CO-two extinguisher, carbon tetrachloride, foam; sprinklers, automatic sprinkler system; fire bucket, sand bucket.

[warning of fire] fire alarm, evacuation alarm, [laws to prevent fire] fire code, fire regulations, fire; fire inspector; code violation, citation.

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