Roget's Thesaurus Part 38

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#343. Gulf. Lake -- N. land covered with water, gulf, gulph[obs3], bay, inlet, bight, estuary, arm of the sea, bayou [U.S.], fiord, armlet; frith[obs3], firth, ostiary , mouth; lagune[obs3], lagoon; indraught[obs3]; cove, creek; natural harbor; roads; strait; narrows; Euripus; sound, belt, gut, kyles[obs3]; continental slope, continental shelf.

lake, loch, lough[obs3], mere, tarn, plash, broad, pond, pool, lin[obs3], puddle, slab, well, artesian well; standing water, dead water, sheet of water; fish pond, mill pond; ditch, dike, d.y.k.e, dam; reservoir &c.

(store) 636; alberca[obs3], barachois[obs3], hog wallow [U.S.].

Adj. lacustrine[obs3].

#344. Plain. -- N. plain, table-land, face of the country; open country, champaign country[obs3]; basin, downs, waste, weary waste, desert, wild, steppe, pampas, savanna, prairie, heath, common, wold[obs3], veldt; moor, moorland; bush; plateau &c. (level) 213; campagna[obs3]; alkali flat, llano; mesa, mesilla [obs3][U.S.], playa; shaking prairie, trembling prairie; vega[Sp].

meadow, mead, haugh[obs3], pasturage, park, field, lawn, green, plat, plot, gra.s.splat[obs3], greensward, sward, turf, sod, heather; lea, ley, lay; grounds; maidan[obs3], agostadero[obs3].

Adj. champaign[obs3], alluvial; campestral[obs3], campestrial[obs3], campestrian[obs3], campestrine[obs3].

#345. Marsh. -- N. marsh, swamp, mora.s.s, marish[obs3], moss, fen, bog, quagmire, slough, sump, wash; mud, squash, slush; baygall [obs3][U.S.], cienaga[obs3], jhil[obs3], vlei[obs3].

Adj. marsh, marshy; swampy, boggy, plashy[obs3], poachy[obs3], quaggy[obs3], soft; muddy, sloppy, squashy; paludal[obs3]; moorish, moory; fenny.

#346. Island. -- N. island, isle, islet, eyot[obs3], ait[obs3], holf[obs3], reef, atoll, breaker; archipelago; islander.

Adj. insular, seagirt; archipelagic[obs3].

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#347. [Fluid in motion.] Stream. -- N. stream &c. (of water) 348, (of air) 349.


V. flow &c. 348; blow &c. 349.

#348. [Water in motion.] River. -- N. running water.

jet, spirt[obs3], spurt, squirt, spout, spray, splash, rush, gush, jet d'eau[Fr]; sluice.

water spout, water fall; cascade, force, foss[obs3]; lin[obs3], linn[obs3]; ghyll[obs3], Niagara; cataract, rapids, white water, catadupe , cataclysm; debacle, inundation, deluge; chute, washout.

rain, rainfall; serein[obs3]; shower, scud; downpour; driving rain, drenching rain, cloudburst; hyetology[obs3], hyetography[obs3]; predominance of Aquarius[obs3], reign of St. Swithin; mizzle[obs3], drizzle, stillicidum[obs3], plash; dropping &c. v.; falling weather; northeaster, hurricane, typhoon.

stream, course, flux, flow, profluence[obs3]; effluence &c. (egress) 295; defluxion[obs3]; flowing &c. v.; current, tide, race, coulee.

spring, artesian well, fount, fountain; rill, rivulet, gill, gullet, rillet[obs3]; streamlet, brooklet; branch [U.S.]; runnel, sike[obs3], burn, beck, creek, brook, bayou, stream, river; reach, tributary.

geyser, spout, waterspout.

body of water, torrent, rapids, flush, flood, swash; spring tide, high tide, full tide; bore, tidal bore, eagre[obs3], hygre[obs3]; fresh, freshet; indraught[obs3], reflux, undercurrent, eddy, vortex, gurge[obs3], whirlpool, Maelstrom, regurgitation, overflow; confluence, corrivation .

wave, billow, surge, swell, ripple; [obs3][Grk]; beach comber, riffle [U.S.], rollers, ground swell, surf, breakers, white horses, whitecaps; rough sea, heavy sea, high seas, cross sea, long sea, short sea, chopping sea.

[Science of fluids in motion] hydrodynamics; hydraulics, hydraulicostatics[obs3]; rain gauge, flowmeter; pegology[obs3].

irrigation &c. (water) 337; pump; watering pot, watering cart; hydrant, syringe; garden hose, lawn spray; bhisti[obs3], mussuk[obs3].

V. flow, run; meander; gush, pour, spout, roll, jet, well, issue; drop, drip, dribble, plash, spirtle[obs3], trill, trickle, distill, percolate; stream, overflow, inundate, deluge, flow over, splash, swash; guggle[obs3], murmur, babble, bubble, purl, gurgle, sputter, spurt, spray, regurgitate; ooze, flow out &c. (egress) 295.

rain hard, rain in torrents, rain cats and dogs, rain pitchforks; pour with rain, drizzle, spit, set in; mizzle[obs3].

flow into, fall into, open into, drain into; discharge itself, disembogue[obs3].

[Cause a flow] pour; pour out &c. (discharge) 297; shower down, irrigate, drench &c. (wet) 337; spill, splash.

[Stop a flow] stanch; dam, up &c. (close) 261; obstruct &c. 706.

Adj. fluent; diffluent[obs3], profluent[obs3], affluent; tidal; flowing &c. v.; meandering, meandry[obs3], meandrous[obs3]; fluvial, fluviatile; streamy[obs3], showery, rainy, pluvial, stillicidous ; stillat.i.tious[obs3].

Phr. "for men may come and men may go but I go on forever" [Tennyson]; "that old man river, he just keeps rolling along" [].

#349. [Air in motion] Wind. -- N.. wind, draught, flatus, afflatus, efflation[obs3], eluvium[obs3]; air; breath, breath of air; puff, whiff, zephyr; blow, breeze, drift; aura; stream, current, jet stream; undercurrent.

gust, blast, squall, gale, half a gale, storm, tempest, hurricane, whirlwind, tornado, samiel, cyclone, anticyclone, typhoon; simoon[obs3], simoom; harmattan[obs3], monsoon, trade wind, sirocco, mistral, bise[obs3], tramontane, levanter; capful of wind; fresh breeze, stiff breeze; keen blast; blizzard, barber [Can.], candelia[obs3], chinook, foehn, khamsin[obs3], norther, vendaval[obs3], wuther[obs3].

windiness &c. adj.; ventosity ; rough weather, dirty weather, ugly weather, stress of weather; dirty sky, mare's tail; thick squall, black squall, white squall.

anemography[obs3], aerodynamics; wind gauge, weatherc.o.c.k, vane, weather-vane, wind sock; anemometer, anemoscope[obs3].

sufflation[obs3], insufflation[obs3], perflation[obs3], inflation, afflation[obs3]; blowing, fanning &c. v.; ventilation.

sneezing &c.v.: errhine[obs3]; sternutative[obs3], sternutatory[obs3]; sternutation; hiccup, hiccough; catching of the breath.

Eolus, Boreas, Zephyr, cave of Eolus.

air pump, air blower, lungs, bellows, blowpipe, fan, ventilator, punkah[obs3]; branchiae[obs3], gills, flabellum[obs3], vertilabrum[obs3].

whiffle ball.

V. blow, waft; blow hard, blow great guns, blow a hurricane &c. n.; wuther[obs3]; stream, issue.

respire, breathe, puff; whiff, whiffle; gasp, wheeze; snuff, snuffle; sniff, sniffle; sneeze, cough.

fan, ventilate; inflate, perflate ; blow up.

Adj. blowing &c. v.; windy, flatulent; breezy, gusty, squally; stormy, tempestuous, bl.u.s.tering; boisterous &c. (violent) 173.

pulmonic[Med], pulmonary.

Phr. "lull'd by soft zephyrs" [Pope]; "the storm is up and all is on the hazard" [Julius Caesar]; "the winds were wither'd in the stagnant air"

[Byron]; "while mocking winds are piping loud" [Milton]; "winged with red lightning and tempestuous rage" [Paradise Lost].

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#350. [Channel for the pa.s.sage of water.] Conduit. -- N. conduit, channel, duct, watercourse, race; head race, tail race; abito[obs3], aboideau[obs3], aboiteau[Fr], bito[obs3]; acequia[obs3], acequiador[obs3], acequiamadre[obs3]; arroyo; adit[obs3], aqueduct, ca.n.a.l, trough, gutter, pantile; flume, ingate[obs3], runner; lock-weir, tedge[obs3]; vena[obs3]; dike, main, gully, moat, ditch, drain, sewer, culvert, cloaca, sough, kennel, siphon; piscina[obs3]; pipe &c. (tube) 260; funnel; tunnel &c.

(pa.s.sage) 627; water pipe, waste pipe; emunctory[obs3], gully hole, artery, aorta, pore, spout, scupper; adjutage[obs3], ajutage[obs3]; hose; gargoyle; gurgoyle[obs3]; penstock, weir; flood gate, water gate; sluice, lock, valve; rose; waterworks.


Adj. vascular &c. (with holes) 260.

#351. [Channel for the pa.s.sage of air.] Airpipe. -- N. air pipe, air tube; airhole[obs3], blowhole, breathinghole[obs3], venthole; shaft, flue, chimney, funnel, vent, nostril, nozzle, throat, weasand[obs3], trachea; bronchus, bronchia[Med]; larynx, tonsils, windpipe, spiracle; ventiduct[obs3], ventilator; louvre, jalousie, Venetian blinds; blowpipe &c. (wind) 349; pipe &c. (tube) 260; jhilmil[obs3]; smokestack.

screen, window screen.

artificial lung, iron lung, heart and lung machine.


#352. Semiliquidity. -- N. semiliquidity; stickiness &c. adj.; viscidity, viscosity; gummosity[obs3], glutinosity[obs3], mucosity[obs3]; sp.i.s.situde[obs3], cra.s.situde[obs3]; lentor[obs3]; adhesiveness &c.

(cohesion) 46.

insp.i.s.sation[obs3], incra.s.sation[obs3]; thickening.

jelly, mucilage, gelatin, gluten; carlock[obs3], fish glue; ichthyocol[obs3], ichthycolla[obs3]; isingla.s.s; mucus, phlegm, goo; pituite[obs3], lava; glair[obs3], starch, gluten,, milk, cream, protein !; treacle; gum, size, glue (tenacity) 327; wax, beeswax.

emulsion, soup; squash, mud, slush, slime, ooze; moisture &c. 339; marsh &c. 345.

V. insp.i.s.sate[obs3], incra.s.sate[obs3]; thicken, mash, squash, churn, beat up.


Adj. semifluid, semiliquid; tremellose[obs3]; half melted, half frozen; milky, muddy &c. n.; lacteal, lactean[obs3], lacteous[obs3], lactescent[obs3], lactiferous[obs3]; emulsive, curdled, thick, succulent, uliginous[obs3].

gelatinous, alb.u.minous, mucilaginous, glutinous; glutenous, gelatin, mastic, amylaceous[obs3], ropy, clammy, clotted; viscid, viscous; sticky, tacky, gooey; slab, slabby[obs3]; lentous , pituitous[obs3]; mucid[obs3], muculent[obs3], mucous; gummy.

#353. [Mixture of air and water.] Bubble. [Cloud.] -- N. bubble, foam, froth, head, spume, lather, suds, spray, surf, yeast, barm[obs3], spindrift.

cloud, vapor, fog, mist, haze, steam, geyser; scud, messenger, rack, nimbus; c.u.mulus, woolpack[obs3], cirrus, stratus; cirrostratus, c.u.mulostratus; cirroc.u.mulus; mackerel sky, mare's tale, dirty sky; curl cloud; frost smoke; thunderhead.

[Science of clouds] nephelognosy[obs3]; nephograph[obs3], nephology[obs3].

effervescence, fermentation; bubbling &c. v.

nebula; cloudliness &c. (opacity) 426[obs3]; nebulosity &c. (dimness) 422.

V. bubble, boil, foam, froth, mantle, sparkle, guggle[obs3], gurgle; effervesce, ferment, fizzle.

Adj. bubbling &c. v.; frothy, nappy[obs3], effervescent, sparkling, mousseux[French: frothy], up.

cloudy &c. n.; thunderheaded[obs3]; vaporous, nebulous, overcast.

Phr. "the lowring element scowls o'er the darkened landscip" [Paradise Lost].

#354. Pulpiness. -- N. pulpiness &c. adj.; pulp, taste, dough, curd, pap, rob, jam, pudding, poultice, grume[obs3].

mush, oatmeal, baby food.

Adj. pulpy &c. n.; pultaceous[obs3], grumous[obs3]; baccate[obs3].

#355. Unctuousness. -- N. unctuousness &c. adj.; unctuosity[obs3], lubricity; ointment &c. (oil) 356; anointment; lubrication &c. 332.

V. oil &c. (lubricate) 332.

Adj. unctuous, oily, oleaginous, adipose, sebaceous; unguinous[obs3]; fat, fatty, greasy; waxy, butyraceous, soapy, saponaceous[obs3], pinguid, lardaceous[obs3]; slippery.

#356. Oil. -- N. oil, fat, b.u.t.ter, cream, grease, tallow, suet, lard, dripping exunge , blubber; glycerin, stearin, elaine[Chem], oleagine[obs3]; soap; soft soap, wax, cerement; paraffin, spermaceti, adipocere[obs3]; petroleum, mineral, mineral rock, mineral crystal, mineral oil; vegetable oil, colza oil[obs3], olive oil, salad oil, linseed oil, cottonseed oil, soybean oil, nut oil; animal oil, neat's foot oil, train oil; ointment, unguent, liniment; aceite[obs3], amole[obs3], Barbados tar[obs3]; fusel oil, grain oil, rape oil, seneca oil; hydrate of amyl, ghee[obs3]; heating oil, "#2 oil", No. 2 oil, distillate, residual oils, kerosene, jet fuel, gasoline, naphtha; stearin.

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